

1. 研究題目:生体内埋め込みナノアクチュエータ用極薄膜圧電材料創製技術の開発(仲町英治(代表),上田整,上辻靖智),期間:平成17年度から19年度(2005-2007年度)の2年間,助成団体:独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金,基盤研究(B),No.17360055, 12,400千円(2005年度),1,800千円(2006年度), 1,500千円(2007年度).

2. 研究題目:生体内埋め込み圧電アクチュエータ・酵素燃料電池用ハイブリッド薄膜の創製(仲町英治(代表),田中和人),期間:平成20年度から22年度(2008-2010年度)の3年間,助成団体:独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金,基盤研究(B),No.20360057, 12,000千円(2008年度),1,700千円(2009年度), 1,800千円(2010年度).

3. 研究題目:生体内埋め込み駆動・発電デバイスのための無鉛圧電材料多層膜構造体の創製技術開発
(仲町英治(代表),剣持貴宏),期間:平成23年度から25年度(2011-2013年度)の3年間,助成団体:独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金,基盤研究(B),No.23360059, 10,070千円(2011年度),2,100千円(2012年度), 2,000千円(2013年度).

4. 研究題目:生体適合圧電材料MgSiO3を用いた神経再生用力学・電磁場創生デバイスの開発
(仲町英治(代表),萩原明朗,森田有亮),期間:平成26年度から28年度(2014-2016年度)の3年間,助成団体:独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金,基盤研究(B),No.23360059, 直接経費7,500千円(2014年度),2,800千円(2015年度), 2,800千円(2016年度).間接経費30% 総額 14430千円


1. 2007-2009年度  JRCM 財団法人金属系材料研究開発センター

2. 2007-2009 年度 京都地域結集型共同研究事業

3. 2007年度 委託研究費  堀場製作所 

4. 2007-2009年度 奨学寄附金 古河電工株式会社

5. 2012-2014年度 奨学寄附金 日本軽金属株式会社



1. E. Nakamachi, S. Murakami, H. Koga, Y. Morita, Development of a bio-microelectromechanical system device for axonal extension evaluation by PC12D patterning using a dielectrophoresis method, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 14(2), 025004-1-025004-10.

2. T. TAKAKI, K. NAKAGAWA, Y. MORITA, E. NAKAMACHI, Phase-field modeling for axonal extension of nerve cells,  Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2(3), 873-882, DOI: 10.4252/wjsc.v7.i5.873.


1. E. Nakamachi, T. Uchida, H. Kuramae, Y. Morita, Multi-Scale Finite Element Analyses for Stress and Strain Evaluations of Braid Fibril Artificial Blood Vessel and Smooth Muscle Cell, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Eng., Published online in Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2630.

2. E. Nakamachi, T. Honda, H. Kuramae, Y. Morita. H. Morimoto, Process Metallurgy Analyses to Design a High-Bendability and High-Springback Property Sheet by Using Two-Scale Finite Element Method,  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 87, 89-101, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2014.06.001.

3. E. Nakamachi, J. Yanagimoto, S. Murakami et al.; Development of microarray device for functional evaluation of PC12D cell axonal extension ability, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 13(2), 023013, doi:10.1117/1.JMM.13.2.023013.


1. Nakamachi, E., Uetsuji, Y., Kuramae, H., Tsuchiya, K., Hwang, H., Process Crystallographic Simulation for Biocompatible Piezoelectric Material Design and Generation, Arch. Comput. Methods Engng., 20-2, 155-183, DOI 10.1007/s11831-013-9084-6


1. E. Nakamachi, T. Honda, H. Kuramae, Y. Morita, T. Ohata, H. Morimoto, Two-scale finite element analyses for bendability and springback evaluation based on crystallographic homogenization method, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 80, 109–121, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2014.01.011.1.

2. Hwang, H., Uetsuji, Y., Nakamachi, E., Three-Scale Structure Analysis Code and Thin Film Generation of a New Biocompatible Piezoelectric Material MgSiO3, Modern Aspects of Bulk Crystal and Thin Film Preparation, Edits. Nikolai Kolesnikov and Elena Borisenko, ISBN 978-953-307-610-2, InTech. Publisher, Chap. 13, DOI: 10.5772/30349

3. 上辻靖智,槌谷和義,仲町英治,第一原理計算によるペロブスカイト型非酸化物ABX3(X=F,Cl,S)の構造・機能評価,材料,61-9, pp.750-755.

