



民主主義の改革 ・・・新しい冷戦、戦場 ・・・UK政治、保守党 ・・・UK政治、労働党、外交、住宅、安全保障 ・・・EU政治 ・・・ロシア資産、ロシア外交、プーチン ・・・ウクライナ戦争、US外交 ・・・ドル高、選挙循環 ・・・インド総選挙 ・・・富裕税 ・・・イスラエル、サウジアラビア、US外交 ・・・トランプ、独裁、関税、インフレ ・・・アフリカ ・・・US外交 ・・・中国外交 ・・・中東政治、イラン ・・・US政治経済、グリーン移行 ・・・イギリス帝国 ・・・模範国の崩壊 ・・・中国政治経済 ・・・アベノミクス、日本経済 ・・・コロンビア大学抗議活動、反ユダヤ主義 ・・・アルゼンチン ・・・SNS規制、AI憲法 ・・・安全保障、ミサイル ・・・ドイツ ・・・女性 ・・・ブラジル



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 3 May 2024

I have a cure for our ailing democracy: ban all donors, British and foreign. Run politics on membership fees

George Monbiot

FT May 3, 2024

Giving away local power has come back to bite the political centre

Camilla Cavendish

NYT May 3, 2024

Protect Journalists, Everywhere

By Kathleen Kingsbury

FP MAY 3, 2024

Is ‘the Media’ Really Under Attack?

By Jan-Werner Müller, a professor of politics at Princeton University.

PS May 7, 2024

What Mission-Driven Government Means


The Guardian, Wed 8 May 2024

I’m a non-dom millionaire living in Britain. Taxing me fairly won’t make me leave

Gio Notarbartolo

NYT May 9, 2024

The Case for Hope

By Nicholas Kristof



The Guardian, Fri 3 May 2024

A new cold war? World war three? How do we navigate this age of confusion?

Timothy Garton Ash

FT May 3, 2024

Taiwan’s everywhere war

Kathrin Hille

FP MAY 5, 2024

The Divine Marketplace Is Pretty Crowded

By Paul Seabright, an economist who teaches at the Toulouse School of Economics.

FT May 6, 2024

Xi is probing for cracks in the EU and Nato

Gideon Rachman

NYT May 6, 2024

Let’s All Take a Deep Breath About China

By Rory Truex

PS May 6, 2024

US-China Cooperation Remains Possible


FP MAY 6, 2024

Washington Keeps Choosing the Wrong Moment to Challenge China

By Andrei Lungu, president of the Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific (RISAP).

FP MAY 7, 2024

Mexico and the United States Need to Talk About China Now

By Connor Pfeiffer, the director of congressional relations at FDD Action and a senior advisor at the Forum for American Leadership, and Ryan C. Berg, the director of the Americas program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

FP MAY 7, 2024

No, This Is Not a Cold War—Yet

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.



FT May 4, 2024

Sunak’s instincts are leading the Tories to ever worse defeat

Stephen Bush

FT May 6, 2024

Routed Conservatives should end Britain’s damaging drift

The Guardian, Tue 7 May 2024

Tories must face hard truths: Reform-lite wreckers like Braverman are why the public just don’t like us

Justine Greening

FT May 7, 2024

Rishi Sunak reminds us that sometimes failure is the only option

Stephen Bush

FT May 8, 2024

The Tory right has one last job for Rishi Sunak

Robert Shrimsley

NYT May 9, 2024

One of the Most Successful Parties in the World Is Staggering to Inevitable Defeat

By Geoffrey Wheatcroft



The Guardian, Tue 7 May 2024

The Guardian view on Labour’s big idea: organising the state effectively matters for jobs and growth


FT May 8, 2024

The path to UK-India friendship is littered with obstacles

Anand Menon

The Guardian, Thu 9 May 2024

If Keir Starmer isn’t careful, Gaza could do for him what the Iraq war did for Blair

Martin Kettle

FT May 9, 2024

The solution is simple: just build more homes

Chris Giles

FT May 9, 2024

Why Britain’s defence industry may regret Brexit

Sylvia Pfeifer



FT May 4, 2024

Two decades on, the EU needs a new Big Bang enlargement

PS May 3, 2024

The European Union’s New Triumvirate


The Guardian, Sat 4 May 2024

Giorgia Meloni and Ursula von der Leyen, the double act that is steering the EU ever rightwards

