



UK選挙 ・・・インド選挙 ・・・富裕層 ・・・G7の終焉、アメリカ帝国の崩壊 ・・・気候変動 ・・・中国政治経済 ・・・金融市場とショック ・・・アイデンティティ政治 ・・・ドナルド・トランプ、ジョー・バイデン ・・・プーチン、北朝鮮、コーカサス ・・・中東政治、ネタニヤフ ・・・フランス ・・・グローバル課税 ・・・都市再生 ・・・US政治 ・・・NATO、トルコ ・・・EU政治 ・・・ドル ・・・インフレーション、金融政策 ・・・愛犬 ・・・関税、米中対立 ・・・アサンジュ ・・・石油の呪い ・・・AI、データセンター ・・・産業政策、保護主義 ・・・イラン ・・・ケニア ・・・南アフリカ



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 21 Jun 2024

A Labour earthquake would be a triumph for Starmer – but open up alarming new ground for Farage

Jonathan Freedland

The Guardian, Fri 21 Jun 2024

There’s a shocking absence in this election: politicians won’t mention the Israel-Gaza war

Owen Jones

FT June 21, 2024

Keir Starmer: ‘People need hope, but it needs to be realistic hope’

Jim Pickard

FT June 22, 2024

Ignore the populist noise, Britain’s moderate mould won’t break

Philip Stephens

The Guardian, Sat 22 Jun 2024

The Observer view on Labour’s economic strategy: EU is the key to growth

Observer editorial

FT June 25, 2024

The trust deficit in Britain’s damaged politics

FT June 24, 2024

Low migration risks an economic doom loop for the UK

Jonathan Portes

FT June 24, 2024

The absence of honesty in UK election will undermine democracy itself

Martin Wolf

FT June 24, 2024

How the Conservatives lost touch with England’s prosperous south

George Parker, Anna Gross and Leah Quinn

FT June 25, 2024

Britain’s big election will be the one after this

Janan Ganesh

FT June 25, 2024

Why the temptation of tax-like policies is so strong

Stephen Bush

The Guardian, Wed 26 Jun 2024

Brexit may have felt absent from this election – but it will still define it

Larry Elliott

FT June 26, 2024

Two years to ‘skelp’ Scottish nationalism

Robert Shrimsley

PS Jun 26, 2024

The Growth Agenda for the United Kingdom


The Guardian, Thu 27 Jun 2024

Things are not going to get better as long as oligarchs rule the roost in our democracies

George Monbiot

The Guardian, Thu 27 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on televised election debates: the voters deserve better


FT June 28, 2024

Britain needs to gin up its most innovative companies

Gus O’Donnell



The Guardian, Fri 21 Jun 2024

The hounding of Arundhati Roy shows there’s still no room for dissent in India

Salil Tripathi

FP JUNE 20, 2024

India’s Small Opposition Victory

By Salil Tripathi, a writer based in New York.



The Guardian, Fri 21 Jun 2024

Britain’s millionaires are fleeing. Good night and good luck, I say

Nels Abbey

FT June 26, 2024

The folly of the pro-Trump plutocrats

Martin Wolf

The Guardian, Wed 26 Jun 2024

Silicon Valley wants unfettered control of the tech market. That’s why it’s cosying up to Trump

Evgeny Morozov



The Guardian, Fri 21 Jun 2024

Multilateralism is on life support – but does the G7 any longer have the power to revive it?

Nathalie Tocci

PS Jun 21, 2024

The Evolution of Empire


PS Jun 26, 2024

Three Myths Haunting the West




FT June 22, 2024

How to break out of the climate doom loop

Camilla Cavendish

FT June 21, 2024

How companies are starting to back away from green targets

Kenza Bryan and Attracta Mooney in London

PS Jun 21, 2024

What Climate-Vulnerable Developing Countries Need Right Now


PS Jun 24, 2024

What Does the EU Election Mean for European Climate Policy?


PS Jun 25, 2024

Tariffs on Chinese Cleantech Jeopardize the Green Transition


FT June 26, 2024

The great geo-engineering gamble

Anjana Ahuja

FT June 27, 2024

A hotter world is a negative-sum game



FT June 22, 2024

China’s super-rich are eyeing the exit

James Kynge

PS Jun 21, 2024

China Must Not Choose the Next Dalai Lama


PS Jun 21, 2024

The New EU Leadership Must Unite on China


FP JUNE 22, 2024

How Big Is CCP Inc.?

By Bob Davis, a reporter who covered U.S.-China economic relations for decades for the Wall Street Journal.

