



UK選挙、労働党勝利 ・・・UK政治、労働党政権 ・・・トランプvsバイデン ・・・民主党大統領候補 ・・・最高裁 ・・・フランス ・・・イラン選挙 ・・・ドル、プラザ合意2 ・・・NATO ・・・教育 ・・・中国 ・・・米中対立 ・・・イスラエル、パレスチナ ・・・ウクライナ ・・・EU改革 ・・・防衛産業 ・・・アイルランド ・・・US経済、金融政策、産業政策 ・・・インド、モディ、ロシア訪問 ・・・トランプ ・・・ロシア、プーチン ・・・スティグリッツ ・・・核拡散 ・・・フェイク・ポルノ ・・・ナイジェリア ・・・アルゼンチン ・・・気候変動 ・・・オランダ



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 5 Jul 2024

Starmer has promised big – now he must be bold and move quickly. Here’s how he should start

Gaby Hinsliff

The Guardian, Fri 5 Jul 2024

The left revolt against Labour is significant – and the party ignores that at its peril

Owen Jones

The Guardian, Fri 5 Jul 2024

The 2024 election results are among the most bizarre in British history – and the future could be stranger still

Lewis Baston

The Guardian, Fri 5 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Labour’s landslide: becoming the change the country needs


FT July 6, 2024

How Starmer can succeed

Philip Stephens in London

FT July 6, 2024

The fight for the UK right has begun

Robert Shrimsley

FT July 5, 2024

Starmer’s next challenge? Bending Whitehall to his will

Camilla Cavendish

FT July 6, 2024

Britain’s opportunity

FT July 5, 2024

Starmer stands supreme but he cannot ignore the Reform surge

Robert Shrimsley

PS Jul 5, 2024

Britain's “Change Election” Changes Nothing


PS Jul 5, 2024

No Class War From Britain’s Most Working-Class Government


NYT July 5, 2024

Britain’s Election Is Not the Centrist Triumph It Appears to Be

By Rory Stewart

The Guardian, Sat 6 Jul 2024

In a fragile and dangerous era, strengthening ties with Europe is Britain’s most urgent challenge

Kim Darroch

FT July 6, 2024

A wild and woolly time awaits on the opposition benches

Miranda Green



FT July 6, 2024

Abandon caution, embrace risk: a growth recipe for Labour

Andy Haldane

The Guardian, Sun 7 Jul 2024

Travelling round Britain, I found it at a crossroads between fury and hope. Which way will Labour take us?

John Harris

FT July 8, 2024

The new volatility in British politics

Stephen Bush

The Guardian, Mon 8 Jul 2024

Cleaning up our fetid politics is Keir Starmer’s toughest task yet. Here’s how he can do it, fast

Polly Toynbee

FT July 9, 2024

An early Budget may prove tricky for Rachel Reeves

Adam Smith

FT July 8, 2024

Keir Starmer’s difficult choices

Martin Wolf

FP JULY 8, 2024

Britain’s New Foreign Secretary Hates Trump and Loves America

By Marie Le Conte, a freelance political journalist based in London.

FP JULY 8, 2024

What Does a Labour Win Mean for U.K. Defense Policy?

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

FP JULY 8, 2024

Keir Starmer Should Rethink Britain’s China Policy

By James Crabtree, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

The Guardian, Tue 9 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Labour’s revolution: legitimising its power requires rebuilding trust


FT July 10, 2024

How Labour can boost British investment

PS Jul 9, 2024

The Starmer Model


The Guardian, Wed 10 Jul 2024

Rachel Reeves says the UK’s public finances are in a dire state – but here’s why I’m cautiously optimistic

Larry Elliott

The Guardian, Wed 10 Jul 2024

Keir Starmer has a plan to turn the populist tide – and Britain’s allies pray it works

Rafael Behr

FT July 10, 2024

The very resistible rise of Nigel Farage

Robert Shrimsley

FT July 10, 2024

Labour must address who our universities are for

Tom Sperlinger

FT July 10, 2024

The risky holes in Keir Starmer’s green plan

Pilita Clark

FT July 10, 2024

The City of London can regain momentum from Paris

Patrick Jenkins

The Guardian, Thu 11 Jul 2024

It was a landslide election but this much is clear: neither Labour nor the Tories stand on solid ground

Aditya Chakrabortty

The Guardian, Thu 11 Jul 2024

The Green party won four seats when it should have been 40. Surely it’s clear that Britain needs electoral reform

Ellie Chowns

FT July 12, 2024

Three ideas for unlocking the UK’s economic potential

C S Venkatakrishnan

FT July 11, 2024

The immigration dilemma Labour hopes will go away

Alan Beattie

FT July 12, 2024

Fixing Britain’s prison crisis

FT July 11, 2024

We need a plan to revolutionise the planning system

Richard Parr

FT July 11, 2024

Blair is a model for Starmer’s Labour

Simon Kuper

FP JULY 11, 2024

What Should Britain’s Role in the World Be Now?