4. 森本秀夫,坂本英俊,倉前宏之,仲町英治,結晶塑性有限要素解析手法とその適用事例,塑性と加工,54-625, 132-136.

5. Nakamachi, E., Mizuno, Y., Morita, Y., Development of Automatic 3D Blood Vessel Search and Automatic Blood Sampling System by Using Hybrid Stereo-Autofocus Method, Int. J. of Optics, Vol. 2012, Article ID 258626, 11pages, doi: 10.1155/2012/258626.

6. Nagata, K., Sakamoto, H., Ohbuchi, Y., Kuramae, H., Nakamachi, E., Observation of High Speed Glass Bottle Fracture Behaviors by Underwater Schockwave, Advanced Material Research, Trans Tech Publications, 586, 151-155.doi. 10.4028.


1. Hwang, H., Uetsuji, Y., Tanaka, K., Katayama, T. and Nakamachi, E. “Development of A New Biocompatible MgSiO3 Piezoelectric Thin Film,” Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Vol.4 No.11, 1636-1642.

2. Kuramae, H., Sakamoto, H., Morimoto, H. and Nakamachi, E., Process Metallurgy Design for High-Formability Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal Generation by Using Two-Scale FEM, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10.

3. Sakamoto, H., Ohbuchi, Y., Kuramae, H., Nakamura,Y., Nakamachi, E. and Itoh, S., Visualization of High-Speed Fracture Phenomena of Glass Container for Effective Glass Recycling Technology Development, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10, 2472-2477.

4. 倉前宏行, 池谷友規, 森本秀夫, 坂本英俊, 片山傳生, 仲町英治, 結晶方位差理論に基づく結晶塑性構成式の提案, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 77巻779号, 1081-1090.

5. Hwang, H., Uetsuji, Y., Katayama, T. and Nakamachi, E., Three-Scale Analysis of BaTiO3 Piezoelectric Thin Films Fabrication Process and its Experimental Validations, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.46, No.5, 1380-1387.

6. Nakamachi, E., Hwang, H., Okamoto, N. and Morita, Y., Development of a Micropump for Bio-MEMS Using a New Biocompatible Piezoelectric Material MgSiO3, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 10(3), 033013-1-7,DOI: 10.1117/1.3624515.


1. Kuramae,H., Ikeya, Y., Sakamoto,H., Morimoto, H., H.,Nakamachi, E., Multi-scale Parallel Finite Element Analyses of LDH Sheet Formability Tests Based on Crystallographic Homogenization Method, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 52-2, 183-197.

2. Nakamachi, E., Kuramae, Sakamoto, H., Morimoto, H., Process Metallurgy Design of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Rolling by Using Two-Scale Finite Element Analysis and Optimization Algorithm,
Int. J. Mech. Sci., 52-2, 146-157.

3. 仲町英治,川中嘉一郎,上辻靖智,槌谷和義,森田有亮,マイクロ針を用いた血糖値計測用シリンジ復動型自動採血デバイスの開発,日本機械学会論文集(C編), 76, 762, 290-296.

4.Tsuchiya, K., S. Jinnin, H. Yamamoto, Uetsuji, Y. and Nakamachi, E., Design and development of a biocompatible painless microneedle by the ion sputtering deposition method, Precision Engineering, 34, 461-466.

5. Chen, Y., Lee, W.B., Nakamachi, E., Crystallographic homogenization finite element method and its application on simulation of evolution of plastic deformation induced texture, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, volume 23, issue 1, 36–48.

6. Hwang, H., Uetsuji, Y., Tanaka, K., Katayama, T. and Nakamachi, E., Development of A New Biocompatible MgSiO3 Piezoelectric Thin Film, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Vol.4 No.11, 1636-1642.


1. 上辻靖智,黄輝心,槌谷和義,仲町英治,第一原理計算に基づく生体適合無鉛圧電結晶構造解析と機能評価,日本機械学会論文集A編,75巻,749号,7-12

2. Hwisim Hwang,Yasotomo Uetsuji,Sei-ichiro Sakata,Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya and Eiji Nakamachi,Crystal Growth Prediction by First-Principles Calculations for Epitaxial Piezoelectric Thin Films,Journal of Computational Science and Technology,Vol.3, No.1, pp.264-274.