Simon Tisdall

FT May 4, 2024

Europe should brace itself for Trump

Edward Luce

VoxEU / 6 May 2024

European economic security in an age of interdependence

Jean Pisani-Ferry  Beatrice Weder Di Mauro  Jeromin Zettelmeyer

NYT May 7, 2024

Europe Is About to Drown in the River of the Radical Right

By Lea Ypi

The Guardian, Wed 8 May 2024

Ursula von der Leyen is now a household name – and that could be Europe’s salvation

Catherine De Vries and Isabell Hoffmann

FP MAY 8, 2024

North Macedonia’s Political Future Is on the Line

By Bojan Stojkovski, a freelance journalist covering foreign policy and technology based in Skopje, North Macedonia. His work has also appeared in ZDNet and Nature.

FT May 9, 2024

Europe’s new anti-subsidy weapon is powerful but hard to control

Alan Beattie



FT May 3, 2024

The clash over whether to commandeer Russia’s frozen assets

Paola Tamma and Laura Dubois in Brussels and Sam Fleming in London

FT May 5, 2024

Authoritarians fear transparency — liberal democracies should embrace it

Martin Sandbu

FT May 6, 2024

Georgia’s puppet master turns towards Moscow

Anastasia Stognei in Tbilisi and Ben Hall in London

FP MAY 7, 2024

Putin Begins Fifth Term With Nuclear Drills

By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 7, 2024

How Georgia Sided With Its Enemy

By Ani Chkhikvadze, a Georgian reporter based in Washington D.C.

FT May 8, 2024

For Putin, Gaza is an endless gift

Edward Luce



FT May 6, 2024

America must continue to make the moral case for democracy

Gönül Tol

PS May 6, 2024

Will the Renewed US Support for Ukraine Be Enough?


FT May 7, 2024

Ukraine’s pitch to new soldiers: ‘Choose your own adventure’

Ben Hall and Isobel Koshiw in Kyiv

FP MAY 9, 2024

What Does America Want in Ukraine?

By Emma Ashford, Joshua Shifrinson, and Stephen Wertheim



FT May 4, 2024

Can the strong dollar be tamed?

Katie Martin

VoxEU / 8 May 2024

Elections and devaluations

Jeffrey Frankel



PS May 3, 2024

Might Modi Lose?


PS May 3, 2024

The Popular Decimation of India’s Democracy


PS May 3, 2024

India’s Despotic Election


FP MAY 7, 2024

The Chilling of the Fourth Estate After 10 Years of Modi

By Amrita Singh, an assistant editor at the Caravan.

PS May 8, 2024

What Explains the BJP’s Rise?


FT May 9, 2024

How India’s navy changed tack

John Reed in New Delhi



NYT May 3, 2024

It’s Time to Tax the Billionaires


The Guardian, Wed 8 May 2024

I’m a non-dom millionaire living in Britain. Taxing me fairly won’t make me leave

Gio Notarbartolo



NYT May 2, 2024

Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Trading Places

By Thomas L. Friedman

FP MAY 3, 2024

A U.S.-Saudi Deal Without Israel Is an Illusion

By Bilal Y. Saab, an associate fellow at Chatham House and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.

The Guardian, Tue 7 May 2024

There’s one thing standing in the way of a ceasefire: Netanyahu’s refusal to compromise

Simon Tisdall

The Guardian, Tue 7 May 2024

The Guardian view on hope and despair in Gaza: attacking Rafah will compound this disaster


FP MAY 8, 2024

Saudi Arabia Is on the Way to Becoming the Next Egypt

By Steven A. Cook, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

NYT May 8, 2024

Israel’s Rafah Incursion Helps No One Except Netanyahu

By Shira Efron

FP MAY 9, 2024

Biden’s Escalation Fears Have Dangerous Consequences

By Jakub Grygiel, a professor of politics at the Catholic University of America.



