



UK選挙 ・・・フランス政治、極右 ・・・ヨーロッパ政治、極右 ・・・US選挙、偽情報、トランプ ・・・新興市場 ・・・インフレ税 ・・・グリーン移行 ・・・国際通貨秩序 ・・・アフリカの繁栄 ・・・大量虐殺 ・・・ウクライナ戦争 ・・・ガザ、イスラエル、ヒズボラ ・・・難民危機 ・・・US外交 ・・・ドイツ ・・・イーロン・マスク、TSMC ・・・ラテンアメリカ ・・・資本主義、選挙 ・・・スーダン ・・・人民元 ・・・発展途上国、医療、国際協力 ・・・正しい戦争 ・・・バイデン、経済政策 ・・・中国政治、ヨーロッパ、南シナ海 ・・・インド政治 ・・・移民政策 ・・・金融政策 ・・・プーチン、キム首脳会談 ・・・AI、公共財 ・・・NATO事務総長



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 14 Jun 2024

Hope is not enough: people want to know that Keir Starmer can fix things

Gaby Hinsliff

FT June 15, 2024

Rachel Reeves: Wealth creation will be the defining mission of the Labour government

Rachel Reeves

FT June 15, 2024

Jeremy Hunt: Economic growth calls for more than stability — it demands ambition

Jeremy Hunt

The Guardian, Sat 15 Jun 2024

Drill into the policy, ignore the puffery: this is a Starmer manifesto more than a Labour one

Aditya Chakrabortty

FT June 15, 2024

Why democratic societies are having trust issues

Chine McDonald

The Guardian, Sun 16 Jun 2024

The election is farcical and frustrating, but deeply significant – under Labour things really could get better

John Harris

The Guardian, Sun 16 Jun 2024

Thatcherism, austerity, Brexit, Liz Truss... goodbye and good riddance to all that

Will Hutton

FT June 16, 2024

Campaigning parties should tell the truth about debt servicing

George Bridges

FT June 19, 2024

Britain’s broken public services

FT June 18, 2024

Post-election, Britain will once again waive the rules

Andy Haldane

FT June 19, 2024

No, Keir, the real opposition is behind you

Robert Shrimsley

FT June 19, 2024

Labour can increase spending without raising tax

Chris Giles

FT June 20, 2024

It’s time to reset EU-UK relations

Daniela Schwarzer

FT June 20, 2024

Zero-hours contracts — an obituary

Sarah O’Connor



FT June 15, 2024

The relentless rise of France’s far right

Adrienne Klasa in Saint-Benoît-du-Sault and Leila Abboud in Paris

The Guardian, Sat 15 Jun 2024

France’s slide to the extreme right is the stuff of both farce and tragedy

Harrison Stetler

The Guardian, Sun 16 Jun 2024

The Observer view on the French election: Emmanuel Macron is playing a dangerous game

Observer editorial

FT June 17, 2024

Jean-Luc Mélenchon: the French left’s divisive standard-bearer

Ben Hall and Adrienne Klasa in Paris and Akila Quinio in London

FT June 17, 2024

From France to America, the far right is on the march

Gideon Rachman

FT June 18, 2024

The fantasy economics of France’s far right and left

The Guardian, Wed 19 Jun 2024

Macron’s reckless gamble shows how little he cares about the fate of French people like me

Rokhaya Diallo

FT June 19, 2024

France’s unbalanced power structures are storing up trouble

Shahin Vallée

PS Jun 20, 2024

The Financial Risks of France’s Snap Election




FP JUNE 14, 2024

Is Europe’s Turn to the Right Here to Stay?

By Emma Ashford, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center, and Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

The Guardian, Sat 15 Jun 2024

Rising violence against politicians is an attack on democracy itself

Simon Tisdall

FT June 16, 2024

Election exposes paradoxical reactions to open EU borders

Lewis Baston

PS Jun 17, 2024

Slovakia’s Anti-Democratic Government Is Doubling Down


PS Jun 18, 2024

The Specter of Neo-Fascism Is Haunting Europe


FP JUNE 18, 2024

If Europe Is Lost, Why Not Party?

By Jessi Jezewska Stevens, a novelist and journalist based in Geneva, where she covers European culture and the climate movement

FT June 19, 2024

Europe must prepare for five years of radical change

Laurence Boone

The Guardian, Thu 20 Jun 2024

Europe’s progressives must reclaim ‘security’ and ‘freedom’ from the populist right – here’s how

Florian Ranft



FT June 14, 2024

Lloyd’s John Neal: ‘You’ll never find an insurer saying, “I don’t believe in climate change”’

Rana Foroohar



FT June 14, 2024

America’s election year battle over who polices online disinformation

Hannah Murphy in San Francisco

NYT June 14, 2024

The Chilling Reason You May Never See the New Trump Movie

By Michelle Goldberg

NYT June 14, 2024

Mississippi Opens the Playbook for Dismantling a Free Press

By Adam Ganucheau

NYT June 15, 2024

Jan. 6, America’s Rupture and the Strange, Forgotten Power of Oblivion

By Linda Kinstler

NYT June 16, 2024

What Happens When You Knock on 8,000 Doors

By Lea Page

FP JUNE 16, 2024

The Paranoid Movies That Captured Post-Watergate America

By Jordan Hoffman, a film critic and entertainment journalist living in Queens, New York.