3. Hwisim Hwang,Yasutomo Uetsuji,Sei-ichiro Sakata,Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya and Eiji Nakamachi,Proposition of a First-Principles Aided Triple-Scale Analysis for Biocompatible Piezoelectric Thin Films,Journal of Computational Science and Technology,Vol.3,No.2, pp.499-508.

4. 倉前宏行, 高橋聖治, 仲町英治,Nguen Ngoc TAM, 田中和人,片山傳生,森本秀夫,結晶塑性マルチスケール解析による異周速圧延プロセス設計,塑性と加工,50-578, 242-248.

5. 酒井孝,吉田慶介,小山純一,仲町英治,高ひずみ付加した純アルミニウム単結晶材および多結晶材のスプリングバック特性,軽金属,59-4,179-184.


1. 仲町英治,黒田達朗,槌谷和義,上辻靖智,上野谷敏之,近赤外光による3次元血管探索システムの開発,日本機械学会論文集(C編),73, 731, 2088-2094.

2. 仲町英治,下村信之,伊藤優一, 微視神経細胞モデルを用いた脳損傷マルチスケール有限要素解析手法の開発, 日本機械学会論文集(A編),73, 733, 1087-1094.

3. 仲町英治,古川一憲,中村英俊, 静水圧応力負荷による応力基準神経細胞損傷評価手法の開発, 日本機械学会論文集(A編),73, 734, 1183-1188.

4. 倉前宏行,西岡久尚,上辻靖智,仲町英治,マルチスケール圧電解析のための並列反復計算法の開発と性能評価,日本計算工学会論文集,Vol. 2007, No. 20070033.

5. 仲町英治,前田喬之,Nguyen Ngoc Tam,中村康範,上辻靖智,倉前宏行,森本秀夫, 自動車用板材の塑性特性評価のためのEBSD・結晶均質化有限要素解析,日本機械学会論文集(A編),74, 739, 348-355.

6. 仲町英治,松浦良光,上辻靖智,上野谷敏之, "血糖計測用真空吸引型自動採血システムの開発,日本機械学会論文集(C編),74, 739, 665-670.

7. 倉前宏行, 伊藤優一, 上辻靖智, 仲町英治, 微視血管有限要素モデルを用いた頭部損傷予測のためのマルチスケール有限要素衝突解析, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 74, 741, 749-756.

8. 倉前宏行, 伊藤優一, 藤原一也, 上辻靖智, 仲町英治, 実験計測に基づく3次元微視神経細胞有限要素モデルによるマルチスケール頭部衝突解析, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 74, 741, 757-762.

9. 上辻靖智, 黄輝心,坂田誠一郎, 槌谷和義, 仲町英治, 第一原理計算によるエピタキシャル圧電薄膜の結晶成長予測, 日本機械学会論文集(A編), 74, 741, 763-769.

10. 中村康範, Nguyen Ngoc Tam, 倉前宏行, 坂本英俊, 森本秀夫, 仲町英治, 動的陽解法結晶均質化弾/結晶粘塑性有限要素法による異周速圧延解析, 材料, 57, 6, 583-589.

11. 中村康範, Nguyen Ngoc Tam, 森大樹, 大畑富相, 仲町英治, 複合側・結晶塑性有限要素法による仮想2相鋼材料モデリングと実験検証, 塑性と加工, 49, 569, 86-90.

12. 上辻靖智, 上田剛大, 黄輝心, 平野義明, 槌谷和義, 仲町英治, 細胞毒性実験による圧電材料の生体適合性評価」, 材料, 57, 9, 899-904.

13. Yasutomo Uetsuji, Hwishim Hwang, Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya and Eiji Nakamachi, First-Principles Study on Crystal Structure and Piezoelectricity of Perovskite-Type Silicon Oxides,Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering,Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,Vol.2, No.11, 1427-1435.

14. 上辻靖智,黄輝心,坂田誠一郎,槌谷和義,仲町英治,生体適合圧電薄膜に対する第一原理トリプルスケール解析の提案,日本機械学会論文集A編,74巻,747号, pp.1405-1410.


1. 上辻靖智,堀尾充輝,槌谷和義,仲町英治,マルチスケール有限要素解析による圧電セラミックスのミクロ結晶形態最適設計,日本機械学会論文集(A編),73-725, 50-56.

