1. 潤滑機能を有する再生軟骨,森田有亮,富田直秀,池内健,医療材料・医療機器の安全性と生体適合性,シーエムシー出版,2003年11月刊,pp207-211
1. 1. エレクトロスピニング法によるPLAナノ・マイクロファイバー積層不織布の創製 ,田中 和人, 山室奈々未, 片山 傳生, 森田 有亮, 武田佳彦,材料,70(11), 846-852
2. Delayed notochordal cell disappearance through integrin α5β1 mechanotransduction during ex-vivo dynamic loading-induced intervertebral disc degeneration, Y. Kanda, T. Yurube, Y. Morita, et al., Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 39(9), 1933-1944
1. Development of a three-dimensional cell culture system for the enhancement of nerve axonal extension by cyclic stretch stimulation, M. IMURA, S. YAMADA, K. YAMAMOTO, Y. MORITA, E. NAKAMACHI, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
2. Development of a three-dimensional direct current electric field stimulation bioreactor to enhance the axonal outgrowth and control the axonal orientation, E. NAKAMACHI, S. TANAKA, K. YAMAMOTO, Y. MORITA, M. OKITA, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 15(2), 19-00480
1. 生体・医療材料の最前線 4.組織再生医療用材料の最前線,大家 渓, 宮田 昌悟, 森田 有亮,材料 68(11) 865-870
2. Development of a novel simulation code to predict three-dimensional neurogenesis by using multilayered cellular automaton, E. Nakamachi, A. Nakayama, T. Yamamoto, Y. Morita, Int. J. Comp. Meth. and Exp. Meas. 7(3), 201-211
3. Photocleavable Peptide−Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) Hybrid Graft Copolymer via Postpolymerization Modification by Click Chemistry To Modulate the Cell Affinities of 2D and 3D Materials, S. Nishimura, N. Hokazono, Y. Taki, H. Motoda, Y. Morita, K. Yamamoto, N. Higashi, T. Koga, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 24577-24587
4. 再生軟骨の組織構造と力学特性の評価,山本浩司, 森田有亮,材料,68(5),401-406
5. Enhancement of nerve axonal extension by an AC magnetic field stimulation bio-reactor using three-dimensional culture, E. NAKAMACHI, R. SAKIYAMA, S. TANAKA, K. YAMAMOTO, Y. MORITA, H. SAKAMOTO, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 14(2)
1. インプラントのための局所的細胞凝集を促す光切断性RGDSペプチドを用いた表面改質手法の開発,瀧由貴子, 西村慎之介, 山本浩司, 古賀智之, 森田有亮,臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,39,321-325
2. ディンプル形状表面付与PETファイバーの創製,田中 和人, 冨澤 舞, 片山 傳生, 森田 有亮,材料,67(3),361-366
3. Photocleavable and polymerizable peptide for micropatterning of bioactive segments in polymer soft materials, S. Nishimura, A. Hirata, Y. Taki, Y. Morita, N. Higashi, T. Koga, Chemistry Letters, 47(4), 555-558
1. Multiphoton microscope measurement–based biphasic multiscale analyses of knee joint articular cartilage and chondrocyte by using visco‐anisotropic hyperelastic finite element method and smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, E. Nakamachi, T. Noma, K. Nakahara, Y. Tomita, Y. Morita, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 33(11) DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2864
1. Use of cryopreserved osteogenic matrix cell sheets for bone reconstruction, T. Kura, M. Akahane, T. Shimizu, Y. Uchihara, Y. Tohma, Y. Morita, M. Koizumi, K. Kawate, Y. Tanaka, Stem Cell Discovery, 6(1), 13-23
Effect of epigallocatechin-3-o-gallate and quercetin on the cryopreservation of cartilage tissue, N. Kasai, H. Mera, S. Wakitani, Y. Morita, N. Tomita, M. Takagi, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, DOI:10.1080/09168451.2016.1232156
1. Utility of tricalcium phosphate and osteogenic matrix cell sheet constructs for bone defect reconstruction, T. Ueha, M. Akahane, T. Shimizu, Y. Uchihara, Y. Morita, N. Nitta, A. Kido, Y. Inagaki, K. Kawate, Y. Tanaka, World Journal of Stem Cells, 7(5), 873-882, DOI: 10.4252/wjsc.v7.i5.873
2. The regeneration and augmentation of bone with injectable osteogenic cell sheet in a rat critical fracture healing model, T. Shimizu, M. Akahane, Y. Morita, S. Omokawaa, K. Nakano, T. Kira, T. Onishi, Y. Inagaki, A. Okuda, K. Kawate, Y. Tanaka, Injury, 46, 1457-1464
3. Use of cryopreserved osteogenic matrix cell sheets for bone
reconstruction, T. Kura, M. Akahane, T. Shimizu, Y. Uchihara, Y.