NYT May 2, 2024

Why the Protests Help Trump

By David Brooks

NYT May 2, 2024

The Magic Constitutionalism of Donald Trump

By David French

NYT May 2, 2024

The Peculiar Persistence of Trump-stalgia

By Paul Krugman

NYT May 4, 2024

The Deep, Tangled Roots of American Illiberalism

By Steven Hahn

NYT May 6, 2024

Trump Knows Dominance Wins. Someone Tell Democrats.

By M. Steven Fish

FP MAY 7, 2024

Get Ready for Trump Trade Wars 2.0

By Keith Johnson, a reporter at Foreign Policy covering geoeconomics and energy.

PS May 8, 2024

Trump’s Plans for the Fed Would Revive 1970s-Style Inflation


NYT May 8, 2024

The Happiness Gap Between Left and Right Isn’t Closing

By Thomas B. Edsall



NYT May 3, 2024

What Does African Rejection Mean for the U.S.?

By Cameron Hudson

PS May 6, 2024

Fertilizers Will Not Fix Africa’s Food Crisis


PS May 8, 2024

Mandela’s Heirs Face Their Biggest Election Test




FP MAY 3, 2024

The Tech Hawks Took Down TikTok. Now What?

By Rishi Iyengar

FP MAY 5, 2024

The Original Sin of Biden’s Foreign Policy

By John Kampfner, the author of Why the Germans Do It Better: Notes from a Grown-Up Country.

FP MAY 5, 2024

Duke Ellington, the Jazz Legend Who Became a Diplomat

By Larry Tye, a journalist and best-selling author.

PS May 6, 2024

What TikTok Got Wrong About America




FP MAY 3, 2024

Can Xi Win Back Europe?

By Christina Lu, a reporter at Foreign Policy.

FP MAY 8, 2024

Taiwan Wants Suicide Drones to Deter China

By Jack Detsch

FT May 10, 2024

Xi Jinping’s unproductive European tour



FT May 4, 2024

Lessons from history for the modern Middle East

Eugene Rogan

FP MAY 6, 2024

How Iran’s Attack Could Change Israel’s Strategy

By Azriel Bermant, a senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague.

NYT May 8, 2024

Iran and Israel Weren’t Always Enemies

By Karim Sadjadpour



FT May 4, 2024

Tax the tourists — and that means all of us

Lucy Lethbridge



NYT May 4, 2024

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez You Don’t Know

By Gaby Del Valle

FT May 6, 2024

The $9tn question: how to pay for the green transition

Attracta Mooney in London

FT May 6, 2024

Is the corporate DEI panic finally over?

Taylor Nicole Rogers

FT May 8, 2024

Biden has to find a way to convince Americans on the economy

Martin Wolf

FT May 8, 2024

The long shadows of America’s growing debt

FT May 7, 2024

The SEC’s power grab on digital assets threatens US innovation

NYT May 7, 2024

If It Bleeds It Leads, Inflation Edition

By Paul Krugman

FT May 9, 2024

The great American innovation engine is firing again

John Thornhill

FP MAY 9, 2024

Uncle Sam Wants You to Join the Mining Industry

By Christina Lu



FP MAY 4, 2024

The Opioid High of Empire

By Nikhil Kumar, a New York City-based writer and journalist.

The Guardian, Sun 5 May 2024

So empire and the slave trade contributed little to Britain’s wealth? Pull the other one, Kemi Badenoch

Will Hutton



FT May 6, 2024

A warning from the breakdown nations

Ruchir Sharma



FT May 6, 2024

Risk of a renminbi devaluation is real

George Magnus

FT May 8, 2024

The painful slump in Hong Kong property

Chan Ho-him in Hong Kong

PS May 8, 2024

Why China Provides Evidence for Optimists and Pessimists Alike




PS May 6, 2024

The Lasting Legacy of Abenomics


FT May 8, 2024

Deal surge shows how Japan is up down under

Nic Fildes

FT May 8, 2024

What should the Bank of Japan do with its huge stock portfolio?

