



UK選挙 ・・・ガザ、イスラエル ・・・スーダン ・・・ウクライナ戦争、ロシア ・・・企業、CEO選挙、女性、カンパニー・タウン ・・・人口減少 ・・・気候変動 ・・・アフリカ ・・・インド総選挙 ・・・貿易、通貨システム ・・・トランプ ・・・米中対立 ・・・US外交、軍事力 ・・・イラン ・・・南アフリカ ・・・資本主義 ・・・EU政治、極右、オランダ、イタリア ・・・ジョージア ・・・中国 ・・・US、孤独、マングローブ ・・・金融政策 ・・・AI時代 ・・・麻薬合法化 ・・・通商政策 ・・・医療、感染対策 ・・・サーモン ・・・アルゼンチン ・・・ダヴォス



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 24 May 2024

Make this the punishment election – damning the Tories for 14 years of cruelty and lies

Jonathan Freedland

FT May 25, 2024

Keir Starmer: ‘lucky general’ or hard-nosed political operator?

Jim Pickard, Deputy Political Editor

FT May 24, 2024

The election campaign suffers from an optimism deficit

Camilla Cavendish

The Guardian, Sat 25 May 2024

Both feted and gilded, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two sides of the same rotten politics

Aditya Chakrabortty

The Guardian, Sat 25 May 2024

The Observer view on the Tories: A chance to pass judgment on 14 years of misrule

Observer editorial

The Guardian, Sun 26 May 2024

Rishi Sunak’s summer election gamble is already backfiring on the Tory leader

Andrew Rawnsley

FT May 26, 2024

This will be the UK’s first post-TV election

Stephen Bush

FT May 25, 2024

Rishi Sunak and the conservative dilemma 

Janan Ganesh

The Guardian, Tue 28 May 2024

Realism got Starmer here. But so far he’s fighting this election with fantasy economics

Gaby Hinsliff

FT May 28, 2024

The Tories’ disastrous misunderstanding of America

Janan Ganesh

FT May 29, 2024

Rishi Sunak’s spaghetti strategy

Robert Shrimsley

FT May 29, 2024

Rishi Sunak’s big net zero UK election gamble

Pilita Clark

The Guardian, Thu 30 May 2024

If Labour wins a 1945-style landslide, it will have no excuse for playing it safe

Larry Elliott

NYT May 29, 2024

The Tories Will Lose the Election. But What Will Labour Win?

By David Wallace-Wells



The Guardian, Fri 24 May 2024

Gaza – a new poem

Ben Okri

PS May 24, 2024

Divestment from Israel Will Not Bring Peace


FP MAY 24, 2024

Why the U.S. Should Recognize Palestinian Statehood

By Omar M. Dajani, Carol Olson Professor of International Law at McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.

The Guardian, Sat 25 May 2024

Call to prosecute Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes exposes the west’s moral doublethink

Simon Tisdall

NYT May 24, 2024

Biden’s Chance to Do the Right Thing in Gaza

By Nicholas Kristof

FT May 26, 2024

The growing isolation of Netanyahu’s Israel

The Guardian, Mon 27 May 2024

In dismissing calls for Netanyahu’s arrest, the west is undermining its own world order

Nesrine Malik

The Guardian, Tue 28 May 2024

These inhumane attacks on Rafah are no accident. They’re central to the IDF’s brutal, losing strategy

Paul Rogers

The Guardian, Wed 29 May 2024

By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue

Simon Tisdall

PS May 29, 2024

Strict Separation Is Not the Answer for Palestine and Israel


FP MAY 29, 2024

The U.S.-Saudi Agreement Is a Fool’s Errand

By David M. Wight, a visiting assistant professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

NYT May 30, 2024

Israel Must Stop Its Campaign Against UNRWA

By Philippe Lazzarini



The Guardian, Fri 24 May 2024

It’s an open secret: the UAE is fuelling Sudan’s war – and there’ll be no peace until we call it out

Husam Mahjoub

FP MAY 28, 2024

Why Is the World Ignoring a Looming Genocide in Sudan?

By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 29, 2024

The World’s Refugee Relief Is Utterly Broken

By Neha Wadekar, a Nairobi-based journalist.



The Guardian, Fri 24 May 2024

Ukraine can still recover with bolder western support – but right now it’s on the ropes

Timothy Garton Ash

FP MAY 28, 2024

The Invisible Warriors of Ukraine’s Refugee Crisis

By Mendy Marsh, the executive director of VOICE, and Lauren Messina, a gender-based violence in emergencies technical specialist, and a Ukraine crisis response regional manager at VOICE.

