SDGs「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」に貢献します。使用する試薬や溶媒の量を1万分の1以下に削減します。環境に優しい計測分離を目指します。
手の平サイズの分析装置を開発します。いつでもどこでも簡単に豊富なデータを得ることができます。AI、I o T、BigDataが牽引する未来社会に貢献します。
「相分離混相流」が注目されています。「Critical Review, S.C.Lam, et al., Analyst, 2019, 144, 3464-3482」に引用された全文献122報のうち1割以上の15報が「相分離混相流」関連の論文になっています。また、「相分離混相流」に関連する学術論文が、学生さんの好奇心と弛まぬ努力によって、80報を超えて公開されるに至りました。これを機に、「相分離混相流の発見と学術および技術的体系化の試み」と題して、関連する81報を、「総合論文」(分析化学、71、25−39、2022)にまとめました。
掲載が決まりました。Effects of Porous Structure of Separation Column on Chromatograms Obtained by Phase-Separation Mode in HPLC; Tetsuro Katayama, Takeshi Iharada, Yuki Obata, Hiroshi Sakamaki, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Chromatographia, in press
発表しました。23rd International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (ICFIA),Thailand,3-7 December 2024; “Application of a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent to a HPLC System Using a Core-Shell Silica-Particle Packed Column”, Aoi Kimura, Ryuto Hirose, Takeshi Iharada, and ◯Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi
発表しました。第60回フローインジェクション分析講演会,金沢工業大学扇が丘キャンパス,2024年11月13日 「相分離混相流を溶離液として利用するHPLCシステムの開発 −ポーラスODSカラムにおける細孔径の影響−」片山 哲朗・Mannon REA ・居原田 健志・○塚越 一彦
発表しました。日本分析化学会第73年会, 名古屋工業大学, 2024年9月11-13日:
「Development of an HPLC System Using a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow. Separation of Optical Isomers」 ○Jallas Noe・居原田 健志・塚越 一彦
「相分離混相流を溶離液として利用するHPLCシステムの開発 −各種分離カラムにおける分離特性の比較、検討−」 木村 葵・居原田 健志・○塚越 一彦
掲載されました。Development of a HPLC System Using a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent. An Influence of Column Pressure on Phase-Separation and Chromatogram at Room Temperature, Analytical Sciences, Keisuke Takagi, Takeshi Iharada, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Analytical Sciences, 40, 2081-2087 (2024).
掲載されました。Development of an HPLC System Using a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent -Effect of Pore Size in Column-Packed Particles on the Novel Separation mode-; Daiki Ishikawa, Yuki Obata, Hiroshi Sakamaki, Takeshi Iharada, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Bunseki Kagaku, 73, 505-514 (2024).
掲載されました。Development of an HPLC device with Water/Acetonitrile with NaCl Mixed Solution That Induces a Phase Separation Multiphase Flow as the Eluent in the Separation Column; Ryuto Hirose,· Takeshi Iharada,· Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Analytical Sciences, 40, 1779-1785 (2024).
受賞しました。Hot Article Award Analytical Sciences, September 15, 2023 presented to Satoru Kinoshita, Daiki Ishikawa, Yuki Kobayashi, Yuki Obata, Hiroshi Sakamaki, Takeshi Iharada, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, “Development of a HPLC System Using a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent Coupled to a Silica-Particle Packed Column”, Analytical Sciences, 2023, 39, 1483-14912.
掲載されました。 Development of a HPLC System Using a Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent Coupled to a Silica-Particle Packed Column; Satoru Kinoshita, Daiki Ishikawa, Yuki Kobayashi, Yuki Obata, Hiroshi Sakamaki, Takeshi Iharada, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Analytical Sciences. (2023)
掲載されました。Development of HPLC System That Uses Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow as an Eluent; Noé Jallas, Daiki Ishikawa, Tetsuro Katayama, Aoi Kimura, Satoru Kinoshita, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Analytical Sciences, 39, 883-892 (2023).