2. Uetsuji, Y., Tanaka, S., Tsuchiya, K., Ueda, S. and Nakamachi, E., Identification of Material Properties of PZT Single Crystal Based on A Crystallographic Homogenization Method, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 1-1, 140-151.

3. Uetsuji, Y., Imoto, K., Kumazawa, K., Tsuchiya, K., Ueda, S. and Nakamachi, E., A Study on Bio-Compatible Piezoelectric Materials by First Principles Calculation, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 1-2, 191-201.5.

4. Nakamachi, E., Tam, N.N., Morimoto, H., Multi Scale Finite Element Analyses of Sheet Metals by Using SEM-EBSD Measured Crystallographic RVE Models," Int. J. Plasticity, 23, 450-489.

5. Nakamachi, E., Development of Two Scale Finite Element Analysis Code to Assess the Sheet Formability," Proc. Plasticity2006, 454-456.

6. Tsuchiya, K., Shimazu, Y., Uetsuji, Y. and Nakamachi, E., Development of blood extraction pump by Shape Memory Alloy actuator for Bio-MEMS, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering,( 2006-12, Brisbane, Australia), 6416-10, p.59.

7. Kuroda, T., Uenoya, T., Tsuchiya, K., Uetsuji, Y. and Nakamachi, E., Development Of A Blood Vessel Searching Device For Health Monitoring Systems, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering,( 2006-12, Brisbane, Australia),6416-14, p. 60.

8. Maeda, K., Uenoya, T., Tsuchiya, K., Uetsuji, Y. and Nakamachi, E.,Development of MgSiO3 Biocompatible Piezoelectric Film for Bio-MEMS Actuator, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering,( 2006-12, Brisbane, Australia),6416-26, p. 49.

9.Uetsuji, Y., Horio, M., Tsuchiya, Y and Nakamachi, E., A proposal for optimization of crystal orientations in piezoelectric ceramics by multiscale finite element analysis through crystallographic homogenization method,"Trans. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. 72-No.721, A,(2007-7), pp. 1296-1301.

10. Hiroyuki Kuramae, Nguyen Ngoc Tam, Yasunori Nakamura, Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Hideo Morimoto and Eiji Nakamachi, SEM-EBSD based realistic modeling and crystallographic homogenization FE analyses of LDH formability Tests", Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, J.M.A. Cesar de Sa, Abel D. Santos eds. American Institute of Physics, (Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes), Part I, pp. 123-128, (2007).

11. Eiji Nakamachi, Hiroyuki Kuramae, Nguyen Ngoc Tam, Yasunori Nakamura, Hidetoshi Sakamoto and Hideo Morimoto, Development of multi-scale finite element analysis codes for high formability sheet metal generation, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, J.M.A. Cesar de Sa, Abel D. Santos eds. American Institute of Physics, (Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes), Part I, pp. 215-220, (2007).

12. Nguyen Ngoc Tam, Yasunori Nakamura, Toshihiro Terao, Hiroyuki Kuramae, Eiji Nakamachi, Hidetoshi Sakamoto and Hideo Morimoto, Asymmetric rolling process simulations by dynamic explicit crystallographic homogenized finite element method, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, J.M.A. Cesar de Sa, Abel D. Santos eds. American Institute of Physics, (Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes), Part I, pp. 613-618, (2007).

13. Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Eiji Nakamachi, Hiroyuki Kuramae and Hideo Morimoto, Multi-scale FE analyses of LDH sheet formability tests based on SEM-EBSD crystal texture measurement", Proc. of 2007 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, pp. 55-56.

14. Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Tetsuya Hiwatashi, Eiji Nakamachi, Hiroyuki Kuramae and Hideo Morimoto, A6022 sheet formability based on SEM-EBSD crystal texture measurement", Proc. of 2007 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, 89-90.

15. 上辻靖智,長倉秀幸,川原慎太郎,黄 輝心,槌谷和義,山本英毅,高野直樹,仲町英治, HMS採血ポンプ用新型バイモルフ圧電アクチュエータの提案,材料,56, 5, 477-482.

16. Yasutomo UETSUJI,Mitsuteru HORIO, Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA and Eiji NAKAMACHI, A Proposal for Optimization of Crystal Orientations in Piezoelectric Ceramics by Multiscale Finite Element Analysis through Crystallographic Homogenization Method, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 1, 9, (2007-9), pp.1147-1156.