By Bronwen Everill, a lecturer in history and fellow of Gonville & Caius College at the University of Cambridge.



FT July 6, 2024

Amid the Trump-Biden chaos, Americans should not forget their history

Sarah Churchwell

PS Jul 11, 2024

Inequality Spurs Democratic Backsliding




FT July 5, 2024

Democratic donors push Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom as Joe Biden replacements

James Fontanella-Khan and Lauren Fedor in New York and Alex Rogers in Washington

PS Jul 5, 2024

Biden or Plan B?


NYT July 5, 2024

How Biden Might Be Thinking About the Decision Ahead of Him

By Carlos Lozada

FT July 6, 2024

Clash of clans: can the Democrats stay united if Joe Biden is toppled?

Joshua Chaffin, James Fontanella-Khan and Lauren Fedor in New York and Alex Rogers in Washington

NYT July 6, 2024

This Is What Elite Failure Looks Like

By Oren Cass

The Guardian, Mon 8 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Joe Biden’s re-election bid: democrats can’t go on like this


NYT July 8, 2024

The Democratic Party Must Speak the Plain Truth to the President

By The Editorial Board

NYT July 8, 2024

James Carville: Biden Won’t Win. Democrats Need a Plan. Here’s One.

By James Carville

NYT July 8, 2024

Please, Mr. President, Do the Right Thing

By Paul Krugman

FT July 9, 2024

The Biden debacle must spell the end of short-termist politics

Jemima Kelly

NYT July 9, 2024

The Talented Democrats Who Aren’t Running for President

By Mara Gay

FT July 10, 2024

What if Joe Biden stays?

Peter Spiegel

NYT July 10, 2024

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

By George Clooney

NYT July 9, 2024

The Devil May Be Enjoying This Election Season, but I Am Not

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT July 9, 2024

The Abyss Stares Back at Joe Biden

By Bret Stephens

FP JULY 10, 2024

What Is the True Cost of a Diminished Biden?

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.

NYT July 11, 2024

Why Chuck Schumer Hasn’t Put the Squeeze on Joe Biden

By Michelle Cottle

NYT July 11, 2024

Democrats Are Drifting Toward the Worst of All Possible Worlds

By Ezra Klein

NYT July 10, 2024

President Biden, Voters Want Change

By Nicholas Kristof

FP JULY 11, 2024

Biden’s Frailty Doesn’t Endanger America

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.



PS Jul 5, 2024

The Supreme Court Is Shaking America’s Fiscal Foundations


NYT July 5, 2024

A Principled Supreme Court, Unnerved by Trump

By William Baude

FT July 11, 2024

US businesses may soon find that deregulation comes with risks

Brooke Masters



PS Jul 5, 2024

Would the French Far Right Moderate Once in Power?


The Guardian, Sat 6 Jul 2024

The French republic is under threat. We are 1,000 historians and we cannot remain silent

Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

FT July 6, 2024

The new French left must unite behind a fresh vision

Esther Duflo

The Guardian, Sun 7 Jul 2024

France no longer resembles a divided but tolerant family. It is catastrophically fractured

Andrew Hussey

The Guardian, Mon 8 Jul 2024

In a referendum on Le Pen, French voters said ‘non’. This opportunity must not be squandered

Paul Taylor

FT July 8, 2024

France and Britain are changing places

Gideon Rachman

The Guardian, Tue 9 Jul 2024

Britain is suddenly a beacon of stability in Europe – now it’s France that’s in turmoil

Timothy Garton Ash

FT July 9, 2024

France edges back from the far-right brink

FT July 8, 2024

Messy French politics point to broader malaise for investors

Katie Martin

FT July 8, 2024

France heads back to its postwar era of ungovernability

Ben Hall, Europe editor

PS Jul 8, 2024

Macron’s Huge Bet Paid Off


FT July 9, 2024

The French left needs to urgently learn the art of compromise

Sylvie Kauffmann

PS Jul 9, 2024

The Most Incredible Election in French History


NYT July 9, 2024

What Just Happened in France Is Astounding

By David Broder

FT July 11, 2024

France’s minorities pay the price of a polarising election campaign

Akila Quinio

FP JULY 11, 2024

The Competition for France’s Olympic Legacy

By Michele Barbero, an Italian journalist based in Paris.

