What's New?
2025/02/22 Hiroki Nakahara gave a presentation at the National Conference of the Society for Nitric Oxide and Allied Radicals and won the RSC BEST Poster Award! 🎉
2025/01/30 Hiroki Nakahara's PhD defense went smoothly. Congrats! 🎉
2024/12/24 Nakahara's paper was selected as a Cover Feature! 🎉 Chemistry – A European Journal (2024)
2024/11/27 Nakahara's paper is now open access! Chemistry – A European Journal (2024)
2024/11/16 Yokoyama, Kubota and Shimizu presented at the 57th Annual Meeting on Oxdation Reactions Festa 2024.
2024/10/24 Mr. Masuda and Mr. Takuma presented at the 14th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2024.
2024/10/18 Mr. Nakahara’s manuscript was accepted by Chemistry – A European Journal (2024).
2024/09/18 A special symposium was held at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry at Gifu University.
Title: Challenges in Resource Recycling: Exploring Solutions through Coordination Chemistry
Speakers:- Prof. Hisao Hori (Kanagawa University)
- Prof. Susumu Saito (Nagoya University)
- Prof. Kenichi Fujita (Kyoto University)
- Prof. Meifang Jian (Tohoku University)
- Prof. Miho Yamauchi (Kyushu University)
- Prof. Naoki Nobuta (Yokohama National University)
- Yutaka Hitomi (Doshisha University)
- Yasuyuki Yamada (Nagoya University)
- Takahiro Matsumoto (Kyushu University)
- 2024/09/07 Mr. Masuda presented at the 2nd International Lignin Symposium in Kyoto.
- 2024/09/05 Mr. Nakahara presented at the 29th International SPACC Symposium.
- 2024/07/04 Dr. Hiroyuki Ogawa joined our team.
- 2024/06/21 Mr. Nakahara presented at the 50th Biomolecular Science Discussion Meeting and the 3rd Life Metal Science Symposium.
- 2024/06/07 Mr. Nakahara presented at the 33rd Symposium on Bio-related Chemistry Involving Metals (SRM2024) and received a Poster Award.
- 2024/06/07 Mr. Masuda and Mr. Uchida presented at the JACI/GSC Symposium.
- 2024/04/01, Koguchi, Kubota, Nagaosa, Shimizu, and Yokoyama joined our team.