



EU政治 ・・・UK政治 ・・・US民主党、バイデン ・・・US共和党、トランプ ・・・US共和党、副大統領候補 ・・・インフレーション、成長 ・・・ファミリー・オフィス、シンガポール ・・・民主主義 ・・・フランス ・・・ウクライナ、ロシア ・・・NATO ・・・イラン ・・・日本 ・・・トランプ銃撃事件 ・・・ケニア ・・・中国政治経済 ・・・プライベート・エクイティ ・・・米中貿易戦争 ・・・オリンピック ・・・ミャンマー ・・・移民論争 ・・・環境保護、気候変動 ・・・ドイツ ・・・ナイジェリア ・・・イスラエル、ガザ ・・・IMF改革 ・・・インドの若い投資家 ・・・ラテンアメリカ



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 12 Jul 2024

Patriots for Europe? Viktor Orbán’s new EU group is another hollow victory for the far right

Cas Mudde

FT July 14, 2024

Europe’s battery problems show the governments need to up their game

Martin Sandbu

The Guardian, Mon 15 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on the far right in Brussels: the centre must do more than hold


FP JULY 15, 2024

Countering Europe’s Backlash to the Green Transition

By Patrick Schröder, a senior research fellow at the Environment and Society Centre, Chatham House.

FP JULY 15, 2024

For Putin, the EU Is a Bigger Threat Than NATO

By Nicholas Lokker, a research associate at the Center for a New American Security, and Kate Johnston, an associate fellow at the Center for a New American Security.

FT July 16, 2024

Europe’s rushed attempt to set the rules for AI

Javier Espinoza in Brussels

FP JULY 16, 2024

Asian Powers Set Their Strategic Sights on Europe

By C. Raja Mohan, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a former member of India’s National Security Advisory Board.

The Guardian, Wed 17 Jul 2024

Putin, Xi and Trump would love to see Ursula von der Leyen go. That’s why the EU must keep her on

Paul Taylor

The Guardian, Thu 18 Jul 2024

The old European order is fraying. We will soon find out whether Keir Starmer can help hold it together

Timothy Garton Ash

FT July 18, 2024

Why Brussels can’t see the deforestation for the trees

Alan Beattie



The Guardian, Fri 12 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Labour in power: the party must deliver for its MPs, members and voters


FT July 12, 2024

Labour must heed warnings from the global centre-left

Claire Ainsley

The Guardian, Sun 14 Jul 2024

Labour can end austerity at a stroke – by taxing the rich and taxing them hard

George Monbiot

The Guardian, Sun 14 Jul 2024

The rich were led to believe they were different. Those days are numbered

Will Hutton

FT July 14, 2024

To beat the populist right, Labour must be an insurgent government

Josh Simons

FT July 15, 2024

Starmer has a golden opportunity to reset relations with Europe

Anand Menon

PS Jul 15, 2024

What Labour Needs to Succeed


FP JULY 16, 2024

Britain Needs a New Middle East Policy

By Mina Al-Oraibi, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the editor in chief of the National.

FT July 18, 2024

Labour’s Britain champions a more active state

FT July 17, 2024

Labour’s moment to blame, borrow and tax

Chris Giles

FP JULY 17, 2024

Britain’s Tories Need to Avoid Farage’s Siren Song

By Azeem Ibrahim, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a director at the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy.

FT July 18, 2024

Keir Starmer’s never-ending insurgency

Robert Shrimsley

FT July 18, 2024

From grandiose to granular: Labour’s challenge for work

Julia Hobsbawm



FT July 13, 2024

Democrats in disarray over Biden: ‘We’re totally, totally screwed’

James Politi, Steff Chávez and Alex Rogers in Washington

FP JULY 12, 2024

Biden Press Conference Overshadowed End of NATO Summit

By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy, and Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP JULY 12, 2024

Will Democrats Take Black Voters Seriously on Foreign Policy?

By Christopher Shell, a fellow in the American Statecraft program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

FT July 13, 2024

Biden’s debate disaster woke me up

Lilah Raptopoulos

NYT July 13, 2024

Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

By Bernie Sanders

NYT July 15, 2024

Democrats Need to Wake Up From Their ‘West Wing’ Fantasy

By Elizabeth Spiers

FT July 17, 2024

Republicans are delighted with Biden

Edward Luce

NYT July 17, 2024

Biden Must Know How This Should End

By Mike Murphy

NYT July 17, 2024

The Way That Democrats Aren’t Standing Up to Biden Is Awfully Familiar

By Nicholas Kristof



FT July 13, 2024

Barcelona and the Airbnb backlash



FT July 13, 2024

Clash of the new Republican visions for America’s global role

Constanze Stelzenmüller

NYT July 11, 2024

What Does the G.O.P. Have Against America?