Tohma, Y. Morita, M. Koizumi, K. Kawate, Y. Tanaka, Stem Cell
Discovery, 6, 13-23
1. Functional impact of integrin a5b1 on the homeostasis of intervertebral discs: a study of mechanotransduction pathways using a novel dynamic loading organ culture system, T. Kurakawa, K. Kakutani, Y. Morita,Y. Kato, T. Yurube, H. Hirata, S. Miyazaki, Y. Terashima, Koichiro Maeno, T. Takada, M. Doita, M. Kurosaka, N. Inoue, K. Masuda, K. Nishida, The Spine Journal, 15, 417-426
1. Osteogenic Matrix Cell Sheet Transplantation Enhances Early Tendon Graft to Bone Tunnel Healing in Rabbits, Y. Inagaki, K. Uematsu, M. Akahane, Y. Morita, M. Ogawa, T. Ueha, T. Shimizu, T. Kura, K. Kawate, and Y. Tanaka, BioMed Research International Volume 2013, Article ID 842192
1. Development of Automatic 3D Blood Vessel Search and Automatic Blood Sampling System by Using Hybrid Stereo-Autofocus Method, Nakamachi, E., Mizuno, Y. and Morita Y., Int. J. of Optics, Vol. 2012, Article ID 258626, 11pages,doi: 0.1155/2012/258626
2. 二電極電気インピーダンス法による軟骨細胞 アガロース複合体の評価,森田 有亮, 後藤 貴士, 高井 綾子, 仲町 英治,生体医工学,51(1),61-66
3. A feasibility study for evaluation of mechanical properties of articular cartilage with a two electrode electrical impedance method, Y Morita, H. Kondo, N. Tomita, S. Suzuki, J Orthop Sci., 17(3), 272-280
4. 注入型骨移植を用いた偽関節治療における生体力学的考察,清水隆昌, 川手健次, 赤羽学, 森田有亮, 面川庄平, 田中康仁,整形・災害外科,55(11),1289-1292
1. Development of a Micropump for Bio-MEMS Using a New Biocompatible Piezoelectric Material MgSiO3, Nakamachi, E., Hwang, H., Okamoto, N. and Morita, Y., J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 10(3), pp. 033013-1-7,,DOI: 10.1117/1.3624515
1. マイクロ針を用いた血糖値計測用シリンジ復動型自動採血デバイスの開発,仲町英治,川中嘉一朗,上辻靖智,槌谷和義,森田有亮,日本機械学会論文集(C編),76(762),290-296
3. Cell sheet transplantation of cultured mesenchymal stem cells
enhances bone formation in a rat nonunion model, Akifumi Nakamura,
Manabu Akahane, Hideki Shigematsu, Mika Tadokoro, Yusuke Morita,
Hajime Ohgushi , Yoshiko Dohi, Tomoaki Imamura, Yasuhito Tanaka,
Bone, 46, 418-424
4. A feasibility study for in vitro evaluation of fixation between prosthesis and bone with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Y. Morita, K. Yamasaki, K. Hattori, Clinical Biomechanics, 25, 829-834.