The Guardian, Tue 18 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on the US and vaccine disinformation: a stupid, shocking and deadly game


FT June 18, 2024

Trump called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city’. Can Biden capitalise in Wisconsin?

James Politi in Baraboo, Wisconsin

NYT June 17, 2024

In Indiana, the MAGA Revolution Eats Its Own

By Michelle Goldberg

FT June 20, 2024

Business leaders’ myopic reversal on Donald Trump

FT June 19, 2024

The mother of all US presidential debates

Edward Luce

NYT June 19, 2024

Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case

By Leah Litman

NYT June 19, 2024

Political Scientists Want to Know Why We Hate One Another This Much

By Thomas B. Edsall

FP JUNE 18, 2024

There’s No Dodge Button for Disinformation

By Joshua Foust, an incoming assistant professor of public relations at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

FT June 20, 2024

The danger of deepfakes is not what you think

John Thornhill



FT June 14, 2024

Rising number of bright spots in emerging markets

Shamaila Khan



PS Jun 14, 2024

The Dangers of a US Capital Inflow Tax




PS Jun 14, 2024

Europe’s Green Transition Requires More Skilled Workers


FP JUNE 14, 2024

Why South Africa Won’t Be Going Green

By Sam Matthews Boehmer, a freelance journalist covering foreign policy and democracy in Southern Africa.

FP JUNE 14, 2024

Indonesia’s New Capital Is a Mess of Trees and Dirt

By Joseph Rachman, a freelance journalist covering Indonesia and other stories from around Southeast Asia.

FT June 16, 2024

Europe must work out what role China will play in its decarbonisation agenda

Martin Sandbu

FT June 18, 2024

Stop debating carbon markets and start building them

Mark Carney



PS Jun 14, 2024

A Monetary and Economic Order Fit for the Twenty-First Century




PS Jun 14, 2024

Putting Africa on the Path to Prosperity




PS Jun 14, 2024

Anatomy of a Massacre




NYT June 14, 2024

Here’s Why Ukraine Should Seek Peace

By A. Walter Dorn

NYT June 15, 2024

My Soul Is in Ukraine’: Safe, but Lost, in Rural England

Photographs and Text by Frankie Mills

PS Jun 17, 2024

Tracking Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funds


FP JUNE 18, 2024

Ukraine Needs a ‘Wet Gap Crossing’ to NATO

By Ann Marie Dailey, a policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, a nonresident senior fellow at the Transatlantic Security Initiative of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and an engineer officer in the U.S. Army Reserves.

FP JUNE 18, 2024

It’s Time to Learn How to Blow Things Up Again

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

NYT June 20, 2024

Putin Has Tainted Russian Greatness

By Serge Schmemann



FP JUNE 14, 2024

Why Biden’s Gaza Gambit Is Likely to Fail

By Aaron David Miller, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Steven Simon, a senior fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the professor of practice in Middle Eastern studies at the Jackson School of International Relations, University of Washington.

NYT June 18, 2024

American Leaders Should Stop Debasing Themselves on Israel

By Thomas L. Friedman

FP JUNE 18, 2024

What a War Between Israel and Hezbollah Might Look Like

By Amy Mackinnon

FT June 21, 2024

Israel and Hizbollah’s dangerous slide towards all-out war



FP JUNE 14, 2024

How to Solve the World’s Refugee Crisis

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.



FT June 15, 2024

Biden’s hopes for G7 foreign policy success undermined by Gaza war

James Politi in Bari

FP JUNE 15, 2024

The Hidden Critique of U.S. Foreign Policy in ‘Red Dawn’

By Antonio De Loera-Brust, the former special assistant to the U.S. secretary of state.

FP JUNE 16, 2024

Will Taiwan’s Future Be Settled in Washington?

By Brian Hioe, a writer and translator based out of Taipei.

FT June 17, 2024

How Saudi Arabia won back Biden

Felicia Schwartz and Andrew England in Washington

FP JUNE 17, 2024

The President Needs to Lead the Cold War on China

By Randy Schriver, Dan Blumenthal, and Josh Young

PS Jun 18, 2024

Diplomacy Could Help Revive Democracy in Venezuela


FP JUNE 20, 2024

What the United States Can Learn From China

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.



FT June 15, 2024

Naomi Klein, an activist writer stalked by controversy

Laura Battle



FP JUNE 15, 2024

Germany’s Far-Right Surge Isn’t New

By Emily Schultheis, a journalist based in Los Angeles who has covered European elections and the rise of the far right.

FP JUNE 20, 2024

Germany Has 1 Year to Replace Olaf Scholz

By Paul Hockenos, a Berlin-based journalist.



