同志社大学 スポーツ健康科学部上林研究室 (運動制御研究室)Kamibayashi Lab. (Motor Control Lab.)
Faculty of Health and Sports Science
Doshisha University



  • Corticospinal excitability is not facilitated by observation of asymmetric walking on a split-belt treadmill in humans. Kitamura M, Ishikura T. Kamibayashi K. Neuroreport. 2024, 19-1097
  • Changes in corticospinal excitability during motor imagery by physical practice of a force production task: Effect of the rate of force development during practice. Kitamura M, Kamibayashi K. Neuropsychologia. 2024, 108937
  • Relationship between individual hip extensor muscle size and sprint running performance: sprint phase dependence. Takahashi K, Kamibayashi K, Wakahara T. Sports Biomechanics. 2024, 1-13
  • Corticospinal excitability during observation of basketball free-throw movement: Effects of video playback speed and stimulus timing. Kitamura M, Yamamoto K, Oshima A, Kamibayashi K. Plos one. 2023, 18 (9), e0292060
  • Alterations in step frequency and muscle activities using body weight support influence the ventilatory response to sinusoidal walking in humans. Fujita M, Kamibayashi K, Horiuchi M, Ebine N, Fukuoka Y. Scientific Reports. 2023, 13 (1), 15534
  • Modulation of muscle synergies in lower-limb muscles associated with split-belt locomotor adaptation. Oshima A, Nakamura Y, Kamibayashi K. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2022, 434
  • Gluteus and posterior thigh muscle sizes in sprinters: their distributions along muscle length: Muscle size distribution in sprinters. Takahashi K, Kamibayashi K, Wakahara T. European Journal of Sport Science. 2022, 22(6), 799-807
  • Influence of step frequency on the dynamic characteristics of ventilation and gas exchange during sinusoidal walking in humans. Fujita M, Kamibayashi K, Aoki T, Horiuchi M, Fukuoka Y. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022, 13, 820666
  • Time-series changes in intramuscular coherence associated with split-belt treadmill adaptation in humans. Oshima A, Wakahara T, Nakamura Y, Tsujiuchi N, Kamibayashi K. Experimental Brain Research. 2021, 239, 2127-2139
  • Muscle size of individual hip extensors in sprint runners: Its relation to spatiotemporal variables and sprint velocity during maximal velocity sprinting. Takahashi K, Kamibayashi K, Wakahara T. Plos one. 2021, 16(4), e0249670
  • Role of active plantar-flexion and/or passive dorsi-flexion of ankle joints as the countermeasure for unloading-related effects in human soleus. Okabe H, Ohira T, Kawano F, Ohira L, Ohira T, Kamibayashi K, Goto K, Naito H, Ohira Y. Acta Astronautica. 2020, 175, 174-178
  • レイアップショットにおける踏切脚による跳躍高の差 ‐下肢 3 関節のキネティクス・キネマティクスからの検討‐.福田峻也, 植田篤史, 中村康雄, 上林清孝, 若原卓. バイオメカニクス研究. 2019, 23(4), 160-168
  • Chapter 3 Prevention of sarcopenia. Kuzuya M, Sugimoto K, Suzuki T, Watanabe Y, Kamibayashi K, Kurihara T, Fujimoto M, Arai H. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2018, 18, 23-27
  • Short-term plasticity in a monosynaptic reflex pathway to forearm muscles after continuous robot-assisted passive stepping. Nakajima T, Kamibayashi K, Kitamura T, Komiyama T, Zehr EP, Nakazawa K. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2016, 10, 368
  • Development of a Portable Gait Rehabilitation System for Home-Visit Rehabilitation. Yano H, Tanaka N, Kamibayashi K, Saitou H, Iwata H. Scientific World Journal. 2015, ID 849831, 12 pages