PS May 29, 2024

To Protect Democracy, Protect Exiled Journalists


FP MAY 30, 2024

Putin’s Baltic Provocations Are Raising Western Hackles

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.



FT May 25, 2024

It’s time to let shareholders choose the CEO

Stuart Kirk

FT May 25, 2024

The feminisation of wealth management is coming

Sallie Krawcheck

NYT May 24, 2024

Try Living in Elon Musk’s Company Town

By Christopher Hooks

NYT May 28, 2024

Melinda French Gates: The Enemies of Progress Play Offense. I Want to Help Even the Match.

By Melinda French Gates



FT May 24, 2024

Has Europe already reached its demographic tipping point?

Valentina Romei in London, Eleni Varvitsioti in Athens and Arjun Neil Alim in Frankfurt

FT May 29, 2024

From the baby boom to the baby bust

Martin Wolf



FT May 24, 2024

What if the government insured you against a pay cut?

Soumaya Keynes



PS May 24, 2024

Europe’s Carbon Border Tax Advances the Fight Against Climate Change


PS May 24, 2024

How Europe Can Get the Green Deal Done


The Guardian, Sat 25 May 2024

The Maldives faces existential threat from a climate crisis it did little to create. We need the world’s help now

Mohamed Muizzu

NYT May 27, 2024

The Stench of Climate Change Denial

By Paul Krugman

PS May 29, 2024

To Fight Climate Change, Protect Healthy Soil


FT May 30, 2024

How to ship sunlight

John Thornhill



PS May 24, 2024

Africa Can’t Prosper Without Regional Trade


PS May 28, 2024

A New Dawn for US-African Cooperation?


FP MAY 29, 2024

The End of Secondhand Clothes

By Allan Olingo, the East Africa bureau chief for the Fuller Project, and Kabona Esiara, a Kampala-based business writer for the EastAfrican.

FT May 30, 2024

The UAE’s rising influence in Africa

David Pilling in Johannesburg, Chloe Cornish in Dubai and Andres Schipani in Berbera



PS May 24, 2024

The Indian Election and the Country’s Economic Future


NYT May 26, 2024

I’m an Indian Muslim, and I’m Scared to Say So

By Mohammad Ali

PS May 28, 2024

Raghuram G. Rajan

Says More…

FP MAY 28, 2024

Modi’s Campaign Rhetoric Is Dangerous

By Sushant Singh, a lecturer at Yale University and a consulting editor with the Caravan magazine in India.

The Guardian, Thu 30 May 2024

The Guardian view on India’s election: Narendra Modi’s audacity of hate




VoxEU / 24 May 2024

Selling England (no longer) by the pound: Currency mismatches and the dollarisation of UK exports

Marco Garofalo  Giovanni Rosso  Roger Vicquery

FT May 31, 2024

There is currency stress on the horizon

Gillian Tett

FT May 30, 2024

The world needs a new financial architecture

Michael Krake



NYT May 23, 2024

America Is Still Having a ‘Vibecession’

By Paul Krugman

NYT May 23, 2024

We Haven’t Hit Peak Populism Yet

By David Brooks

NYT May 23, 2024

Do You Want a ‘Unified Reich’ Mind-Set in the White House?

By David Austin Walsh

FT May 25, 2024

Donald Trump, the limits of justice and other takeaways from the ‘hush money’ trial

Joe Miller in New York

FT May 25, 2024

Preppers, rejoice — your time has come

Harriet Fitch Little

NYT May 27, 2024

I’ve Seen How the Biden-Trump Rematch Ends, and It’s Pretty Scary

By Mikhail Zygar

FT May 29, 2024

The Trump train is still on track

Edward Luce

FT May 30, 2024

Markets cannot keep ignoring Trump’s bid for re-election

Katie Martin

PS May 30, 2024

Why Republicans Go Crawling Back to Donald Trump


NYT May 30, 2024

What Kind of Country Do You Want? Start With Taxes.

By Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson

NYT May 30, 2024

How ‘Election Integrity’ Can Change the People Around Trump

By Katherine Miller



The Guardian, Wed 16 Nov 2016

How Trump took middle America

by Gary Younge



FP MAY 24, 2024

Are U.S.-China Talks Accomplishing Anything?

By Rishi Iyengar, a reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 27, 2024

Can a U.S.-China Military Hotline Stop the Downward Spiral?

By James Crabtree, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FT May 30, 2024

The Taiwan parliament’s excessive power grab

FP MAY 29, 2024

How to Respond to China’s Tactics in the South China Sea

By Derek Grossman, a senior defense analyst at the Rand Corp.

