



トランプ有罪判決 ・・・スターマー、スナク、UK選挙戦 ・・・インド選挙 ・・・イスラエル、ハマス、パレスチナ ・・・メキシコ新大統領 ・・・EU政治、議会選挙 ・・・スロバキア、ジョージア、ドイツ ・・・金融システム ・・・金融政策 ・・・ワシントン・コンセンサス、新自由主義 ・・・AI規制、ロボット ・・・政治経済学 ・・・中国、輸出、南シナ海 ・・・US大統領選挙 ・・・南アフリカ ・・・ロシア、軍事国家、ウクライナ ・・・US外交、戦争 ・・・気候変動 ・・・観光規制 ・・・アルゼンチン ・・・女性 ・・・チリ ・・・シンガポール



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 31 May 2024

So Trump moves closer to jail and nearer to the White House. This is our world in 2024

Marina Hyde

The Guardian, Fri 31 May 2024

The Guardian view on Donald Trump’s conviction: a criminal unfit to stand or serve


FT June 1, 2024

Trump campaign claims fundraising windfall in wake of guilty verdict

Alex Rogers in Washington

FT June 1, 2024

A conviction does not end the threat posed by Donald Trump

FT May 31, 2024

Trump’s guilty verdict puts America’s political system on trial

Edward Luce

PS May 31, 2024

Rough Justice for Trump


NYT May 30, 2024

Donald Trump, Felon

By The Editorial Board

NYT May 31, 2024

What Matters Most About Trump’s Guilty Verdict, According to 7 Opinion Writers

By New York Times Opinion

NYT May 30, 2024

Trump’s Guilty Verdict May Be a Political Accelerant

By Frank Bruni

NYT May 31, 2024

Trump Is ‘Honored’ by a Verdict That Should Shame Him

By David Firestone

NYT May 30, 2024

The Best Move for the Trump Jury: A Split Decision

By Jonathan Alter

FP MAY 31, 2024

A Nation of Alternative Realities

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 31, 2024

The World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

By Robbie Gramer and Keith Johnson

FP MAY 31, 2024

Trump’s Conviction Could Help End Elite Impunity

By Paul Musgrave, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The Guarduan, Sat 1 Jun 2024

Whatever happens next, the Donald Trump effect will continue to stain politics the world over

Simon Tisdall

The Guarduan, Sat 1 Jun 2024

The Observer view on Donald Trump: utterly unfit for office, he should quit the race for the White House

Observer editorial

FT June 1, 2024

Bombast vs bookkeeping: how Trump failed to sway a jury of his peers

Joe Miller in New York

NYT May 31, 2024

I Was Skeptical of the ‘Zombie’ Trump Case. I Stand Corrected.

By Randall D. Eliason

FP MAY 31, 2024

The Problem With Invoking the ‘Third World’ Slur

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

NYT June 3, 2024

Lock Her Up’ Was Not Just a Slogan

By Michelle Goldberg



The Guardian, Fri 31 May 2024

Power-drunk and arrogant: if this is how Starmer’s Labour treats its MPs, what will his party be like in power?

Owen Jones

FT May 31, 2024

A new intergenerational contract is needed

Camilla Cavendish

FT June 1, 2024

Parties should avoid tax pledges they may come to regret

Helen Miller

PS May 31, 2024

Britain’s Make-or-Break Election


NYT May 31, 2024

The Dizzying Rise and Damp, Deflated End of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

By Sam Freedman

FT June 1, 2024

Whitby Woman: the latest target voter should prepare to be wooed

Luke Tryl

FP JUNE 1, 2024

Is Britain All That Special?

By Marie Le Conte, a freelance political journalist based in London.

The Guardian, Sun 2 Jun 2024

Socialism isn’t a dirty word. It’s simply about wanting to make a fairer society

Will Hutton

The Guardian, Sun 2 Jun 2024

The Observer view on the social care crisis: whoever wins the election, it needs addressing urgently

Observer editorial

The Guardian, Sun 2 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on taxing billionaires: we need to talk about the super-rich


FT June 3, 2024

Labour’s lack of boldness could come back to haunt it

Martin Sandbu

The Guardian, Mon 3 Jun 2024

I’d like to say Johnson and Brexit made me quit politics. But they were symptoms of the problem, not the cause

Rory Stewart

The Guardian, Mon 3 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on Nigel Farage: a serial loser looks to win big in British politics


FT June 3, 2024

Britain’s muddle-along economic model

The Guardian, Tue 4 Jun 2024

Starmer has mastered the speeches about Tory ‘chaos’ and ‘decline’, but Britain needs hope – where is it?