Toby Nangle

FT May 9, 2024

Too scared to quit? An agency will do that for you

Leo Lewis



FT May 6, 2024

Divestment is not as easy as it may seem

Brooke Masters

NYT May 6, 2024

Getting Back to Basics on Free Speech

By Jane Coaston

FP MAY 6, 2024

What America’s Palestine Protesters Should and Shouldn’t Do

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

PS May 7, 2024

The Privileged Gaza Protesters


NYT May 7, 2024

A Thank-You Note to the Campus Protesters

By Bret Stephens

NYT May 8, 2024

Why the Campus Protests Are So Troubling

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT May 8, 2024

The Campus Protests Signal the End of an Era for the Democrats

By David Wallace-Wells

FT May 9, 2024

This is like a crucible’: Spectre of 1968 looms over US campus protests

Joshua Chaffin in New York and James Politi in Washington

FT May 10, 2024

Minouche Shafik: Universities must engage in serious soul searching on protests

Minouche Shafik

PS May 9, 2024

The Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Zionism


PS May 9, 2024

When Is Criticism of Israel Anti-Semitic?


NYT May 9, 2024

Elite Colleges Walked Into the Israel Divestment Trap

By Gary Sernovitz



FT May 8, 2024

Mexican democracy hangs in the balance

Enrique Krauze



PS May 7, 2024

Argentina’s Inflation Paradoxes


VoxEU / 9 May 2024

When did Argentina lose its mojo?

Sebastian Katz  Eduardo Levy Yeyati



PS May 7, 2024

The Psychologist Who Convinced Economists that to Err Is Human


FT May 8, 2024

Arthur Laffer: ‘I made a vow that I would never, ever work for a government again’

Chris Giles



FP MAY 7, 2024

Biden Should Not Stand in the Way of the ICC

By Kenneth Roth, a visiting professor at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, which he led from 1993 to 2022.

FP MAY 7, 2024

Can the ICC Actually Arrest Netanyahu?

By Chile Eboe-Osuji



FT May 9, 2024

How to keep young people safe online

FT May 9, 2024

We don’t need an AI manifesto — we need a constitution

Vivienne Ming



FT May 8, 2024

How missiles became the modern weapon of choice

Jacquelyn Schneider

FP MAY 8, 2024

Washington Takes Its Cyber Strategy Global

By Rishi Iyengar



PS May 8, 2024

The Zero-Sum Logic Fueling the Rise of Germany’s Far Right


FP MAY 9, 2024

Germany Is Now Spying on Its Own Top Spy

By Jacob Kushner, the author of Look Away: A True Story of Murders, Bombings, and a Far-Right Campaign to Rid Germany of Immigrants.



FP MAY 8, 2024

Indonesia Bets Big on Electric Vehicles

By Joseph Rachman, a freelance journalist covering Indonesia and other stories from around Southeast Asia.



PS May 9, 2024

How to Close the Gender Wage Gap




PS May 9, 2024

Getting the Pandemic Treaty Across the Finish Line




FP MAY 9, 2024

Lula Doesn’t Understand Today’s Brazil

By Felipe Krause, a lecturer in Latin American politics at the University of Oxford.


The Economist April 27th 2024

How strong is India’s economy?

Military aid for Ukraine: Last-minute reprieve

Marcado Libre’s boss: The 70-billion-dollar choice

Special Report: The India express

State v non-state: Militia mayhem

International economics: The greenback’s back

Buttonwood: Don’t look down

Free exchange: Ups and downs

(コメント) インド経済の成長をどう見るか? インフラ投資による国内市場統合、製造業ではなくサービス部門の輸出拡大、ハイテクを駆使した家計への直接的な社会給付。他方で、成長の分配は偏り、近代的な雇用が十分に増えない。農村の女性や、大学を卒業した都市の若者たちが働く機会や移動性は少なく、人的資本が浪費されます。



IPEの想像力 5/13/2024















「「ひっそり死にたい」と願った男性 「ゆうパック」で届けられた遺骨」(土肥修一、朝日新聞デジタル、202437日)



子育てや高齢者の介護をだれが、どのように負担するべきか? イギリス独立党(UKIP)が保守党の支持基盤を掘り崩したように、老人たちの声を政治に反映させる「老人社会正義党」が必要です。

高田郁の「月の舟を漕ぐ」『みをつくし料理帖 特別巻』を読みました。