FT June 24, 2024

We’re like gears grinding until they break’: Chinese tech companies push staff to the limit

Ryan McMorrow and Nian Liu in Beijing

FT June 26, 2024

China’s big housing correction is not over

Chen Long



FT June 21, 2024

Crisis memory, geopolitics and the risks of financial contagion

Gillian Tett



PS Jun 21, 2024

Two Cheers for Identity Politics


The Guardian, Thu 27 Jun 2024

From the US to France, the far right swears it’s patriotic. But is it betraying our countries?

Alexander Hurst



NYT June 21, 2024

The Lazy Authoritarianism of Donald Trump

By Jamelle Bouie

FT Junw 22, 2024

Why billionaires support Trump

Janan Ganesh

NYT June 22, 2024

The Biden and Trump Weaknesses That Don’t Get Enough Attention

By Ross Douthat

NYT June 23, 2024

I Know What America’s Leading C.E.O.s Really Think of Donald Trump

By Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld

PS Jun 24, 2024

The Defining Economic Issue of the US Election


NYT June 24, 2024

As a Doctor and a Voter, Here’s How I’m Thinking About the Health of Trump and Biden

By Daniela J. Lamas

NYT June 24, 2024

The Little Secret I’ve Learned From 30 Years of Watching Debates With Voters

By Frank Luntz

FT June 25, 2024

Biden may have a petrol problem

Daniel Yergin

FT June 25, 2024

An electoral battle for the supply side

Andy Haldane

PS Jun 25, 2024

Todd G. Buchholz

Says More…

NYT June 25, 2024

Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.

By Hillary Rodham Clinton

NYT June 24, 2024

The Most Important Primary Election of the Year Is Also a Heartbreaker

By Michelle Goldberg

NYT June 25, 2024

The Urgent Need to Blow Off Swing Voters

By Elizabeth Spiers

FT June 26, 2024

The economic consequences of Mr Trump

Edward Luce

NYT June 26, 2024

The Ground Is Shifting Under Biden and Trump

By Thomas B. Edsall

NYT June 26, 2024

How Can Biden Win the Debate? Trump? Five Tips for Each Candidate.

By New York Times Opinion

FP JUNE 26, 2024

Biden and Trump’s Debate Could Make Foreign-Policy History

By Jeremi Suri, the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.

NYT June 27, 2024

Who You Calling Conservative?

By Pamela Paul

NYT June 27, 2024

The Story Biden Ought to Be Telling in This Debate

By Jeff Shesol

NYT June 26, 2024

President Biden and Donald Trump, Some Tough Questions for Each of You

By Nicholas Kristof



FP JUNE 21, 2024

Learning to Live With a Nuclear North Korea

By Doug Bandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

The Guardian, Sun 23 Jun 2024

The Observer view on Vladimir Putin’s reckless visit to Asia

Observer editorial

PS Jun 24, 2024

The Putin-Kim Pact Is an Opportunity for the West


FT June 26, 2024

Why Xi Jinping is wary of Kim Jong Un’s embrace of Vladimir Putin

Joe Leahy in Beijing

PS Jun 27, 2024

Russia’s Triple Win in the South Caucasus




FP JUNE 21, 2024

How Africa’s War on Disinformation Can Save Democracies Everywhere

By Abdullahi Alim, the CEO of the Africa Future Fund.



The Guardian, Sat 22 Jun 2024

The Middle East is drifting leaderless to catastrophe. War is just an airstrike away

Simon Tisdall

NYT June 22, 2024

Why Netanyahu Doesn’t Take Biden Seriously

By Nicholas Kristof

NYT June 26, 2024

We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to Disinvite Netanyahu

By David Harel, Tamir Pardo, Talia Sasson, Ehud Barak, Aaron Ciechanover and David Grossman

FP JUNE 26, 2024

The Man Leading Israel’s Not-So-Quiet Annexation of the West Bank

By David E. Rosenberg, the economics editor and a columnist for the English edition of Haaretz and the author of Israel’s Technology Economy.



FT June 22, 2024

Will France fall to populism?

Olivier Roy

The Guardian, Mon 24 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on Macron’s snap election: France on the brink


FT June 24, 2024

France could trigger the next euro crisis

Gideon Rachman

PS Jun 25, 2024

Europe’s Future Now Lies With France


FP JUNE 26, 2024

What Would a Far-Right Victory Mean for French Foreign Policy?

