
河野 毅 KOHNO, Takeshi
Dr. Takeshi Kohno is currently a professor of political science, studying terrorism and transnational issues, at Toyo Eiwa University, a premier women’s university in Japan. Before assuming the professorship, he was Deputy Director at International Security and Safety Coordination Division, and United Nations Affairs Coordination Division of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously he was Special Advisor at the United Nations Development Programme in New York. Other diplomatic assignments took him to Timor-Leste and Indonesia. He was also an associate professor of political science at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan. He earned his Ph.D. from the Ohio State University’s political science department after earning an MA from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio and LLB from Doshisha University, Kyoto.
著書『インドネシアのイスラム過激派の現状と将来』早稲田大学出版会(2007年)、”The Political Background of Islamic Education Institutions and the Reach of the State in Southeast Asia.” Studia Islamika (2009), “The Japanese Civilian Participation in Maritime Security in Asia.” Sam Bateman and Joshua Ho eds, Southeast Asia and Rise of Chinese and Indian Naval Power. Routledge, 2010.など。