Modeling and Analysis of Passive Walking, Assist Control of Electric Bicycles, Walking Aids, Development of Pneumatic Prosthetic Hands and Hands, Modeling and Analysis of Rice Cooking Phenomena and Rice Cookers, Cooling Control of Steel Rolling, Preheating Control of Laser Printer Fetting Process, Development of Low Pulsation Peristaltic Pumps, Lowering the Dimensionality of Multidimensional Thermal Diffusion System Models by PCA, Visual Feedback Control, Optimization of Holding Care Movements, Dynamic Analysis of Aikido Throwing Techniques/ Rotating inerter/Vehicle models such as automobiles and motorcycles/Nonlinear vibration suppression by gear backlash
Each research conducted by graduate and undergraduate students is an independent research theme, and they belong to one of three groups: the Vehicle Group, the Prosess Group, and the Visual Control Group. In order to run a variety of products, we first model them, intervene using control theory and optimization, and then implement them using programming, sensing, and simulation. This laboratory will be newly established in 2024, and you can learn a wide range of things using both software and hardware. If you are interested in our laboratory, please feel free to visit us (YE207, YE209) and contact us.