Andy Beckett

FT June 4, 2024

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer to clash in first UK election leaders’ debate

George Parker in London and Jim Pickard in Manchester

FT June 4, 2024

No, Starmer should not be bolder

Janan Ganesh

FT June 4, 2024

UK politics must stop fixating on the grey vote

Stephen Bush

The Guardian, Wed 5 Jun 2024

Stockpiling nuclear weapons? That will do nothing for national security, Keir Starmer

Jeremy Corbyn

FT June 5, 2024

Behold the final casualties of Brexit

Robert Shrimsley

The Guardian, Thu 6 Jun 2024

Don’t underestimate Faragism this election. He’s a virus infecting UK politics

Aditya Chakrabortty

The Guardian, Thu 6 Jun 2024

Compared with the dark saga of Donald Trump, British politics looks like Beatrix Potter

Emma Brockes

The Guardian, Thu 6 Jun 2024

General elections are a travesty of democracy – let’s give the people a real voice

George Monbiot

FT June 6, 2024

Why British trade policy needs to stand still

Alan Beattie

FT June 6, 2024

Aspiration isn’t just for Tories

Simon Kuper



The Guardian, Fri 31 May 2024

Tomorrow I will cast my vote in India’s elections. Democracy itself is at stake

Amit Chaudhuri

FT June 5, 2024

India’s Modi emerges weakened

FP JUNE 4, 2024

Modi’s Power Has Peaked

By Devesh Kapur, the Starr Foundation professor of South Asian studies at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

The Guardian, Wed 5 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on Modi’s election disappointment: the winner is democracy in India


PS Jun 5, 2024

The Road Ahead for Modi and India


NYT June 5, 2024

India Keeps Its Glorious, Messy Tradition Alive

By Lydia Polgreen

NYT June 5, 2024

Indian Voters Have Finally Woken Up

By Anjali Mody

FP JUNE 6, 2024

Why Modi Underperformed

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.



FT June 1, 2024

Joe Biden announces new Israel-Hamas peace proposals

James Politi in Washington and Andrew England in London

FP MAY 31, 2024

Biden Outlines Israeli Proposal For Gaza Cease-Fire Deal

By Amy Mackinnon

FP MAY 31, 2024

Is Biden Blowing It in Gaza and Ukraine?

By Emma Ashford, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center, and Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

NYT June 1, 2024

How to Think Through the Moral Tangle in Gaza

By Nicholas Kristof

FT June 4, 2024

Biden has put his credibility on the line with the Gaza plan

Kim Ghattas

FP JUNE 4, 2024

The Man Who Tried to Save Israel From Itself

By Gershom Gorenberg, an Israeli journalist and historian.

FT June 6, 2024

Netanyahu is a disaster for Israel

Ariel Emanuel

FP JUNE 6, 2024

America’s Israel Policy Is Stuck in the 1990s

By Steven A. Cook, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.



FT June 1, 2024

Claudia Sheinbaum, the woman hoping to be Mexico’s first female president

Michael Stott and Christine Murray in Mexico City

FT June 3, 2024

Claudia Sheinbaum’s mandate is huge but so are her challenges

Michael Stott

PS Jun 5, 2024

An Economic Agenda for Mexico’s New President




FT May 31, 2024

The European elections will be a rough ride for the political mainstream

Ivan Krastev

PS Jun 3, 2024

What the EU Has Done for Us


NYT June 3, 2024

My Country Shows What Europe Has Become

By Anton Jäger

FT June 4, 2024

Meloni and Le Pen: the relationship at the heart of European politics

Leila Abboud in Paris, Amy Kazmin in Rome and Ben Hall in London

PS Jun 4, 2024

No Quiet for Europe on the Eastern Front


PS Jun 4, 2024

What the Weimar Triangle Could Do for Europe


The Guardian, Wed 5 Jun 2024

The far right may not win real power in Europe – but it will influence those who do

Cas Mudde

FT June 5, 2024

Why Italy’s expat tax regime is fomenting social discord in Milan

Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli

FT June 5, 2024

Europe’s nationalists gloss over Russia differences in quest for power

Ben Hall, Europe editor

PS Jun 5, 2024

Europe Needs a Democracy Commissioner


The Guardian, Thu 6 Jun 2024

Macron and Meloni appear poles apart – but what if they joined forces to save Europe?

Lorenzo Marsili

VoxEU  / 6 Jun 2024

The EU miracle: When 75 million reached high income

Basile Grassi

NYT June 6, 2024

It May Be Scary, but Europe Is Coming to Life

By Caroline de Gruyter



FT June 4, 2024

Slovakia’s government is doubling down despite assassination attempt

Anton Spisak

FT June 6, 2024

Opportunistic Georgia joins Europe’s illiberal club

Thomas de Waal

FP JUNE 6, 2024

Politics Is Especially Violent in Germany

By Paul Hockenos, a Berlin-based journalist.