By Paul Krugman

NYT July 11, 2024

The Deep Source of Trump’s Appeal

By David Brooks

NYT July 13, 2024

Republicans Will Regret a Second Trump Term

By Bret Stephens

NYT July 13, 2024

The 4 Ways I See This Going With Trump

By Ross Douthat

NYT July 15, 2024

Don’t Lose Sight of Project 2025. That’s the Real Trump.

By Paul Krugman

NYT July 16, 2024

Can We ‘Make America Affordable Again’? Should We?

By Paul Krugman

NYT July 15, 2024

Donald Trump, Man of Destiny

By Ross Douthat

NYT July 17, 2024

Black Pill’ and the Dark Anarchy of Our Political Moment

By Jessica Grose

NYT July 16, 2024

Chris Christie: Will Trump Meet the Moment?

By Chris Christie

FT July 18, 2024

What makes Donald Trump irresistible

Joshua Chaffin, Oliver Roeder, Claire Bushey and Christopher Grimes

FT July 18, 2024

A new Republican future is emerging — the return of actual conservatism

Oren Cass

NYT July 18, 2024

What Trump Means When He Tells Us to ‘Fight’

By Carlos Lozada

NYT July 18, 2024

Why Running Against Trump Has Just Become So Much Harder

By Charles R. Kesler



FT July 16, 2024

With Vance, Trump is doubling down on Maga

Edward Luce

NYT July 16, 2024

Why Trump Picked J.D. Vance

By Matthew Continetti

FT July 17, 2024

How Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley funded the sudden rise of JD Vance

Tabby Kinder and George Hammond in San Francisco and Alex Rogers in Milwaukee

NYT July 17, 2024

J.D. Vance Keeps Selling His Soul. He’s Got Plenty of Buyers.

By Ed Simon

NYT July 17, 2024

The Economic Theory Behind J.D. Vance’s Populism

Oren Cass



FT July 12, 2024

Economists are paying more attention to our inflation fears

Soumaya Keynes

PS Jul 16, 2024

The Supreme Court Just Sabotaged the US Economy


PS Jul 16, 2024

Gen Z’s Growing Consumer Power


FT July 17, 2024

The independence of the Fed is critical for the US

Ernie Tedeschi

PS Jul 17, 2024

The US Needs a Techno-Industrial Strategy


PS Jul 17, 2024

The Fed Should Not Cut Interest Rates Yet


FT July 18, 2024

Can the returns from Big Tech’s staggering capex live up to the hype?

John Thornhill

FT July 18, 2024

There is no need for investors to panic over government debt

Peder Beck-Friis



FT July 12, 2024

Turkey is back for emerging market investors

Gustavo Medeiros



FT July 12, 2024

How the family office became one of the world’s fastest wealth generators

David Oakley in London

FP JULY 18, 2024

How Singapore Manages U.S.-China Tensions

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.



PS Jul 12, 2024

Supporting Sexual and Reproductive Health Is Good Business


PS Jul 15, 2024

What to Do About the Taliban’s Gender Apartheid




PS Jul 12, 2024

Can Democracy Win in 2024?


NYT July 14, 2024

America’s Gerontocracy Problem Goes Far Beyond the President

By Samuel Moyn

FP JULY 14, 2024

America’s Democracy Was Never That Healthy

By Nick Bryant, the BBC’s former New York correspondent.

FT July 16, 2024

The doom loop of modern politics

Janan Ganesh

FT July 16, 2024

The US itself could be the biggest loser in this election

Ivan Krastev

PS Jul 16, 2024

The King of the Americans


The Guardian, Wed 17 Jul 2024

The American republic is crumbling before us – and Democrats must share the blame

Owen Jones

FT July 18, 2024

It’s not just politicians who should be held accountable for violent speech

Cynthia Miller-Idriss

FP JULY 18, 2024

A Uniquely Perilous Moment in U.S. Politics

By Bruce Hoffman, senior fellow for counterterrorism and homeland security at the Council of Foreign Relations and a professor at Georgetown University, and Jacob Ware, a research fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and DeSales University.