PS May 30, 2024

Economic Development in an Age of Great-Power Competition


FP MAY 30, 2024

Biden’s New Tariffs Should Raise Alarm Bells in Beijing

By Agathe Demarais, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior policy fellow on geoeconomics at the European Council on Foreign Relations.



FP MAY 24, 2024

Campus Protests Reflect Impatience With U.S. Foreign Policy

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 24, 2024

Democracies Aren’t the Peacemakers Anymore

By Chester Crocker, an Emeritus Professor of strategic studies at Georgetown University. He served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1981-89.

FP MAY 24, 2024

When Knowledge Stops at the Water’s Edge

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

NYT May 26, 2024

Contact. I.E.D.’

By David French

FT May 27, 2024

America breaks global rules as it defends the free world

Gideon Rachman

NYT May 29, 2024

America’s Military Is Not Prepared for War — or Peace

By Roger Wicker

NYT May 28, 2024

Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?

By Bret Stephens

FP MAY 30, 2024

Why Diego Garcia Matters

By Nitya Labh

FP MAY 30, 2024

The Normalizing of Assad Has Been a Disaster

By Charles Lister, a senior fellow and director of the Syria and Counterterrorism and Extremism programs at the Middle East Institute.



FP MAY 24, 2024

How Germany Lost the Middle East

By Ruairí Casey, a freelance writer based in Berlin.



FP MAY 24, 2024

Raisi’s Funeral Has Exposed the Two Irans

By Sina Toossi, a senior nonresident fellow at the Center for International Policy.

PS May 27, 2024

Iran’s Succession Crisis Is a Legitimacy Crisis


FP MAY 30, 2024

The Mood From Tehran

By Stefanie Glinski, a journalist covering conflicts and crises with a focus on Afghanistan and the wider Middle East.



FP MAY 24, 2024

Can Zackie Achmat Change South Africa From Inside Parliament?

By Andrew Green, a freelance journalist based in Berlin. Previously, he was based in sub-Saharan Africa.

FP MAY 27, 2024

Why Land Reform Matters in South Africa’s Election

By Michael Albertus, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago.

NYT May 28, 2024

The Story of South Africa No Longer Makes Sense

By William Shoki

FP MAY 28, 2024

Will South Africa’s ANC Be Forced to Govern in a Coalition?

By Ebrahim Fakir, a consultant election analyst at the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa.

FT May 30, 2024

The era of ANC dominance in South Africa is over

David Pilling



FT May 25, 2024

What went wrong with capitalism

Ruchir Sharma

FT May 27, 2024

The toxic politicisation of financial regulation

Patrick Jenkins



FP MAY 25, 2024

The New ‘Mad Max’ Makes the End of the World Fun Again

By Jordan Hoffman, a film critic and entertainment journalist living in Queens, New York.



The Guardian, Sun 26 May 2024

The Guardian view on the Netherlands: a radical-right reset will challenge European unity


FT May 28, 2024

Macron and Scholz: we must strengthen European sovereignty

Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz

FT May 28, 2024

Europe must do more to keep women in public life

Věra Jourová

FT May 28, 2024

Italy’s amnesties damage the economy as well as the rule of law

Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

The Guardian, Tue 28 May 2024

I’m a brown, Muslim European. For people like me, these EU elections are terrifying

Shada Islam

FT May 28, 2024

Persuading Europeans to work more hours misses the point

Delphine Strauss

The Guardian, Wed 29 May 2024

The Guardian view on Macron, Scholz and Europe’s future: a question of ambition


FT May 29, 2024

How the far right is winning over young Europeans

Guy Chazan in Magdeburg

FT May 30, 2024

Germany’s mature democracy must beat the far right without banning it

Constanze Stelzenmüller

PS May 30, 2024

Trade Unions Can Defeat Europe’s Far Right




NYT May 26, 2024

Do Not Allow Putin to Capture Another Pawn in Europe

By Serge Schmemann

PS May 28, 2024

The Global Implications of Georgia’s Political Crisis




FP MAY 26, 2024

China Is Trying to Remake Uyghur Kitchens

FT May 27, 2024

China needs to look beyond real estate for sources of growth

Xu Qiyuan



FP MAY 26, 2024

Immediacy Ruined Our Politics

By Gregory Jones-Katz, an American intellectual and cultural historian.

FT May 27, 2024

How to fix America’s loneliness crisis

Rana Foroohar

NYT May 28, 2024

How We’ve Lost Our Moorings as a Society

By Thomas L. Friedman



FT May 27, 2024

No more excuses — central bankers need to get back ahead of the curve

Frederik Ducrozet

PS May 27, 2024

Central Banks’ New-Old Inflationary Bias


FT May 28, 2024

The Bank of England is accruing too much political interest

Toby Nangle

FT May 29, 2024

Higher rates have changed the game for private equity

Brooke Masters

FT May 30, 2024

Europe may soon discover the limits of decoupling on rates

Mohamed El-Erian

VoxEU / 30 May 2024

Why so many crises happen when we know why they happen and how to prevent them

Jon Danielsson



PS May 27, 2024

Can AI Improve Family Life?