  • Velocity-dependent suppression of the soleus H-reflex during robot-assisted passive stepping. Masugi Y, Kitamura T, Kamibayashi K, Ogawa T, Ogata T, Kawashima N, Nakazawa K. Neuroscience Letters. 2015, 584, 337-341
  • Anti-gravitational growth-associated changes in the mobilization of leg muscles during walking in one girl. Ohira L, Ohira T, Kitada K, Ohira T, Kawano F, Wakahara T, Kamibayashi K, Nakamura Y, Ohira Y. Japanese Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. 2014, 52(2), 19-24
  • Pilot study of locomotion improvement using hybrid assistive limb in chronic stroke patients. Kawamoto H, Kamibayashi K, Nakata Y, Yamawaki K, Ariyasu R, Sankai Y, Sakane M, Eguchi K, Ochiai N. BMC Neurology. 2013, 13, 141, 8 pages
  • Feasibility of rehabilitation training with a newly developed wearable robot for patients with limited mobility. Kubota S, Nakata Y, Eguchi K, Kawamoto H, Kamibayashi K, Sakane M, Sankai Y, Ochiai N. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2013, 94(6), 1080-1087
  • 外骨格による把持力支援時に母指感覚が及ぼす指先力精度への影響. 長谷川泰久, 有山哲理, 上林清孝, 武藤淳一. 日本ロボット学会誌. 2013, 31(4), 381-389
  • Aftereffects of robotic-assisted treadmill walking on the locomotor pattern in humans. Kamibayashi K, Kawamoto H, Sankai Y. Conf Proc IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2012, 3560-3563
  • Changes in input-output relations in the corticospinal pathway to the lower limb muscles during robot-assisted passive stepping. Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Takahashi M, Nakazawa K. Conf Proc IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011, 4140-4144
  • Robotic-assisted stepping modulates monosynaptic reflexes in forearm muscles in the human. Nakajima T, Kitamura T, Kamibayashi K, Komiyama T, Zehr EP, Hundza SR, Nakazawa K. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2011, 106(4), 1679-1687
  • Effect of spinal cord injury and its lesion level on stretch reflex modulation by cold stimulation in humans. Ogata H, Sayenko DG, Yamamoto E, Kitamura T, Yamamoto S-I, Miyoshi T, Kamibayashi K, Nakazawa K. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2011, 122 (1), 163-170
  • Effect of sensory inputs on the soleus H-reflex amplitude during robotic passive stepping in humans. Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Fujita M, Takahashi M, Ogawa T, Akai M, Nakazawa K. Experimental Brain Research. 2010, 202 (2), 385-395
  • Invariable H-reflex and sustained facilitation of stretch reflex with heightened sympathetic outflow. Kamibayashi K, Nakazawa K, Ogata H, Obata H, Akai M, Shinohara M. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2009, 19 (6), 1053-1060
  • Facilitation of corticospinal excitability in the tibialis anterior muscle during robot-assisted passive stepping in humans. Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Takahashi M, Akai M, Nakazawa K. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2009, 30 (1), 100-109
  • Changes in corticospinal excitability during observation of walking in humans. Takahashi M, Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Akai M, Nakazawa K. Neuroreport. 2008, 19(7), 727-731
