



バイデン辞退論 ・・・UK選挙 ・・・フランス政治 ・・・G7の成長政策 ・・・金融市場 ・・・ラテンアメリカ ・・・移民 ・・・デジタル課税 ・・・開発モデル、韓国、ドミニカ ・・・資本主義 ・・・アメリカ衰退論、悪い皇帝 ・・・最高裁 ・・・US大統領選挙 ・・・極右、ポピュリズム ・・・ヨルダン川西岸 ・・・アサンジュ ・・・中国政治経済 ・・・ハーバーマス ・・・EU政治 ・・・US経済、産業政策 ・・・ドル ・・・日本銀行 ・・・NATO ・・・インド ・・・紅海 ・・・気候変動 ・・・ハイテク企業 ・・・フィランソロピー ・・・資源の呪い ・・・US外交 ・・・ウクライナからの鉄道



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 28 Jun 2024

It’s risky, but Joe Biden needs to give way to someone who can beat Donald Trump

Jonathan Freedland

The Guardian, Fri 28 Jun 2024

The only silver lining to Biden’s painful performance? US voters had already made up their minds

Emma Brockes

FT June 29, 2024

Joe Biden vows to stay in fight with Trump as pressure to quit mounts

Lauren Fedor in Atlanta, Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington and James Fontanella-Khan in New York

FT June 292024

An alarming moment for US democracy

FT June 28 2024

It is not too late for Joe Biden to go

Edward Luce

FT June 292024

Who could replace Joe Biden? The Democratic contenders

Aiden Reiter in London, Lauren Fedor in Atlanta and Christopher Grimes in Los Angeles

NYT June 28, 2024

Kamala Harris Could Win This Election. Let Her.

By Lydia Polgreen

NYT June 28, 2024

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT June 28, 2024

Biden Cannot Go On Like This

By Frank Bruni

NYT June 27 2024

Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave

By Paul Krugman

NYT June 28, 2024

To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

By The Editorial Board

NYT June 27 2024

President Biden, I’ve Seen Enough

By Nicholas Kristof

FP JUNE 28, 2024

Yes, Biden Flopped. But Let’s Not Overreact.

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.

The Guardian, Sat 29 Jun 2024

America’s big problem is not Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Trump

Simon Tisdall

FT June 29, 2024

Democrats contemplate the unthinkable: nudging aside Joe Biden

Joshua Chaffin in New York

NYT June 29, 2024

The Dramatic Dangers of a Second Biden Administration

By Ross Douthat

FP JUNE 28 2024

Is It Too Late to Replace a Presidential Candidate?

By Jack Detsch and Christina Lu

The Guardian, Sun 30 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on Joe Biden: Democrats must seize the wheel, not drift to disaster


NYT June 30, 2024

This Isn’t All Joe Biden’s Fault

By Ezra Klein

NYT June 29, 2024

Democrats: Stop Panicking

By Stuart Stevens

FT July 2, 2024

A poor presidential debate unites red and blue swing state voters

Patti Waldmeir

NYT July 1, 2024

Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention

By Bill Maher

FT July 2, 2024

Joe Biden and the tragedy of liberal denialism

Janan Ganesh

PS Jul 2, 2024

Will Biden Spoil It All?


NYT July 2, 2024

L.B.J. Did It in 1968. Biden Can Do It, Too.

By Kevin Boyle

NYT July 1, 2024

There’s No Reason to Resign Ourselves to Biden

By Michelle Goldberg

NYT July 2, 2024

President Biden: Teach Them How to Say Goodbye

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT July 4, 2024

No Poll Can Tell Biden What He Needs to Hear

By Kristen Soltis Anderson

NYT July 3, 2024

Forcing Biden Out Would Have Only One Beneficiary: Trump

By Charles M. Blow



The Guardian, Fri 28 Jun 2024

Labour is telling Britain it is now a conservative party – and we should believe it

David Edgerton

FT June 28 2024

Why no one trusts politicians any more

Camilla Cavendish

FT June 28 2024

Labour may face a tug of war between European trade and US security

Alan Beattie

FT June 28 2024

How to fix the UK? Let me count the ways

Tim Harford

FT June 29, 2024

What Britain gets right

Janan Ganesh

The Guardian, Sun 30 Jun 2024

Labour needs billions to fund its plans – and I know where it can be found

Will Hutton

The Guardian, Sun 30 Jun 2024

The Observer view on how a Labour government can make Britain a fairer and greener place

Observer editorial

FT July 1, 2024

Britain needs a fresh start

FT June 30, 2024

Making ‘mission-driven’ government more than a catchphrase

Jill Rutter

The Guardian, Mon 1 Jul 2024

The tragic parable of Rishi Sunak: driven by success at all costs, then undone by his own myth-making

Nesrine Malik

FT July 1, 2024

Can Labour fix the UK asylum system?