FT May 31, 2024

Why fintech upstarts have failed to unseat UK banks

Akila Quinio

FT June 1, 2024

How Liz Truss still haunts markets

Katie Martin

FT June 3, 2024

The many-sided crisis in consulting

Rana Foroohar

FT June 6, 2024

An unnecessary banking subsidy whose time is up

Chris Giles

PS Jun 6, 2024

The Moral Hazard of Lower Interest Rates




PS May 31, 2024

The Danger of Premature ECB Rate Cuts


NYT June 4, 2024

Goodbye Inflation, Hello Recession?

By Paul Krugman

FT June 5, 2024

ECB rate cut to breathe life into Eurozone economy

Martin Arnold in Frankfurt

FT June 6, 2024

The ECB’s precautionary first cut

FT June 6, 2024

Why the hurricane season matters for the Federal Reserve

Rebecca Patterson



FT May 31, 2024

Why do rich people steal?

Rhymer Rigby



PS May 31, 2024

Still Haunted by the Washington Consensus


PS Jun 4, 2024

What Comes After Neoliberalism?

Mehrsa Baradaran, Anne O. Krueger, Mariana Mazzucato, Dani Rodrik, Joseph E. Stiglitz, and Michael R. Strain



PS May 31, 2024

The Right Way to Regulate AI


PS Jun 3, 2024

The High Cost of GPT-4o


NYT June 5, 2024

Will A.I. Be a Creator or a Destroyer of Worlds?

By Thomas B. Edsall

FT June 6, 2024

AI is a green curse as well as a blessing

John Thornhill

FT June 6, 2024

The robots preparing to get their hands on your lunch

Leo Lewis



PS May 31, 2024

A Plea for Political Economy




PS May 31, 2024

China’s Economy Cannot Export Its Problems Away


FP MAY 31, 2024

The South China Sea Risks a Military Crisis

By Sarang Shidore, the director of the Quincy Institute’s Global South Program.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivers a speech during the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

FP JUNE 2, 2024

What If Israel Had Been in China?

By Harry Saunders, a graduate of Princeton University, where he studied history.

FP JUNE 3, 2024

Why Is Xi Not Fixing China’s Economy?

By Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The Guardian, Tue 4 Jun 2024

China’s crackdown on Tiananmen memorials shows its obsession with security – and growing paranoia

Louisa Lim

FT June 4, 2024

China’s expat gap problem

Joe Leahy

FT June 5, 2024

China’s plan to sell cheap EVs to the rest of the world

Edward White in Shanghai, Michael Pooler in São Paulo, A. Anantha Lakshmi in Jakarta and Christine Murray in Mexico City

FP JUNE 6, 2024

China’s South Sea Aggression Is Backfiring

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.



NYT May 30, 2024

What if This Is Our Last Real Election?

By Paul Krugman

FT June 1, 2024

Return to Janesville — life after manufacturing in America’s heartland

Amy Goldstein

FT June 2, 2024

Conviction politics: Joe Biden sees opportunity in Trump’s guilty verdict

James Politi in Washington

FT June 2, 2024

Biden’s challenge runs deeper than ‘bad vibes’

Ruchir Sharma

The Guardian, Mon 3 Jun 2024

Crowing about the Trump verdict will only hurt Biden – populists thrive on claims of persecution

Simon Jenkins

The Guardian, Mon 3 Jun 2024

Why is a group of billionaires working to re-elect Trump?

Robert Reich

PS Jun 3, 2024

American Business Will Regret Writing Off Democracy


FT June 4, 2024

Why Trump continues to defy electoral gravity

Frank Luntz

FT June 5, 2024

What Hunter Biden tells us about America

Edward Luce

NYT June 5, 2024

To Win on Immigration, Biden Must Move the Debate Beyond the Border

By Andrea R. Flores

NYT June 4, 2024

The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump

Ezra Klein

PS Jun 6, 2024

Is Biden Self-Destructing?


FP JUNE 6, 2024

Americans Don’t Want a Wartime President

By Mark Hannah, a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Affairs.



NYT May 31, 2024

Sports Gambling Is a Ticking Time Bomb

By Leigh Steinberg



NYT June 1, 2024

South Africa Is Not a Metaphor

By Lydia Polgreen

FT June 3, 2024

South Africa on the precipice

PS Jun 3, 2024

The End of the ANC’s Single-Party Rule


FT June 4, 2024

How the ANC can save South Africa

Alec Russell



FT June 2, 2024

We need to put sand in the gears of the Russian war machine

Wally Adeyemo

FT June 3, 2024

Russia’s nuclear threats are losing their power

Gideon Rachman

FP JUNE 3, 2024

Now Is Not the Time to Negotiate With Putin

By Rajan Menon, the director of the grand strategy program at Defense Priorities, a professor emeritus at the City College of New York, and a senior research fellow at Columbia University.

PS Jun 4, 2024

Old and New Lessons from the Ukraine War


FP JUNE 4, 2024

Are Putin’s Nuclear Threats Working?

By Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

FP JUNE 4, 2024

Europe Needs Forts Again

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

PS Jun 5, 2024

The Ukraine War Threatens Russia’s Regional Influence


PS Jun 6, 2024

NATO Must Not Go Wobbly on Ukraine




FP JUNE 2, 2024

Why Did America Stumble Into a Trap in Iraq?

By David Polansky, a political theorist and research fellow with the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy.

FP JUNE 3, 2024

The U.S. Needs a New Purpose in the Middle East

By Steven A. Cook, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

FT June 5, 2024

Nationalism threatens the world order

Martin Wolf

FP JUNE 4, 2024

Biden’s Foreign-Policy Problem Is Incompetence

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

NYT June 4, 2024

Why We Must Keep the Memory of D-Day Alive

By Garrett M. Graff

NYT June 4, 2024

This D-Day, Europe Needs to Resolve to Get Its Act Together

By Bret Stephens

NYT June 6, 2024

Mitch McConnell: We Cannot Repeat the Mistakes of the 1930s

By Mitch McConnell

FP JUNE 6, 2024

A New Cold War Needs Its Own Rules

By Azeem Ibrahim, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a director at the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy.



FP JUNE 2, 2024

No, It’s Not Too Late to Save the Planet

By Paul Hockenos, a Berlin-based journalist.

FP JUNE 3, 2024

Europe’s Green Moment Is Over

By Anchal Vohra, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FP JUNE 3, 2024

Who Pays for Climate Action?

By Michael Franczak, a historian of American foreign relations and the world economy and an expert on global climate change policy and negotiations

PS Jun 5, 2024

The 1.5°C Target for Global Warming Must Prevail


PS Jun 6, 2024

Europe Needs a Green Deal 2.0


NYT June 6, 2024

Vermont Takes On Big Oil. Will Other States Follow?

By Lee Wasserman



The Guardian, Mon 3 Jun 2024

The Guardian view on beach protests in the Balearics: locals need a better deal




FT June 3, 2024

Argentina’s Milei turns to an ‘anti-Milei’ to save his project 

Ciara Nugent in Buenos Aires



PS Jun 3, 2024

During This Super Election Year, More Women Are Needed at the Top




PS Jun 4, 2024

The Primacy of Political Order




FP JUNE 5, 2024

Somalia on Steroids’: Sudan Conflict Escalates

By Robbie Gramer

FP JUNE 5, 2024

Sudanese Militias Are Committing Genocide in Darfur—Again

By Mutasim Ali, a legal advisor at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, and Yonah Diamond, a senior legal counsel at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.



FP JUNE 5, 2024

What the West Can Learn From Singapore

By Graham Allison, a professor of government at the Harvard Kennedy School.


The Economist May 25th 2024

Cash for kids

International law: Lawfare vs Warfare

New Caledonia: The Noumea discord

Philippine security: Bangsamoro’s moment

Regional inequality: A tale of two Chinas

Old people: One way to stay spry

Swing states: Wisconsin: The country road to the White House

France: Looming trouble

Discrimination in Europe: Who hates whom?

The pro-natalist turn: Putting a price on them

Real-estate problem: Floor repairs

Free exchange: The old world

(コメント) 人口規模を維持する出生率(女性1人が2.1人の子どもを産む)を割り込む国が増えています。韓国は0.7で、今世紀末までに人口が60%減少する。世界中で人口が減少し、中国もインドも例外ではありません。出産を奨励する政策は、ほとんど効果がなく、財政的にもプラスにならないでしょう。年金、介護、医療の負担をめぐる政治対立が生じます。



IPEの想像力 6/10/2024






2016年、トランプを生んだアメリカの選挙時に、インディアナ州マンシーを訪れたイギリスの社会学者Gary YoungeThe Guardianに報告していました。

・・・何かが起こっています。しかも、私たちが考えていたよりも速いのです。トランプは Brexit に続き、マリーヌ・ル・ペンはトランプに続くかもしれません。私たちの政党はもはや、彼らが代表すると主張する人々とつながることができないようです。私たちの民主主義は私たちが思っていたよりも脆弱です。機能する民主主義を可能にする機関、つまり報道機関、議会、警察は、以前よりも信頼されていません。

大統領の選択を決めるウィスコンシン州についてThe Economistが、GMの工場が閉鎖された後の同州のジェーンズビルについてFTが、最近、報告しています。


右派はEUを解体するのでしょうか? 諸国民・諸民族の群島国家にもどる?




ポピュリズムは過激化するのか? 脱悪魔化・穏健化するのか? ル・ペンに具体的な解決策はない、と言われます。若いバルデラ党首は、貧困地区で育った移民の子供です。ル・ペンはユーロ解体を主張せず、EU政治を保守的に再編したいのです。しかし、右派に政策合意はありません。