受賞しました。 Hot Article Award Analytical Sciences, April 15, 2023 presented to Kazushi Nishimura, Chihiro Matsushita, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaharu Murata, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, “Observation of the Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow Using a Polyethylene Glycol/Phosphate Mixed Solutions and the Aqueous Two-Phase Distribution of Red Blood Cells in the Flow System”
掲載されました。Observation of the Phase-Separation Multiphase Flow Using a Polyethylene Glycol/Phosphate Mixed Solutions and the Aqueous Two-Phase Distribution of Red Blood Cells in the Flow System; Kazushi Nishimura, Chihiro Matsushita, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaharu Murata, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Analytical Sciences, 39, 537-546 (2023)
受賞しました。 Hot Article Award Analytical Sciences, July 15, 2022 presented to Kosei Horikawa, Satoru Kinoshita, Katsumi Tsuchiya, and Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, “Novel separation mode of HPLC based on phase-separation multiphase flow”
発表しました。 The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, 16-21 December 2021 (Web).
HP-TRDC: Application of TRDC to HPLC system; Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Kazushi Nishimura, Satoru Kinoshita, Yasushige Mori.
発表しました。 The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, 16-21 December 2021 (Web).
Consecutive sample injection analysis in tube radial distribution chromatography using the water-rich ternary mixed solution as an eluent; Kazushi Nishimura, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Ken Hirota, Katsumi Tsuchiya.
掲載されました。Consecutive Sample Injection analysis in Tube Radial Distribution Chromatography; Yusaku Takahashi, Kazushi Nishimura, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Katsumi Tsuchiya, Ken Hirota, Kenichi Yamashita, and Masaharu Murata, Analytical Sciences, 37, 1373-1377 (2021).
FIA論文賞 (FIA Award for Original Papers)を受賞しました。 受賞対象論文:“Microfluidic Inverted Flow of Ternary Water/Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Organic Solvent Solution in a Y-Type Microchannel and a Proposal of the Response Microfluidic Analysis through the Experiment”, B. Yamawaki, R. Mori, K. Tsukagoshi, K. Tsuchiya, K. Yamashita, M. Murata,Analytical Sciences, 35, 249-256 (2019).
掲載されました。Separation of Dansyl-DL-Amino Acids Through Tube Radial Distribution Chromatography by Using a Commercially Available HPLC System with a Capillary Tube Manufactured for GC as a Separation Column; Nobuyuki Ssanada, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Katsumi Tsuchiya, Ken Hirota, Kenichi Yamashita Masaharu Murata, Chromatography, 42, 67-71 (2021).
掲載されました。Preparation of Anatase Titanium Dioxide NanoparticlePowders Submitting Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) under Dark Conditions; Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen, Perrine Lemaitre, Masaki Kato, Ken Hirota, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Hirohisa Yamada, Atsuki Terabe, Hideto Mizutani, Shingo Kanehira, Materials Sciences and Applications, 12, 89-110 (2021).
掲載されました。Control of Phase Configuration of an Annular Flow in a Capillary Tube through a Mixing Joint; R. Shiraishi, et al., Journal of Flow Injection Analysis, 37, 13-18 (2020).
掲載されました。Development of α-Amino Acid Detection with Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence by Using Water-Acetonitrile-Ethyl Acetate Mixed Solution; H. Kan, Ryo Mizutani, et al., American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 11, 2020, 15-24 (2020).
発表しました。 14th International Conference on Flow Analysis (Flow Analysis XIV); December 2-7, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand:
"Mixing process of ternary mixed solutions in a tapered-microchannel and application to sensing microfluidic flow analysis" 〇Ryuki Mori, Yuko Nakata, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Katsumi Tsuchiya, Masaki Kato, Ken Hirota, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaharu Murata.
"Phase separation multi-phase flow using an aqueous two-phase polyethylene glycol/trisodium citrate mixed solution system and its application to flow analysis" 〇Aya Yoshioka, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Katsumi Tsuchiya, Masaki Kato, Ken Hirota, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaharu Murata.
"Development of tube radial distribution chromatography based on phase separation multiphase flow created via pressure loss" 〇Susumu Wada, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi, Katsumi Tsuchiya, Masaki Kato, Ken Hirota, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaharu Murata.