By Anna Gross and Lucy Rodgers in London

The Guardian, Tue 2 Jul 2024

Labour is putting its plans for Britain in the hands of private finance. It could end badly

Daniela Gabor

The Guardian, Tue 2 Jul 2024

As PM, Starmer will have to revamp the asylum system. Here are four ways to make a start

Enver Solomon

The Guardian, Tue 2 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on Britain’s green future: where was the debate?


FT July 2, 2024

Sunak, Disraeli and why pride in UK diversity isn’t enough

Stephen Bush

VoxEU / 2 Jul 2024

Evaluating the Spring Budget and the UK’s fiscal rules

Ethan Ilzetzki, Suryaansh Jain

FP JULY 3, 2024

Keir Starmer Is Tony Blair, Minus the Optimism

By John Kampfner, the author of Why the Germans Do It Better: Notes from a Grown-Up Country.



FT June 28 2024

The dazzling rise and fall of Macronism

Leila Abboud and Ben Hall in Paris

PS Jun 28, 2024

Why Young Europeans Are Embracing the Far Right


FP JUNE 28, 2024

Why Are French Jews Supporting the Far Right?

By Robert Zaretsky, a professor of history at the University of Houston’s Honors College and the author of Victories Never Last: Reading and Caregiving in a Time of Plague.

FT June 29, 2024

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella — the French far right’s dream ticket?

Leila Abboud

FT July 1, 2024

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella — the French far right’s ticket to rule

Leila Abboud

FT June 30, 2024

Europe’s cordon sanitaire against the far right may not work

Martin Sandbu

The Guardian, Mon 1 Jul 2024

In France, it’s now only a matter of time before the far right takes power

Paul Taylor

The Guardian, Mon 1 Jul 2024

The Guardian view on France’s snap election: the unthinkable becomes plausible


FT July 1, 2024

Le Pen, Trump and liberal panic

Liberals are in for a long struggle as nationalist populism surges in the US and Europe

Gideon Rachman

FT July 2, 2024

The far-right surge in France

FT July 1, 2024

Macron’s reckless gamble leaves French voters with invidious choice

Ben Hall, Europe editor

PS Jul 1, 2024

Why Macronism Failed


FT July 2, 2024

Isolated Macron struggles to know what happens next

Sylvie Kauffmann

PS Jul 2, 2024

The Trussing Hour


NYT July 2, 2024

France Is Headed for Disaster

By Philippe Marlière



FT June 28 2024

Infrastructure plus pragmatism is the recipe for G7 growth

Larry Fink

PS Jul 1, 2024

Policy Lessons From Recent Economic Crises




FT June 292024

How not to blow up your bond market

Katie Martin

FT June 29, 2024

Will emerging markets step out of the gloom?

Louise Lucas



FT June 28 2024

Latin America was famed for coups, but Bolivia shows how it has changed

Michael Stott



PS Jun 28, 2024

Rethinking How to Address Irregular Migration from Africa




PS Jun 28, 2024

The Digital Economy’s Growing Time Tax




PS Jun 28, 2024

How South Korea Broke the Development Mold


PS Jun 28, 2024

The Dominican Success Story




PS Jun 28, 2024

The Profit Trap


FT July 1, 2024

Capitalism is in worse shape in Europe

Ruchir Sharma



NYT June 28, 2024

Women Must Be Invited to Shape Afghanistan’s Future

By Richard Bennett



NYT June 28, 2024

Why Conservatives Shouldn’t Be Doomers

By Ross Douthat

NYT July 2, 2024

Is America a City on a Hill or a Nation on the Precipice?