1. Frictional properties of regenerated cartilage in vitro, Yusuke MORITA, Naohide TOMITA, Hideyuki AOKI, Masato Sonobe, Shigeyuki WAKITANI, Yasushi TAMADA, Toru SUGURO and Ken IKEUCHI, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 39, 103-109
1. Influence of proteoglycan contents and of tissue hydration on the
frictional characteristics of articular cartilage, MH Haka, Y Morita
and K Ikeuchi, Proc. IMechE. Vol.219 Part H: J. Engineering in
Medicine, 175-182
2. Development of Radio Frequency Pick-up Archimedean Spiral Coil
for Magnetic Resonace Image, T Sahara,S Hashimoto,H Tsutsui,Y
Morita,K Yamasaki,H Kondo,T Furukawa,W Ikeda,M Motozuka,K Okuyama,Y
Inoue, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on
Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications
Vol.1, 103-106
3. Measurement of Michatronic Property of Biological Gel with
Micro-Vibrating Electrode, T Furukawa, S Hashimoto, Y Morita, K
Imoto, T Sahara, K Yamasaki, H Kondo, W Ikeda, M Yoshiura, H Otani,
H Imamura, T Iwasaka, Proceedings of The 2nd International
Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and
Applications Vol.1, 276-280
4. Effect of Alternating Magnetic Fied at Extremely Low Frequency on
Cells: Secretion of Insulin by Beta Cells, W Ikeda, S Hashimoto, Y
Morioka, Y Morita, K Imoto, M Yoshiura, T Sahara, K Yamasaki, H
Kondo, T Furukawa, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference
on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and
Applications Vol.1, 281-285
5. Evaluation of Property of Articular Cartilage with Electric
Impedance, H Kondo, S Hashimoto, Y Morita, K Yamasaki, T Sahara, R
Sewake, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on
Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications
Vol.1, 286-289
6. Effect of Surface Morphology of Ceramic Implant on Adhesion to
Bone Plate with Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell, K
Yamasaki, Y Morita, S Hashimoto, H Kondo, R Sewake, K Hattori, Y
Takakura, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on
Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications
Vol.2, 121-125
電気インピーダンス法を用いた再生軟骨の評価,近藤英雄,山崎健一,橋本成広,森田有亮,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 vol.26,13-17
8. 骨髄間葉系幹細胞を用いた人工関節固定性のin vitro評価,山崎健一,服部耕治,近藤英雄,橋本成広,高倉義典,森田有亮,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 vol.26,339-343
1. Can ultrasound predict histological findings in regenerated
cartilage?, Hattori K, Takakura Y, Morita Y, Takenaka M, Uematsu K,
Ikeuchi K., Rheumatology (Oxford) Mar, 43(3), 302-305
2. Wear properties of alumina/zirconia composite ceramics for joint
prostheses measured with an end-face apparatus, Yusuke Morita,
Kenichi Nakata, Yoon-Ho Kim, Tohru Sekino, Koichi Niihara and Ken
Ikeuchi, Bio-medical materials and engineering, 14( 3), 263-270
3. Embryonic stem cells form articular cartilage, not teratomas, in
osteochondral defects of rat joints, Shigeyuki Wakitani, Hideyuki
Aoki, Yasuji Harada, Masato Sonobe, Yusuke Morita, Ying Mu, Naohide
Tomita, Yukio Nakamura, Satoshi Takeda, Takeshi K. Watanabe, and
Akira Tanigami, Cell Transplantation, vol. 13, 331-336
4. Quantitative ultrasonic assessment for detecting microscopic
cartilage damage in osteoarthritis, Koji Hattori, Ken Ikeuchi,
Yusuke Morita, Yoshinori Takakura, Arthritis Research & Therapy,
Vol. 7, No. 1, R38-R46
5. Measurement system for body temperature during transition period
of hibernating animal, Shigehiro Hashimoto, Akira Nagao, Yusuke
Morita, Tomohiro Sahara, Yuta Morioka, Proceedings of the 8th world
multi-conference on systemics, 156-159
6. Effect of magnetic field on cells, Yuta Morioka, Shigehiro
Hashimoto, Chiaki Miyamoto, Yusuke Morita, Takayuki Sekiyama,
Tomohiro Sahara, Kenichi Yamasaki, Hideo Kondo, Teruyuki Yamanari,
