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Welcome to the home page of Masayo Fujimoto Laboratory
At Fujimoto Laboratory, we study the relationship between individuals, organizations, and society through work


July 2024: "The relationship between automation technology and work in a declining population society - from a survey of AI use cases" was published in the July 2024 issue (No. 768) of the Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training's "Japan Labor Research Journal" in the "Special Feature: Labor and Social Security Issues in a Declining Population Society" section.
July 2024: The Society for the Sociology of Science's Annual Report on Science, Technology, and Society, Issue 32, "The Necessity and Dilemmas of Introducing AI to the Workplace: From the GPAI 2021 and 2022 Surveys." was opened
June 2024: Presented a research paper on "Human Selection by AI" at the mid-term conference of the Sociology of Profession of the International Sociological Association (ISA) held in Rome
June 2024: "GPAI Future of Work Survey Report 2023" has been uploaded
January 2024: Presentation with co-researcher Professor Nohara on gender bias in teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic at Le CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers) in Paris
March 6, 2024, We hosted a webinar on the "GPAI Future of Work Survey 2023"
November 2023 Seminar at LEST (French National Institute for Labor Economics and Labor Sociology) on research on workplaces working with AI
October 2023 "GPAI Future of Work Survey Report 2022" has been uploaded
June 2023 The article 'La crisis de Covid-19 y el teletrabajo en Japón: un análisis a través de la lente de la segregación de género en el mercado laboral' was published in the Canadian SociologieS was published.
May 2023 Seminar at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et de Japonaise, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) on the High-Tech Transformation of Traditional Japanese Industries
May 2023 Seminar at Sorbonne University on High-Tech Transformation of Japanese Traditional Industries
June 2023 "The Future of Work , GPAI Project(Japan Team) : Future of Work Survey Report、 Japan 2022" has been uploaded.
March 16, 2023 "GPAI Future of Work: Survey Report 2022 in Japan" was held to report on the survey in organizations working with AI.
January 17, 2023, we will hold the 6th "Symposium on Science, Technology and Society: Working with AI" via webinar. We look forward to your participation!
November 2022, Fujimoto Lab students presented research of AI at the GPAI Tokyo Summit
August 2022,the book I wrote an chapter was published.
 Fujimoto, Masayo, 2022, "Chapter 11: Why didn't small and medium companies owners fire their employees due to the coronavirus disaster?”,Tomohiro Seki (ed.), New coronavirus infection and small and medium-sized enterprises, Doyukan
25 March 2022: FY2021 Report on "The Future of GPAI Work: Reports and Proposals from the Japan Survey"
In 2022,We will continue to be involved in the research with the students of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Doshisha University.
Event Information: 9,March, 2022 10:00-12:00 Symposium on "The Future of GPAI Employment: Future of Work Survey Report 2021" (Zoom) "
The GPAI (Global Partnership on AI) is an international initiative (established in June 2020) dedicated to the responsible development and use of AI in a "human-centered" manner. One of the subcommittees discusses the "Future of Work. Doshisha University's Work Environment and Science/Technology Research Center is involved in the study as a joint research organization with faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students. We look forward to your participation!
Event information: 18,January, 2022, 10:45-12:15,"The 5th Symposium on science and technology and society - Working with the Corona Disaster: One Year After the First Emergency Declaration (2021 Survey Report)"
6, October, 2021,We have uploaded the report of the 2021 Kyoto city SME Corona Disaster Survey
25,April,2021, Summary of reports, conferences, seminars, papers, etc. on research on new coronaviruses
3, March, 2021 Our research was featured in the March issue of the newsletter of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences ( Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales) of French National Research Institute (in Japanese, French and English).

News Letter
16, Dec.,2020 Our research was featured in the newsletter of the Japan Research Institute of French National Research Institute(CNRS)
Jan.,19,2021 "The 4th Symposium on Science and Technology - Working in the Corona Permafrost: What Will Happen to Our Lives in 2020? "
13, Nov.,2020 I have presented the results of the COVID-19 survey as a panelist at the FFJ symposium, "Which cooperation between Japan and France in the new post-Covid-19 environment?" Inaugural meeting of the Cercle de la FFJ(the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences ( Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales , la Fondation France-Japon) of French National Research Institute )
Jul.,5,2020 NHK TV program, "New Coronavirus: Prevention of Infection, Economic Revitalization," Sunday Debate
Jun., 30,2020  "Urgent Investigation Report on the Impact of Coronavirus on Small and Medium Enterprises in Kyoto: Second Version Report" has been uploaded.
Jun., 2020 My book published in November 2019 ("European Education and Employment Systems and Young People's Career Development: A Guide to Transnational Talent Mobility and Internationalization", Hakuto Shobo) has been selected as a "JACUE Selection 2020" by the Japan Association for College Education!
May, 31, 2020 "Urgent Investigation Report on the Impact of Coronavirus on Small and Medium Enterprises in Kyoto: First Version Report" has been uploaded.
May,27,2020 "Urgent Survey on Organizational Response to Novel Coronavirus Infections : Third Report," IIR Working Paper, Center for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
May,11,2020, "Urgent Survey on Organizational Response to Novel Coronavirus Infections : Second Report," IIR Working Paper, Center for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
May.1.2020 "Urgent Survey on Organizational Response to Novel Coronavirus Infections : First Report," IIR Working Paper, Center for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University

 Update Date and Time

14,July, 2024 Updated.

Masayo Fujimoto Laboratory

159-1 Konoedono Omote-cho, Shinmachi-dori Imadegawa-agaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Toshisha University, Room 314, Keisukan