By Carlos Lozada

FP JULY 2, 2024

The U.S. Has Its Own ‘Bad Emperor’ Dilemma

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

NYT July 4, 2024

Loving America Means Expecting More From It

By Esau McCaulley



NYT June 29, 2024

The Imperial Supreme Court

By Kate Shaw

NYT July 1, 2024

The Trump Decision Reveals Deep Rot in the System

By Laurence H. Tribe

FT July 2, 2024

US Supreme Court provides new reason to fear a Trumpian return

Peter Spiegel in New York

The Guardian, Tue 2 Jul 2024

Was Donald Trump a king as president? The US supreme court thinks so

Moira Donegan

FT July 3, 2024

The Supreme Court has undermined US democracy

PS Jul 2, 2024

The Path Not Taken in Trump’s Immunity Case


NYT July 2, 2024

The Supreme Court Creates a Lawless Presidency

By Kate Shaw

NYT July 2, 2024

Mr. President, Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready

By Jamelle Bouie

NYT July 2, 2024

The First Amendment Is Out of Control

By Tim Wu

NYT July 1, 2024

The Supreme Court Gives a Free Pass to Trump and Future Presidents

By The Editorial Board



FP JUNE 28, 2024

Key Foreign-Policy Moments From the Trump-Biden Debate

By Rishi Iyengar and Christina Lu

FP JUNE 28, 2024

What Will Elections in France, Iran, and the U.K. Mean for U.S. Foreign Policy?

By Emma Ashford, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center, and Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

FP JUNE 28, 2024

How Bad Will Political Violence in the U.S. Get?

By Bruce Hoffman, senior fellow for counterterrorism and homeland security at the Council of Foreign Relations and a professor at Georgetown University, and Jacob Ware, a research fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and DeSales University.

FT June 30, 2024

Crypto lobbyists are polluting the US election

Jemima Kelly

PS Jul 1, 2024

After Biden’s Debate Performance, the World Should Prepare for Trump


NYT July 1, 2024

My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon

By David Brooks

NYT July 1, 2024

The Victory Lap Trump Didn’t Take

By Katherine Miller

NYT July 2, 2024

Who Pays Tariffs? And How Do We Know?

By Paul Krugman



FP JUNE 28, 2024

The West Misunderstands Its Own Far Right

By Mukul Kesavan, a writer and columnist based in Delhi.

PS Jul 1, 2024

The Demigods of Populism


PS Jul 2, 2024

How Humanity Lost Control


NYT July 1, 2024

France’s Far Right Is Bad. But Not as Hypocritical as MAGA.

By Paul Krugman



FP JUNE 28, 2024

How Kenya’s President Broke the Social Contract

By Binaifer Nowrojee, the president of the Open Society Foundations.



NYT June 29, 2024

A Message From the West Bank: ‘We Are Coming to Horrible Days’

By Nicholas Kristof



FP JUNE 29, 2024

The Greatest Generation Had Queer Veterans, Too

By Luke Schleusener, the president and co-founder of Out in National Security.



The Guardian, Sun 30 Jun 2024

Julian Assange is free, but his case is a grim reminder of the fragility of press freedom

Kenan Malik



FP JUNE 30, 2024

Revisiting Chinese Empire

By Bethany Allen, a journalist covering China from Taipei.

FT July 1, 2024

The foreign investors left stranded in Evergrande’s web of Chinese debt

Thomas Hale and Wang Xueqiao in Changsha and Kaye Wiggins in Hong Kong

PS Jul 1, 2024

An Easy Solution to the EU-China Tariff Dispute


FP JULY 1, 2024

Hong Kong’s Democratic Diaspora Is Embracing British Elections

By Jessie Lau, a journalist in London and Hong Kong

FP JULY 4, 2024

Southeast Asia in BRICS Is Good for the Global Order

By Sarang Shidore, the director of the Quincy Institute’s Global South Program.



FP JUNE 30, 2024

The World Still Needs Habermas

By Jan-Werner Müller, a professor of politics at Princeton University.



FT July 1, 2024

Viktor Orbán: Hungary’s plan to make Europe competitive again

Viktor Orbán

FP JULY 1, 2024

Europe Alone

By Mark Leonard, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Nathalie Tocci, Carl Bildt, Robin Niblett, Radoslaw Sikorski, Guntram Wolff, Bilahari Kausikan, Ivan Krastev, and Stefan Theil

FP JULY 1, 2024

Will Europe’s Front-Line States Have Enough Soldiers to Fight?

By Jakub Grygiel, a professor of politics at the Catholic University of America.