Yoshiaki Hirano, Proceedings of the 8th world multi-conference on
systemics, 177-182
7. Measurement system for mechatronic property of biological
electrolyte solution with micro-vibrating electrode, Takayuki
Sekiyama, Shigehiro Hashimoto, Yusuke Morita, Tomohiro Sahara, Yuta
Morioka, Teruyuki Yamanari, Kehichi Yamasaki, Hideo Kondo, Aki
Nakajima, Proceedings of the 8th world multi-conference on
systemics, 199-203
8. Effect of aging on deformability of erythrocytes in shear flow,
Teruyuki Yamanari, Shigehiro Hashimoto, Masayoshi Omori, Hiroyuki
Hozo, Yusuke Morita, Tomohiro Sahara, Takayuki Sekiyama, Yuta
Morioka, Kenichi Yamasaki, Hedeo Kondo, Naoki Ogawa, Proceedings of
the 8th world multi-conference on systemics, 215-219
9. Quantitative evaluation of adhesion between ceramic implant and
bone plate with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell, Kenichi
Yamasaki, Yusuke Morita, Shigehiro Hashimoto, Atsushi Ikeuchi, Hideo
Kondo, Koji Hattori, Koji Tanaka, Yoshinori Takakura, Proceedings of
the 8th world multi-conference on systemics, 220-223
超音波反射波解析による軟骨変性の定量評価 靭帯切除・半月板摘出OAモデルを用いた実験的検証,大橋徹夫,服部耕治,竹中慎,森田有亮,森浩二,幅田孝,高倉義典,池内健,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,vol.25,85-90
12. 半関節形成術用人工関節軟骨Poly (vinyl alchol) hydrogelのトライボロジ特性評価(第2報),熊谷一星,玄丞烋,速水尚,松村和明,森田有亮,池内健,坂口一彦,堤定美,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,vol.25,109-115
1. Wear properties of zirconia/alumina combination for joint
prostheses, Yusuke MORITA,Kenichi NAKATA,Ken IKEUCHI, Wear, vol
254/1-2, 147-153
2. Culture of chondorocytes in fibroin-hydrogel sponge, Hideyuki
SONOBE,Shigeyuki WAKITANI,Yasushi TAMADA, Bio-medical materials and
engineering, 13(4), 309-316
3. Evaluation of dynamic visco-elastic properties during cartilage
regenerating process in vitro, Yusuke MORITA, Naohide TOMITA,
Hideyuki AOKI, Shigeyuki WAKITANI, Yasushi TAMADA, Toru SUGURO and
Ken IKEUCHI, Bio-medical materials and engineering, 13(4), 345-353
4. Wear of alumina/zirconia nano-composite for ceramic/ceramic joint
prostheses, Ikeuchi, K., Morita, Y., Nakata, K., Kim, Y, H., Sekino,
T., Niihara, K, Tribological Research and Design for Engineering
Systems, 257-261
5. Wear of alumina/zirconia nano-composite for ceramic/ceramic joint
prostheses, K. Ikeuchi, Y. Morita, K. Nakata, Y.H. Kim, T. Sekino,
and K. Niihara, Tribological research and design for engineering
systems (Proceeding 29 Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 2002),
6. Biological lubrication of hydrated surface layer in small
intestine, H. Yoshida, Y. Morita and K. Ikeuchi, Tribological
research and design for engineering systems (Proceeding 29
Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 2002), pp.425-428
7. Wear Mechanism between Alumina and Zirconia Ceramics for
Ceramic/Ceramic Total Hip Prostheses, K. Ikeuchi, Y. Morita, K.
Nakata, Y.H. Kim, T. Sekino, and K. Niihara, Proceeding of the 4th
ISEPD, 5-8
8. Simulation of cell group formation regulated by coordination
number, cell cycle and duplication frequency, S. Hashimoto, Y.
Morita, T. Kuromitsu, M. Toda, M. Mizobuchi, T. Sahara, Y. Wu and S.
Negishi, Proceedings of The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics,
cybernetics and Information, 26-31
9. Effect of magnetic field at low frequency on cells arrangement,
C. Miyamoto, S. Hashimoto, Y. Morita , H. Tsuji, A. Yamanaka, T.
Sekiyama, T. Sahara, K. Yamasaki, T. Yamanari, Y. Morioka and Y. Wu,
Proceedings of The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics,
cybernetics and Information, 62-66
10. Effects of watercontents of poly (vinyl alchol) hydrogel as
artificial articular cartilage on damage degree of natural articular
cartilage, I. Kumatani, S. H. Hyon, T. Hayami, K. Matsumura, Y.