FP JULY 11, 2024

The New Meaning of France’s Anti-Fascism

By Emile Chabal, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Edinburgh.



PS Jul 5, 2024

The Global Implications of Iran’s Election


FT July 8, 2024

A reformist wins the presidency in Iran

NYT July 10, 2024

Iran’s Gen Z Is Still Waiting for the Revolution

By Holly Dagres

FP JULY 9, 2024

Iranians Voted for Change. Will They Get It?

By Sina Toossi, a senior nonresident fellow at the Center for International Policy.



PS Jul 5, 2024

The Decline and Fall of the Petrodollar?


PS Jul 10, 2024

Do We Need a Plaza Accord 2.0?




NYT July 5, 2024

Don’t Doubt NATO. It Saved My People.

By Albin Kurti

FP JULY 5, 2024

This NATO Summit Is a Big Win for Biden

By Michael McFaul, the director of Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

FP JULY 5, 2024

America Is in Denial About NATO’s Future

By Daniel Treisman, a professor of political science at the University of California, Los Angeles.

NYT July 7, 2024

NATO Has to Change. Here’s How.

By Farah Stockman

FP JULY 8, 2024

Ukraine’s Opportunity at the NATO Summit

By David J. Kramer, John Herbst, and William Taylor

FP JULY 8, 2024

This Time, NATO Is in Trouble for Real

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

FT July 9, 2024

The weird resilience of Nato and the EU

Janan Ganesh

NYT July 9, 2024

The West Needs New Glasses

By Jaroslaw Kuisz and Karolina Wigura

FP JULY 9, 2024

NATO Wants Everyone to Help Deter Russia

By Jack Detsch

FT July 11, 2024

Nato’s difficult 75th birthday

NYT July 10, 2024

Jake Sullivan: You Can Count on a Strong NATO

By Jake Sullivan

FP JULY 10, 2024

How to Sell NATO to Gen Z

By Kathleen J. McInnis, a senior fellow in the International Security Program and the director of the Smart Women, Smart Power Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.



NYT July 5, 2024

Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person

By Rachel Louise Snyder



FP JULY 5, 2024

The Fight Over China’s Electric Cars Is Upside-Down

By Paul Hockenos, a Berlin-based journalist.

FT July 9, 2024

China’s plenum must offer action not rote slogans

Eswar Prasad

FT July 9, 2024

Tesla vs BYD: why US maker might have to expand its EV range

June Yoon

PS Jul 10, 2024

Don’t Be Fooled by China’s Third Plenum




FP JULY 5, 2024

Why the U.S. Needs To Upgrade Its Fighter Jets Now

By Kamran Bokhari, the director of analytical development at the Newlines Institute in Washington.

FP JULY 5, 2024

Europe Has a New Role as U.S. Strategy Shifts to China

By Jo Inge Bekkevold, a senior China fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies.

PS Jul 8, 2024

Are Americans Ready for the US-China Trade War?


FP JULY 10, 2024

How China Trapped Itself in America’s Fentanyl Crisis

By Zongyuan Zoe Liu, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Maurice R. Greenberg Fellow for China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.



NYT July 6, 2024

Meet the Followers of Martin Luther King Jr. in the West Bank

By Nicholas Kristof

FP JULY 9, 2024

Syrians in Lebanon Are Stuck in Limbo

By Dario Sabaghi, a freelance journalist reporting on stories from the Middle East.

FT July 10, 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu may yet avert an Israel-Hizbollah war

Neri Zilber in Tel Aviv

FT July 11, 2024

The Palestinian Authority’s shrinking influence in the West Bank

James Shotter in Shuweika



FP JULY 6, 2024

How Ukraine’s Drone Industry Took Flight

By Tamar Jacoby, the Kyiv-based director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s New Ukraine Project and author of Displaced: The Ukrainian Refugee Experience.

FT July 7, 2024

Russia is trying to put a price tag on Nato’s involvement in Ukraine

Alexander Gabuev

FP JULY 9, 2024

How to Make the U.S.-Ukraine Security Pact Stick

By Eric Ciaramella, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.