PS Jul 12, 2024

Finding a New French Majority




PS Jul 12, 2024

The Way Forward for Ukraine’s Economy


FP JULY 12, 2024

NATO Is Helping Ukraine to Fight—but Not to Win

By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP JULY 12, 2024

Can NATO Really Cut Off China?

By Lili Pike, Jack Detsch, and Robbie Gramer

FP JULY 12, 2024

Western Companies Are Now Paying for Russia Sanctions

By Giovanni Legorano, a journalist based in Italy.

FP JULY 15, 2024

Russians Expect Nothing From Putin’s War

By Kristaps Andrejsons, a journalist in Latvia and the creator of The Eastern Border podcast.

FT July 17, 2024

Donald Trump has ‘well-founded plans’ for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, Viktor Orbán claims

Henry Foy in Brussels

FP JULY 16, 2024

Russia Is Using Lawsuits to Fight the West’s Sanctions

By Maximilian Hess, the founder of Enmetena Advisory and a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

FP JULY 17, 2024

How the West Misunderstood Moscow in Ukraine

By Julia Kazdobina, Jakob Hedenskog, and Andreas Umland

FP JULY 17, 2024

Whose Terms Will Set a Peace Deal in Ukraine?

By Eugene Chausovsky, a senior analyst at the Newlines Institute.

FT July 18, 2024

Russian censors itch to trap zombie mice

Tony Barber

FP JULY 18, 2024

Russian Oil Is Still Paying for Putin’s War

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.

FP JULY 18, 2024

Trump Is Giving Taiwan the Ukraine Treatment

By Lili Pike, a reporter at Foreign Policy.



FP JULY 12, 2024

Biden’s Age Is a Problem. Trump’s Agenda Is a Bigger One.

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

The Guardian, Sat 13 Jul 2024

Nato should stop seeking new foes and face its main enemy – Moscow

Simon Tisdall



FP JULY 12, 2024

Will Pezeshkian’s Win Lead to a Thaw in U.S.-Iran Relations?

By Ali Vaez, the director of Iran Project at the International Crisis Group and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.

PS Jul 18, 2024

Iran’s Economy Needs a New Deal with the West




FP JULY 12, 2024

Japanese Women Fight to Keep Their Names After Marriage

By Linda Sieg, a journalist in Tokyo.



FT July 13, 2024

The messy truth about achieving economic growth

Daniel Susskind



The Guardian, Sun 14 Jul 2024

The Trump shooting is a reminder: we live in a grim new era of political violence

Moira Donegan

The Guardian, Sun 14 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Trump’s shooting: America’s future must be set by voters, not the gun


FT July 14, 2024

America is staring into the abyss

Edward Luce

FT July 14, 2024

A dark day of violence in America

FT July 14, 2024

Are we entering another age of political violence?

Peter Spiegel

FT July 14, 2024

Maga world unites around ‘unstoppable’ Donald Trump after shooting

James Politi in Washington and Lauren Fedor in New York

NYT July 13, 2024

The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to America

By The Editorial Board

FP JULY 14, 2024

When It Comes to Political Violence, America Is Not Exceptional

By Julian E. Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University.

FT July 15, 2024

The ‘eminently predictable’ attempt to kill Donald Trump

Joshua Chaffin in New York

FT July 15, 2024

The 2024 presidential election is not over yet

Gideon Rachman

PS Jul 15, 2024

The Trump Shooting Reveals the Hallmarks of American Political Violence


NYT July 15, 2024

How the Attempted Assassination of Trump Could Change the Campaign

By Charles M. Blow

FP JULY 15, 2024

Are Assassination Attempts on the Rise?

By Christina Lu

FP JULY 15, 2024

Europe Fears Trump Shooting Could Deepen America’s Political Crisis

By Jack Detsch and Robbie Gramer

PS Jul 16, 2024

Will Trump Benefit from the Attempt on His Life?


NYT July 16, 2024

The Trump Shooter and the Growing Nihilism of Young Men

By Michelle Goldberg

NYT July 15, 2024

Political Violence May Be Un-American, but It Is Not Uncommon

By Matthew Dallek and Robert Dallek

FP JULY 17, 2024

What America Can Learn From an Attempted Assassination in Brazil

By Andre Pagliarini, an assistant professor of history and international studies at Louisiana State University.

The Guardian, Thu 18 Jul 2024

Why the Trump attack has spawned myriad conspiracies theories – from left and right alike

Colin Dickey



NYT July 14, 2024

Something Big Just Happened in Kenya

By Carey Baraka

FT July 18, 2024

Kenya’s populist president has misread the popular mood

David Pilling



FT July 15, 2024

Can Xi keep a lid on China’s mounting social strains?