Morita, K. Ikeuchi, K. Sakaguchi and S. Tsutsumi, Proceedings of the
4th International Biotribology Forum and the 24th Biotribology
Symposium, 14-17
11. Frictional properties of regenerated cartilage in vitro, Yusuke
MORITA, Naohide TOMITA, Hideyuki AOKI, Masato SONOBE, Shigeyuki
WAKITANI, Yasushi TAMADA, Toru SUGURO and Ken IKEUCHI, Proceedings
of the 4th International Biotribology Forum and the 24th
Biotribology Symposium, 22-24
12. Wear test simulating concentrated contact during relocation
after microseparation in all-ceramic hip joint, Hana Mackova, Yusuke
Morita, Yoon-Ho Kim, Tohru Sekino, Koichi Niihara and Ken Ikeuchi,
Proceedings of the 4th International Biotribology Forum and the 24th
Biotribology Symposium, 46-48
13. Aqueous lubrication with hydrated macromolecules attaching to
tissue surface, Ken Ikeuchi, H. Yoshida, Y. Morita and M. H. Naka,
Proceedings of the 4th International Biotribology Forum and the 24th
Biotribology Symposium, 72-73
14. Study of the influence of the superficial conditions of
articular cartilage during lubrication, Marco Hiroshi Naka, Yusuke
Morita and Ken Ikeuchi, Proceedings of the 4th International
Biotribology Forum and the 24th Biotribology Symposium, 74-76
小腸内皮の摩擦特性 ―吸着した親水性高分子による水潤滑―,吉田秀幸,森田有亮,池内健,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,vol.24,83-86
19. 半関節形成術用人工関節軟骨Poly (vinyl alcohol)
20. 硫酸化フィブロインスポンジを用いた軟骨再生の試み,,園部正人,富田直秀,青木秀之,玉田靖,森田有亮,池内健,原田恭治,服部耕治,脇谷滋之,勝呂徹,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌,vol.24,45-52
1. Visco-elastic properties of cartilage tissue regenerated with
fibroin sponge, Yusuke MORITA,Naohide TOMITA,Hideyuki AOKI,Shigeyuki
WAKITANI,Yasushi TAMADA,Toru SUGURO and Ken IKEUCHI, Bio-medical
materials and engineering, 12, 291-298
2. Measurement of the mechanical properties of the regenerated
articular cartilage using wavelet transfo rmation, Koji Mori, Koji
Hattori, Takashi Habata,Shigeo Yamaoka,Hideyuki Aoki,Yusuke
Morita,Yoshinori Takakura,Naohide Tomita and Ken Ikeuchi, Tissue
Engineering for Therapeutic Use 6, Yoshio Ikada ed., elsevier,
3. Application of quartz crystal oscillator to atmospheric molecule
sensor, S. Hashimoto, T. Senou, K. Yamada, T. Sahara, T. Sekiyama,
H. Oku, and Y. Morita, IFMBE Proceedings, 304-305
4. Effect of magnetic field at low frequency on cells, C. Miyamoto,
S. Hashimoto, H. Tsuji, A. Yamanaka, Y. Hirano, N. Ogawa, T. Sahara,
H. Otani, H. Inamura, and Y. Morita, IFMBE Proceedings, 1402-1403
5. 軟骨培養過程における粘弾性特性の測定,森田有亮,富田直秀,青木秀之,脇谷滋之,玉田靖,池内健,移植,vol. 37,
11. 高靭性材料を用いるceramic on ceramic THAの可能性について,森田有亮,中田健一,吉田秀幸,池内健,新原皓一,関野徹,金允護,日本人工関節学会,,32巻,115-116
1. Effect of tribochemical reaction on wear of silicon carbide for
joint prostheses, K. Ikeuchi, Y. Morita,H. Yoshida, J. Kusaka,
Journal of ceramic processing research, vol.2, No.1, 35-37
2. Effect of sliding direction on wear properties of ceramics for
joint prostheses, Y. MORITA,H. YOSHIDA,K. IKEUCHI,M. UENO, Tribology
in Biomechanical Systems: science and applications, F. Franek/A.
Pauschitz/K. Judmann, eds., expert verlag, pp.128-135
3. Effect of dissolved oxygen on wear of silicon carbide for joint
prostheses, K. IKEUCHI,J. KUSAKA, Y. MORITA, Tribology in
Biomechanical Systems: science and applications, F. Franek/A.
Pauschitz/K. Judmann, eds., expert verlag, pp.136-142
4. ポリフェノールによる関節軟骨保存の研究,武田聡,坂口一彦,岡正典,玄丞烋,速水尚,森田有亮,戸口田淳也,牛尾一康,日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会,,vol.22,11-15
1. Effects of Shear Stress Component and Loading Path on Fatigue
Strength under Tension/Torsion Biaxial Cyclic Loading, Y. MORITAand
2. 引張り/ねじり組合せ荷重下における平織りGFRPの疲労に関する研究―疲労特性に及ぼすせん断応力(荷重条件)の影響,藤井 透,林
ファン,森田 有亮,日本機械学会論文集 A編,第60巻,第571号,650-657
3. Fatigue degradation and life estimation of polymer matrix
composites subjected to tension//torsion biaxial loads having
different loading sequences and paths, Toru FUJII and Yusuke MORITA,
Composites '95; Recent advances in Japan and the United states, Isao
Kimpara/Hiroo Miyairi/Nobuo Takeda eds., pp.585-592
4. 引張り/ねじり組合せ荷重下における平織りGFRPの疲労損傷の評価,森田 有亮,林 ファン,藤井
5. Fatigue degradation and life prediction of glass fabric polymer composite under tension/torsion biaxial loadings, Kawakami Hiroshi, Fujii Toru and Morita Yusuke, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.15, No.2, 183-195