By Célia Belin, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and head of its Paris office, and Mathieu Droin, a visiting fellow in the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

FT June 27, 2024

Macron’s presidency — a tragedy in four acts

Olivier Blanchard

FT June 27, 2024

I’m bullish about France, but few agree

Simon Kuper



VoxEU / 22 Jun 2024

How the Global Minimum Tax changes the taxation of multinational companies

Felix Hugger, Ana Cinta González Cabral, Massimo Bucci, Maria Gesualdo, Pierce O’Reilly

FP JUNE 25, 2024

Relieve Debt to Protect the Environment

By Elizabeth Losos, Alexander Pfaff, and Stuart Pimm



FT June 24, 2024

Building blocks are laid for Detroit’s architectural renaissance

Patti Waldmeir



FT June 23, 2024

Ukraine needs sizeable private debt forgiveness



FT June 24, 2024

Reality is forcing a shift in America’s tax and spend debate

Oren Cass

FT June 24, 2024

How to fix fast fashion

Rana Foroohar

FP JUNE 25, 2024

The U.S. Right Is Copying Hungary’s Attack on Adoption

By Alan Elrod, the president and CEO of The Pulaski Institution, a think tank dedicated to the connection between global politics and economics and U.S. heartland areas



FT June 23, 2024

Don’t cut Turkey out of European defence efforts because of Erdoğan 

Gönül Tol

FP JUNE 24, 2024

NATO Wants to Boost Its Undersea Defenses

By Jack Detsch and Keith Johnson



NYT June 23, 2024

The E.U. Is Revealing Its True Identity. Europeans Don’t Like It.

By Christopher Caldwell

FT June 24, 2024

The real risks for investors after the rise of the European far right

Silvia Merler

FT June 25, 2024

Europe boldly redefines security for a new age of threats

Anne-Marie Slaughter

FT June 26, 2024

Wanted: new soldiers for Europe’s shrinking armies

Sam Jones in Berlin and John Paul Rathbone in London

FT June 26, 2024

Swastikas and jackboots: an emboldened far right visits Buchenwald

Guy Chazan

PS Jun 26, 2024

Europe’s Coming Paralysis


FP JUNE 26, 2024

Trump’s Return Would Transform Europe

By Hal Brands, a professor of global affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

FT June 28, 2024

Big Tech investors should be paying more attention to EU’s regulatory strikes

Richard Waters

PS Jun 27, 2024

Europe Needs an Industrial Development Fund




PS Jun 24, 2024

The Geopolitical Imperative to Upgrade the Dollar


FP JUNE 25, 2024

A New Era of Financial Warfare Has Begun

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.

PS Jun 27, 2024

The Eclipse of the Petrodollar




PS Jun 24, 2024

Let the Giggers Fight Inflation


VoxEU / 24 Jun 2024

The new operating procedures of the Bank of England: A bonanza for the banks

Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji

VoxEU / 26 Jun 2024

Fiscal consequences of central bank losses

Stephen Cecchetti, Jens Hilscher

FT June 28, 2024

What the Dutch central bank tells us about Bidenomics

Gillian Tett

FT June 27, 2024

Japan’s new banknotes might have come too late

Leo Lewis



NYT June 24, 2024

Our Pandemic Puppy Brought Pure Joy. Losing Him, Pure Heartbreak.

By Margaret Renkl



FP JUNE 24, 2024

Western Protectionism Needs an End Date

By Jorge Guajardo, Senior Director at McLarty Associates, and served for six years in Beijing as the Mexican Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

FP JUNE 24, 2024

Against China, the United States Must Play to Win

By Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and Dan Negrea, senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center.

FT June 26, 2024

A deepening stand-off in the South China Sea

FP JUNE 26, 2024

Washington Wants a White Gold Rush

By Christina Lu



The Guardian, Tue 25 Jun 2024

At last, Julian Assange is free. But it may have come at a high price for press freedom

Trevor Timm

The Guardian, Tue 25 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on the WikiLeaks plea deal: good for Julian Assange, not journalism


FT June 26, 2024

WikiLeaks gadfly: the Julian Assange saga

William Wallis

PS Jun 27, 2024

Assange Is Free, But Are We?




FT June 25, 2024

The giant Exxon project that could create the world’s last petrostate

Jamie Smyth in Georgetown, Guyana, and Joe Daniels in Bogotá

FP JUNE 26, 2024

The Empty Promise of Africa’s Oil and Gas Boom

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.