PS May 27, 2024

Maxims for the AI Age


The Guardian, Thu 30 May 2024

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates

Mariana Mazzucato

FT May 31, 2024

AI should not be a black box

PS May 30, 2024

Human Capital for the Age of Generative AI




FP MAY 27, 2024

Where Canada’s Weed Legalization Went Wrong

By John Last, a Canadian freelance journalist and researcher based in Italy.



FT May 28, 2024

Trade must transform its role in the social contract

Katherine Tai

FT May 28, 2024

How Chinese EV makers will respond to steep US tariffs

June Yoon

PS May 28, 2024

The Dangerous Incoherence of US Trade Policy


FP MAY 28, 2024

Is Biden Deferring the Green Transition to Contain China?

By Robert A. Manning, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center and its Reimagining Grand Strategy Program.



FT May 29, 2024

Democracy is on the ballot in Mexico’s election

FP MAY 29, 2024

Mexico’s Historic Elections, Explained

By Christina Lu

FP MAY 29, 2024

Mexico’s Next Leader Has an Energy Problem

By Isidro Morales, the editor in chief of Latin American Policy and a nonresident scholar at the Center for the United States and Mexico, housed at Rice University’s Baker Institute.



PS May 28, 2024

The Economics of Health for All


PS May 28, 2024

Building Resilience in the Developing World


PS May 29, 2024

How to Protect the World from the Next Pandemic


PS May 29, 2024

Preparing Now for the Next Disease X




NYT May 28, 2024

Let the Salmon Run Free

By John Waldman



FP MAY 28, 2024

The Philippines Needs Butter, Not Just Guns

By Alvin Camba, an assistant professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.



FT May 29, 2024

At the Milei show, pressure is building backstage

Ciara Nugent in Buenos Aires



FT May 30, 2024

Toyota and the Olympic dilemma

Leo Lewis



FT May 30, 2024

Klaus Schwab’s step back prompts fresh questions over Davos

Sam Jones


The Economist May 18th 2024

Is America dictator-proof?

Global trade: Biden’s baleful barriers

China and the world: The challenge of Xi Jinping

America’s democracy: Checks in the balance

Taiwan’s defence: Self help

China and Russia: An autocratic bromance

Germany: Germany’s three-body problem

The perils of China’s bullying: From grey zone to red zone

Business creation: Go get ‘em

American trade policy: 100% trouble

(コメント) アメリカは「独裁を防ぐ」措置を制度化しているか? アメリカ国内の起業ブームは何を意味するか? その通商政策は大間違いなのか?

中国の内外政策は興隆コースから逸脱し始めたのか? そして、台湾、ドイツ、南アフリカ、ガザ、ウクライナ、ソマリア、インド、メキシコ。その土地の「民主主義」が問われます。


IPEの想像力 6/3/2024


Katherine TaiSTEPHEN S. ROACHを読み比べるとき、私はTaiの「社会契約」や「安全」、「自律」の主張を支持します。富や効率、生産性は、それ自体が目的ではないからです。他方、The Economistは自由貿易推進派のジャーナルです。どのような自由貿易なら受け入れられるか、ではなく、どのような国家が自由貿易にとって望ましいか、を考えます。

516日の習近平とプーチンの会談が43回目であることを指摘した記事で、The Economistは、ロシアへの制裁に関連して中国の貿易を制限する西側の措置に、習近平が激怒した、と書いています。民主主義や国際秩序、領土の正当性に関する要求で、中国とロシアの指導者は「無制限の協力関係」を確認しています。





The Economistは、同時に、アメリカの憲法は、ドナルド・トランプのようなデマゴーグが独裁を実現することへの予防措置が取られているのか? トランプのような破壊行為に対するアメリカの耐久度が問われている、と書きます。





「トランプ前大統領に有罪評決、米大統領経験者で初 「口止め料」虚偽記載の裁判」BBC News JAPAN 2024531



あるいは、プーチンやトランプが権力を握る世界でなら、台湾への軍事的圧力を最大限に高めて、統合への合意を達成できる、と中国の指導部は考えないでしょうか? 国際秩序の性格をめぐる冷戦が始まり、新しい「ベルリンの壁」、緩衝地帯、紛争海域を、しだいに繋ぎ始めます。