  • Load-related modulation of cutaneous reflexes in the tibialis anterior muscle during passive walking. Nakajima T, Kamibayashi K, Takahashi M, Komiyama T, Akai M, Nakazawa K. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2008, 27(6), 1566-1576
  • Phase-dependent modulation of cutaneous reflexes in tibialis anterior muscle during passive stepping. Nakajima T, Kamibayashi K, Takahashi M, Komiyama T, Nakazawa K. Neurological Research. 2008, 30(1), 46-51
  • Facilitation of the soleus stretch reflex induced by electrical excitation of plantar cutaneous afferents located around the heel. Sayenko DG, Vette AH, Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Akai M, Nakazawa K. Neuroscience Letters. 2007, 415(3), 294-298
  • Modulation of pre-programmed muscle activation and stretch reflex to changes of contact surface and visual input during movement to absorb impact. Kamibayashi K, Muro M. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2006, 16(5), 432-439
  • 高齢者に対する皮膚冷刺激を用いた軽負荷筋力トレーニングの効果. 与那正栄, 上林清孝, 関博之, 内山 靖, 室増男. 総合リハビリテーション. 2005, 33(4), 361-366
  • ヒトの身体動作での下腿筋の脊髄反射調節における視覚入力の影響. 上林清孝. 東邦医学会雑誌. 2004, 51(5), 281-290
  • 衝撃緩衝動作時の足関節筋群の反射活動に及ぼす視覚入力の影響. 上林清孝, 只野千茅, 与那正栄, 関博之, 室増男. 体力科学. 2002, 51(5), 447-456


  • NASA Johnson Space Center における宇宙飛行士のトレーニング機器. 大平充宣, 上林清孝, 辻内伸好. 同志社スポーツ健康科学. 2017, 9, 49-50
  • Locomotor training using a wearable robot in patients with neurological disorders. Kamibayashi K. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2014, 3(2), 249-253
  • Somatosensory control of spinal reflex circuitry during robotic-assisted stepping. Nakajima T, Kamibayashi K, Nakazawa K. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2012, 1(4), 665-670
  • 段階的な臨床試験プロセスによる人支援型ロボット開発の提案. 長谷部浩二, 河本浩明, 上林清孝, 松下明, 山海嘉之. 日本ロボット学会誌. 2011, 29(3), 236-240
  • 歩行時の体性感覚の影響 (Ⅰ)皮質脊髄路興奮性に与える影響. 上林清孝. 国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター研究紀要. 2009, 30, 15-21
  • 直立二足歩行中の皮質脊髄路興奮. 中澤公孝, 上林清孝, 中島剛. 臨床脳波. 2008, 50(3), 125-132
  • 脊髄損傷のニューロリハビリテーション. 上林清孝, 中澤公孝. バイオメカニクス研究. 2008, 12(3), 215-223
  • 受動歩行中の皮質脊髄路興奮性.中澤公孝, 上林清孝, 中島剛. 神経内科. 2017, 67(54), 432-437
  • 歩行能力向上. 赤居正美, 中澤公孝, 上林清孝. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, 2007, 16(12), 1135-1139
  • 脊髄損傷患者に対するニューロリハビリテーションの実際, 中澤公孝, 上林清孝, 清水健, 理学療法, 2007, 24(12), 1578-1584

  • 「Reduced gravity by lower body positive pressure」 Petersen LG, Kamibayashi K, Ohira Y, Hargens AR. 『Handbook of Bioastronautics』 Spinger, Eds. Young LR, Sutton JP. 2020,8 pages
  • 「運動のための情報伝達の仕組み」 上林清孝. 『図解スポーツ健康科学入門』 金芳堂,北條達也編.2020,31-42
  • 「神経科学の基礎知識」 上林清孝. 『もっとなっとく使えるスポーツサイエンス』 講談社, 征矢英昭・本山貢・石井好二郎編. 2017, 174-177
  • 「Motor control and learning」 Kamibayashi K. 『Cybernics: Fusion of human, machine and information systems』Springer, Eds. Sankai Y, Suzuki K, Hasegawa Y. 2014, 65-88
  • 「A Safety and Ethical Issues in the Development of Human Assistive Robots」 Hasebe K, Kawamoto H, Kamibayashi K, Matsuhita. 『Cybernics: Fusion of human, machine and information systems』 Springer, Eds. Sankai Y, Suzuki K, Hasegawa Y. 2014, 299-313
  • 「Contribution of somatosensory input to modulation of corticospinal and spinal reflex excitability during human walking」 Nakazawa K, Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T. 『Advances in neuromuscular physiology of motor skills and muscle fatigue』 Research Signpost, Ed. Shinohara M. 2009, 215-231