FT June 25, 2024

Singapore’s ‘Fomo’ amid the rise of the AI data centre

Mercedes Ruehl

PS Jun 26, 2024

Embracing the AI-Energy-Climate Nexus


FT June 27, 2024

To cure disease, AI needs more of our data

John Thornhill



PS Jun 25, 2024

Industrial Policy Is a Nostalgic Pipe Dream


PS Jun 25, 2024

Ending the Protectionist Scourge Would Benefit All


PS Jun 27, 2024

From the Washington Consensus to the Berlin Declaration




FP JUNE 25, 2024

Elections Could Reshape U.S.-Iran Dynamic

By Stefanie Glinski, a journalist based in Istanbul.

PS Jun 26, 2024

Iran’s Election Could Bring Lasting Middle-East Peace


FP JUNE 26, 2024

The Conservative Power Struggle Shaping Iran’s Election

By Sina Toossi, a senior nonresident fellow at the Center for International Policy.

FP JUNE 27, 2024

Can a Reformist President Change Iran?

By Saeid Jafari, an Iranian journalist and Middle East analyst.



FP JUNE 26, 2024

Washington Fails to ‘Read the Room’ in Kenya

By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP JUNE 27, 2024

The Deep Roots of Kenya’s Unrest

By Nina Berman, a professor of international letters and cultures and a co-founder of the Human Economies Collaborative at Arizona State University.



FT June 28, 2024

The rough road ahead for coalition politics in South Africa


The Economist June 15th 2024

Huawei: Failed eradication

Taiwan, war and technology: Inside the silicon shield

Senior living: Back to school

Migration: Out of Africa

Bagehot: The great divide

Chinese equities: In the stocks

Foreign exchange: Dropping anchor

(コメント) アメリカの覇権が失われていく過程で、中国企業への制裁が、逆に基礎技術における中国の自律性を高めるに至り、台湾企業への補助金と安全保障にリンクした米国誘致が、莫大なコストに反してアメリカ産業の復活には役立たない、という記事です。




IPEの想像力 7/1/2024


・・・我々の時代を含む何世紀にもわたる歴史は、政治のデフォルト状態が再分配や一般福祉ではなく、非常に裕福な人々による蓄積のスパイラル、労働の極度の搾取、共有資源の奪取とレントの徴収、強要、強制、暴力であることを示している。正常とは、力こそが正義である社会である。正常とは寡頭政治である。(George Monbiot, Things are not going to get better as long as oligarchs rule the roost in our democracies, The Guardian, Thu 27 Jun 2024



The Economistは記事(Bagehot: The great divide)で、1996年、当時の野党党首トニー・ブレアが日本を訪問したときの「政府の任務は、英国国民がグローバル化の時代に競争できるよう備えることだ」という主張を取り上げます。

・・・保護主義は無益であり、「創造的な時代」は、オープンで、フレキシブルで、スマートな人々のものである、とサー・トニーは言った。つまり、外資とインターネットを受け入れるということだ。労働組合は、マーガレット・サッチャーの労働法の破棄は忘れたほうがいい。学校と大学が最優先事項だった。10年後、サー・トニーは一時停止を望む人々をあざ笑った。「夏の後に秋が来るべきか議論するようなものだ。」 ばかばかしい!



なぜ労働党は変わったのか? それは、世界が変わったから。「1997年当時、英国の経済規模は中国とインドを合わせた規模よりも大きかった。」 また、知的風土も変わった。「ニュー・レイバー党はビル・クリントンの民主党からインスピレーションを得たが、現在はジョー・バイデンの産業戦略に注目している。」

こうしたグローバリゼーションの過剰な修正は間違いだ、とThe Economistは警告します。特に、小国にとって、そのコストは生活水準の悪化、経済停滞である。



進歩派・左派系のエコノミストたちが提示したThe Berlin Summit Declarationベルリンサミット宣言」は、全く異なります。




“Humans are not resources. Coronavirus shows why we must democratise work” 「人間は資源ではない。コロナウイルスは労働を民主化しなければならない理由を示している」 Nancy Fraser, Susan Neiman , Chantal Mouffe, Saskia Sassen, Jan-Werner Müller, Dani Rodrik, Thomas Piketty, Gabriel Zucman, Ha-Joon Chang, and many others

The Guardian, Fri 15 May 2020


労働者の支持するグローバリゼーションと自律の時代に向けて (下) パンデミック×ポピュリスト×政治経済学」


どちらの主張に同意しますか? グローバリゼーションの下で、革新的な知識が普及し、境界を越えて投資や人口移動が起きたことは、多くの戦争や革命、社会の近代化を促したでしょう。それを受け入れるしかなかった、とは思いませんが、避けることも、逆転することも、答えになりません。