FT July 7, 2024

Europe needs a bolder plan for capital markets

Huw van Steenis

PS Jul 8, 2024

How Europe Can Fix Its Competitiveness Problem


FT July 9, 2024

The European country playing off the US, Russia, China and Europe

Alec Russell and Marton Dunai in Belgrade

FT July 10, 2024

Europe needs to sharpen its geopolitical chess game

Vincent Clerc

PS Jul 11, 2024

The Irrationality of EU Tariffs on Chinese EVs




FT July 8, 2024

The age of drone warfare is disrupting the defence industry

Sylvia Pfeifer and John Paul Rathbone in London and Christopher Miller in Kyiv

FP JULY 8, 2024

Red Teaming Isn’t Enough

By Gabriel Nicholas, a research fellow at the Center for Democracy & Technology.

FP JULY 10, 2024

The Return of the Military Draft

By Raphael S. Cohen, the director of the Strategy and Doctrine Program at the Rand Corporation’s Project Air Force.



FT July 8, 2024

Wild salmon were an Irish icon. Now they’re almost gone

Jude Webber



FT July 8, 2024

Immigrants really do get the job done

Rana Foroohar

FT July 8, 2024

What the Federal Reserve should put on the Jackson Hole agenda

Mohamed El-Erian

PS Jul 9, 2024

Where Will the AI Super Cycle Lead?


PS Jul 10, 2024

The False Distinction Between Industrial and Economic Policy


PS Jul 10, 2024

What the New Left Needs


PS Jul 11, 2024

Bracing for a More Inflationary World




PS Jul 8, 2024

Blame Donald Trump for North Korea’s Saber-Rattling




PS Jul 8, 2024

The China Factor in Modi’s Mission to Moscow


FT July 10, 2024

Why India will become a superpower

Martin Wolf

PS Jul 9, 2024

The Show Trial of Arundhati Roy


FP JULY 9, 2024

Russia Is a Strategic Spoiler in the Indo-Pacific

By Derek Grossman, a senior defense analyst at the Rand Corp.

The Guardian, Wed 10 Jul 2024

Why is Modi sucking up to Putin? It’s simple and cynical: China and oil

Sergey Radchenko



NYT July 8, 2024

The Enormous Risks a Second Trump Term Poses to Our Economy

By Robert E. Rubin and Kenneth I. Chenault

FT July 9, 2024

Why Trump 2.0 might be good for investors

Edward Yardeni

NYT July 9, 2024

Trump’s Lust for Expulsion, Explained

By Jamelle Bouie

NYT July 10, 2024

Trump 2025 Is Coming Into View

By Thomas B. Edsall

NYT July 6, 2024

Our Society Is Losing Its Anchors

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT July 11, 2024





The Guardian, Tue 9 Jul 2024

Rage as Putin bombs a children’s hospital in Kyiv, but know there is a way to try him for his crimes

Gordon Brown

PS Jul 10, 2024

What to Make of the New Russia-North Korea Alliance


FP JULY 11, 2024

How Orban Became Putin’s Pawn

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.



PS Jul 9, 2024

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Says More…

FT July 11, 2024

Economists are overly reliant on rules

Tej Parikh



PS Jul 9, 2024

The Non-Proliferation Problem




The Guardian, Wed 10 Jul 2024

Let’s go after deepfake pornography sites – and the social media giants that peddle them

Lucia Osborne-Crowley



FT July 10, 2024

Will shock therapy revive Nigeria’s economy — or sink it further?

David Pilling in London and Aanu Adeoye in Lagos



FT July 11, 2024

He’s an Oxford-trained philosopher of war. CEOs can’t get enough of him

Andrew Hill



FT July 11, 2024

Milei and the IMF need to tackle Argentina’s new Achilles heel

Alejandro Werner



PS Jul 11, 2024

Rich Countries Must Meet Their Biodiversity Financing Pledges




FP JULY 11, 2024

The New Dutch Government Is a Total Mess

By Stan Veuger, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.


The Economist June 29th 2024

The centre cannot hold

The manosphere: Meet Asia’s incels and anti-feminists

Charlemagne: Costa cruising

Industries of the future: Virtual everything

International trade: The Tijuana two-step

(コメント) マクロンはフランス経済を改革するために成果を挙げました。しかし、フランスの有権者はそれを嫌っています。マクロンの指導力が失われたら、EUはどこに向かうのか?




IPEの想像力 7/15/2024














石丸旋風に見る選挙手法、BSフジ プライムニュース2024/07/13






イギリス保守党は改革UKをまねるのか? 中道・穏健派に従うのか? 