FT June 16, 2024

Elon Musk defies gravity

FT June 18, 2024

The bullish case for TSMC

June Yoon



FT June 18, 2024

Latin America is the victim of protectionist contagion

Monica de Bolle



FT June 17, 2024

Why markets like to see new political faces

Ruchir Sharma

FT June 18, 2024

Don’t blame neoliberalism for the rise of the hard right

Janan Ganesh

NYT June 18, 2024

How Capitalism Went Off the Rails

By Bret Stephens

PS Jun 20, 2024

If Democracy Isn’t Pro-Worker, It Will Die




FT June 17, 2024

Sudan is tumbling into the Somalia trap

Andres Schipani



FT June 17, 2024

Renminbi likely to draw fire as trade tensions mount

Richard Yetsenga



PS Jun 17, 2024

Can Private Hospitals Increase Access to Health Care in Developing Countries?


PS Jun 19, 2024

A Shining Example of Successful Multilateralism




PS Jun 17, 2024

D-Day and the Threat of Total War


NYT June 17, 2024

U.N. Humanitarian Chief: World Leaders Are Failing Us

By Martin Griffiths

FT June 20, 2024

Where the ICC fails, others will prevail

Simon Kuper



NYT June 17, 2024

The Queen Bee of Bidenomics

By Farah Stockman

FT June 19, 2024

Getting industrial policy right is a tricky business

Martin Wolf



FP JUNE 17, 2024

Beijing’s Crackdown on Islam Is Coming for Kids

By Ruslan Yusupov, a postdoctoral fellow at the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University.

FT June 19, 2024

The EU has a chicken feet problem with China

Andy Bounds in Brussels

PS Jun 19, 2024

The Global Implications of EU Tariffs on Chinese EVs


FP JUNE 20, 2024

China Tests U.S. Red Lines With Attacks on Philippine Vessels

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.



The Guardian, Tue 18 Jun 2024

How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale

George Monbiot



FT June 18, 2024

Narendra Modi’s government will ‘struggle’ to survive, says Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi

John Reed in New Delhi

FT June 19, 2024

Will Modi 3.0 be good for business?

John Reed

FP JUNE 19, 2024

Modi Still Has Great-Power Ambitions for India

By Sumit Ganguly, a columnist at Foreign Policy and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.



FT June 18, 2024

Neither politicians nor the public think straight on immigration

Stephen Bush

NYT June 19, 2024

What My Cancer Surgery Taught Me About Immigration

By Glenn Kramon

NYT June 20, 2024

The Immigration Reform We Need Begins on the Street Corner

By Pablo Alvarado



FT June 18, 2024

Fed needs to cut interest rates sooner rather than later

Mohamed El-Erian

PS Jun 19, 2024

Is Private Credit Becoming the Public’s Problem?


FT June 21, 2024

Markets ignore the internal politics of central banks at their peril

Robert Zoellick



The Guardian, Wed 19 Jun 2024

Putin and Kim are the odd couple with a dual mission – cementing a new world order

Simon Tisdall

The Guardian, Thu 20 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on Putin and Kim: an alarming new pact needs close attention


FT June 20, 2024

How Russia is using nuclear power to win global influence

Anastasia Stognei in Tbilisi, Benjamin Parkin in New Delhi, Jamie Smyth in New York and Malcolm Moore in London

NYT June 20, 2024

Where the World Plans to Test Nuclear Weapons Next

By Kathleen Kingsbury



FP JUNE 19, 2024

Haiti’s Transitional Council Has a Blind Spot

By Jessica Anania, a fellow at the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security, where she leads the institute’s WPS Conflict Tracker, and Danielle Saint-Lôt, a former Haitian minister of commerce, industry, and tourism.



FT June 20, 2024

AI is coming for our anger

Leo Lewis

PS Jun 20, 2024

Harnessing AI for the Common Good




FP JUNE 20, 2024

NATO’s New Leader Was Planning This the Whole Time

By Caroline de Gruyter, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a Europe correspondent for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.


The Economist June 8th 2024

A triumph for Indian democracy

India’s electoral surprise: After the rebuke, the dilemma

Eradicating poverty: Two wars on want

Lexington: Grown up in the USA

Charlemagne: Peak Europe turns 25

Autocratic admirers: Painting the globe red

(コメント) 議席を大きく減らした与党BJPと、多数を維持するために連立を強いられるモディ首相の姿勢がどうなるか、くわしく議論しています。インドの選挙は、トランプへの反発と、バイデンへの不満、その両方を含む、巨大国家型民主主義の難問を解け、と政治に求めています。



IPEの想像力 6/24/2024

ブルース・スプリングスティーンの40年前の曲Born in the U.S.A.を取り上げたThe Economistの評論を読みました。聴けば、知っている、という人も多いでしょう。










The Economistによれば、スプリングスティーンは2016年にヒラリー・クリントン、2020年にはジョー・バイデンの選挙運動に参加しました。それは、彼も国民の一人として政治的に考え、行動したことを示しています。しかし、曲が歌っているのは民主党への支持ではありません。





「なぜ止めないのか。」 記者の女性は強く問いかけます。NHK「調査報道・新世紀 File3 子どもを狙う盗撮・児童ポルノの闇(後編)」、「 『画像をばらまくぞ』SNSで横行 性的画像の拡散・脅迫 」 2024615