Joe Leahy and Kai Waluszewski in Beijing and Sun Yu in New York

PS Jul 15, 2024

Why Is China’s Consumption Rate So Low?


FP JULY 16, 2024

Modi’s China Bind

By Sushant Singh, a lecturer at Yale University and a consulting editor with the Caravan magazine in India.

FT July 19, 2024

Chinese electric vehicles are more of an opportunity than a threat

FP JULY 18, 2024

Into the Minds of China’s Military AI Experts

By Sam Bresnick, a research fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology.



FT July 16, 2024

What the revived World Islands tell us about a fast-transforming Dubai

Chloe Cornish



FT July 16, 2024

Rebuilding confidence in the Swiss financial system



FT July 15, 2024

Private equity has become hazardous terrain for investors

John Plender



PS Jul 15, 2024

South Korea Is Caught in the Crossfire of the US-China Trade War


FP JULY 15, 2024

The Winners From U.S.-China Decoupling

By Agathe Demarais, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior policy fellow on geoeconomics at the European Council on Foreign Relations.



PS Jul 15, 2024

Restore the Olympic Peace


FT July 18, 2024

The Paris Olympics will be political. That’s a good thing

Simon Kuper



FP JULY 15, 2024

Myanmar’s Armed Groups And Democracy Activists Are Joining Forces

By Andrew Nachemson, a journalist covering politics, human rights, and Chinese development in Southeast Asia.



FP JULY 15, 2024

America is Stuck in a Century-Old Immigration Debate

By Diana Roy, the Latin America and immigration writer at the Council on Foreign Relations.

FT July 18, 2024

Venezuelan migrants build a life in Brazil and dream of home

Michael Pooler



FP JULY 15, 2024

Anti-Terrorism Laws Are Being Used Against Environmentalists

By Nick Aspinwall, a journalist based in New York.

FT July 16, 2024

Risks of violent conflict will rise as the green transition picks up speed

Andrew Gilmour

PS Jul 16, 2024

Fighting Climate Change Requires a Different Mindset


PS Jul 17, 2024

Preparing for a Future of Extreme Heat Waves




FT July 17, 2024

Is Germany the ‘sick man’ of Europe once again?

Martin Wolf



FT July 17, 2024

Shock therapy alone will not cure Nigeria’s economic ills

PS Jul 17, 2024

Africa’s Hobbled Hegemons




FP JULY 16, 2024

Stop Wasting Captured Spies

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.



FP JULY 16, 2024

It’s Time to Sideline Israel from International Sports

By Daniel Levy, the president of the U.S./Middle East Project and a former Israeli negotiator, and Tony Karon, the editorial lead of AJ+, the Al Jazeera social media brand.

FT July 17, 2024

UAE: A temporary international mission is needed in Gaza

Lana Nusseibeh

PS Jul 17, 2024

Israel Is Enabling Iran’s War of Attrition




PS Jul 17, 2024

Unlocking IMF Reform




FP JULY 17, 2024

Protecting LGBTQI+ Rights Is Good Foreign Policy

By Jessica Stern, the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, and Suzanne B. Goldberg, the senior advisor to the U.S. Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights.



FT July 18, 2024

The young investors gambling on Indian stocks

Chris Kay in Chennai and Benjamin Parkin in New Delhi



FT July 18, 2024

Mexico challenges ‘neoliberal privatistion’

Christine Murray



PS Jul 18, 2024

Overcoming Political Short-Termism in Latin America




FP JULY 18, 2024

Another Uprising Has Started in Syria

By Charles Lister, a senior fellow and director of the Syria and Counterterrorism and Extremism programs at the Middle East Institute.


The Economist July 6th 2024

Amazon: Everything in store

Central banks: The end of the beginning

Senility in high office: President Lear

Politicians born in the 1940s: Gerontocrats ascendant

Japan’s economy: Mind-bending bento-box economics

Bureaucratic power: What the Chevron ruling means

Ukraine: In a black hole

14 years of Conservative rule: The inheritance

The threats to Western alliances: Hardly a celebration

(コメント) アマゾン、中央銀行、NATO、年老いた政治家たち。行動パターンを変えるときか?



IPEの想像力 7/22/2024



"14 years of Conservative rule: The inheritance," The Economist July 6th 2024