FT July 1, 2024

CEOs in the age of anxiety

Rana Foroohar

VoxEU / 1 Jul 2024

The return of industrial policies

Valentine Millot, Lukasz Rawdanowicz



FT July 1, 2024

The fate of dollar rests on the US election

Barry Eichengreen



PS Jul 1, 2024

The Bank of Japan’s Go-Slow Policy Normalization




FP JULY 1, 2024

NATO Is Turning 75, but How Much Is There to Celebrate?

By Christopher S. Chivvis, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

PS Jul 2, 2024

AI-Augmented Disinformation Is NATO’s New Battlefield


FP JULY 2, 2024

What Europe Wants From the NATO Summit

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.



FP JULY 1, 2024

Modi’s Third-Term Foreign Policy Looks the Same

By Sumit Ganguly, a columnist at Foreign Policy and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and Dinsha Mistree, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and Stanford Law School.



FP JULY 1, 2024

Why Can’t the U.S. Navy and Its Allies Stop the Houthis?

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy, and Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.



FT July 2, 2024

Market forces are not enough to halt climate change

Martin Wolf

PS Jul 2, 2024

Social Justice Is the Best Policy




FT July 2, 2024

Forget radical honesty — Big Tech revisits its corporate culture

Elaine Moore



PS Jul 4, 2024

The Economics of Philanthropy




VoxEU  / 4 Jul 2024

The new curse of critical minerals

Rabah Arezki, Frederick Van Der Ploeg



FP JULY 4, 2024

What We Can Learn From America’s First Diplomat

By Eric Weiner, the author of Ben & Me: In Search of a Founder’s Formula for a Long and Useful Life.

FP JULY 4, 2024

Donald Sutherland and the Soldiers Who Resisted Vietnam

By Lindsay Goss, a theater historian at the University of Melbourne and author of F*ck the Army! How Soldiers and Civilians Staged the GI Movement to End the Vietnam War.



FP JULY 4, 2024

Ukraine Lays Its Tracks to Europe

By Maxim Edwards, a British editor and journalist focusing on central and eastern Europe, and Kristina Berdynskykh, an award-winning political journalist based in Kyiv.


The Economist June 22nd 2024

Wealth taxes: How to tax billionaires

Reform in adversity: Raising Argentina

Administering India: Small-state theory

Banyan: The king’s men waging lawfare

Indian federalism: Here’s model

Reforming Argentina: A long way to go

Solar power: The sun machines

The Palestine statehood puzzle: Can chaos be turned into a country?

Africa shining: The light continent

Renewable power (1): Solar coaster

(コメント) 超富裕層に課税する良い方法は何か? タイ国王と既得権者たちは法律によって反対派を追放する。アルゼンチンは、奇妙な指導者を得て、デフォルト寸前から再建できるか? インドは統治するには大きすぎ、パレスチナが国家になるにはなお混乱が足りない? アフリカに成長をもたらす太陽電池の利用拡大。



IPEの想像力 7/8/2024


Jonathan Freedland ・・・最悪の瞬間はいつだったか。ジョー・バイデンの特に支離滅裂な一文が、民主党が大切に守っている公共サービスの敵であるかのように「我々はついにメディケアを打ち負かした」とつぶやき、混乱した宣言で終わったときかもしれない。大統領が話していないときだったかもしれない。カメラは彼が口を緩めて開けたまま、ぼんやりと空を見つめているのを映していた。それとも、彼が話しているときだったのか。言葉自体は意味をなしていても、視聴者の注意を引くことのできない、か細く、甲高いささやき声で話していた。

Thomas L. Friedman ・・・私はリスボンのホテルの部屋でバイデン対トランプの討論会を一人で見ていたが、涙がこぼれた。私の人生で、アメリカ大統領選挙の政治でこれほど悲痛な瞬間を思い出すことはできない。それは、ジョー・バイデンは善良な人間であり、善良な大統領であるが、再選を目指す資格はないということが露呈したからだ。そして、ドナルド・トランプは悪意のある人間であり、狭量な大統領であるが、何も学んでおらず、何も忘れていない。彼はいつもと変わらず、不満に執着し、嘘を吐き散らしている。21世紀にアメリカが主導権を握るために必要なことなど、到底できない。



バイデンが辞退したら、だれが大統領(そして副大統領)候補になるのか? オプラ・ウィンフリー、ミシェル・オバマ、テイラー・スウィフト?




東京都知事選挙で2位の票を集めた石丸伸二とは、だれですか? 安芸高田市長を辞職して東京都知事に立候補する。そんなことができるとは。










