



キャンプデービッド会談 ・・・アルゼンチン ・・・トランプ ・・・共和党予備選挙 ・・・日本経済、東芝、処理水放出 ・・・中国経済、ダイナミズム ・・・UK政治、退職後、スナク首相 ・・・ポピュリスト、オリガーク、デモクラシー ・・・BRICS ・・・US経済、インフレーション ・・・産業政策 ・・・グリーン、エルニーニョ、気候変動 ・・・ウクライナ戦争 ・・・米中対立、国際秩序 ・・・ドイツ経済 ・・・ティモシー・ガートン・アッシュ、EU ・・・資本主義 ・・・ケインズ ・・・移民、難民、フランス ・・・タイ ・・・サウジアラビア、UAE ・・・プリゴジンの死 ・・・イスラエル



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




FT August 19, 2023

Camp David pact ends decades of Japan-South Korea tensions

Demetri Sevastopulo at Camp David, Maryland

The Guardian, Sun 20 Aug 2023

The Observer view on the Camp David summit: it signals a new cold war – this time with China

Observer editorial

FT August 23, 2023

Prosecutor-turned-president looms over South Korean business

Christian Davies

FP AUGUST 24, 2023

Biden’s Trilateral Summit Was Aimed More at Pyongyang Than Beijing

By Robert A. Manning, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center and its Reimagining Grand Strategy Program.



FT August 19, 2023

Javier Milei, Argentina’s presidential hopeful biting at the establishment’s heels

Ciara Nugent and Michael Stott

FP AUGUST 23, 2023

Milei’s Rise Exposes Argentina’s Malaise

By Oliver Stuenkel, an associate professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo.



FT August 19, 2023

Trump’s indictments and the perils of ‘dual sovereignty’

Daniel Richman

PS Aug 18, 2023

Will Donald Trump’s Indictments Have Economic Consequences?

Jeffrey Frankel, James K. Galbraith, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Lawrence H. Summers, and Laura Tyson

FT August 22, 2023

The hunt for Hunter Biden

NYT Aug. 22, 2023

The Lines Between Red and Blue America Are Blurring, Not Hardening

By Jesse Nathan

NYT Aug. 21, 2023

The Right-Winger Calling for Social Democracy

By Michelle Goldberg

The Guardian, Wed 23 Aug 2023

America on trial: the charges against Trump will decide the fate of a nation

Martin Kettle



NYT Aug. 21, 2023

If Republicans Narrow the Field, We Will Beat Trump

By Christopher T. Sununu

The Guardian, Thu 24 Aug 2023

Who won the Republican debate? Our panel reacts

Osita Nwanevu, Jill Filipovic, Ben Davis and Lloyd Green

The Guardian, Thu 24 Aug 2023

The Guardian view on the US Republican debate: stumped by Trump


FT August 24, 2023

The west is suffering from a crisis of courage

Jemima Kelly

FT August 24, 2023

A Republican debate that will change nothing

Edward Luce in Washington

NYT Aug. 24, 2023

Nikki Haley Is the Best Trump Alternative

By David Brooks



FT August 18, 2023

Toshiba may be the reason Japanese market’s party doesn’t end yet

Leo Lewis

FT August 18, 2023

Investing in Japan: a triumph of hope over experience

Stuart Kirk

FT August 20, 2023

Japan’s high standards of service face ‘shrinkflation’

Leo Lewis

NYT Aug. 22, 2023

Just Like That, Tons of Radioactive Waste Is Heading for the Ocean

By Azby Brown



FT August 18, 2023

China’s quest for self-reliance risks choking innovation

Yu Jie

PS Aug 18, 2023

How to Kill Chinese Dynamism


The Guardian, Mon 21 Aug 2023

The Guardian view on the Chinese economy: it looks bad. What we can’t see may be worse


FT August 21, 2023

China hits the east Asian demographic wall

Gideon Rachman

FT August 21, 2023

China’s ‘whack-a-mole’ economic playbook leads to confusion

Stephen Roach

PS Aug 21, 2023

China’s Homegrown Crisis


PS Aug 22, 2023

China’s Population-Control Disaster


NYT Aug. 21, 2023

How Scary Is China’s Crisis?

By Paul Krugman

NYT Aug. 23, 2023

What Can Replace China as a Global Economic Engine?

By David Wallace-Wells

FP AUGUST 23, 2023

Why Are China’s Job Numbers So Bad?

By ChinaFile Contributors

PS Aug 24, 2023

China’s Policy Paralysis




FT August 18, 2023

The UK is doing a shoddy job of keeping up with the neighbours

Tim Harford

FP AUGUST 22, 2023

Rishi Sunak Isn’t a Good Enough Technocrat

By Anchal Vohra, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FT August 23, 2023

The real problem of Rubbish Rishi

Stephen Bush

FT August 25, 2023

The uses — and the limits — of ‘nudge’ economics



PS Aug 18, 2023

The Populist Advantage


PS Aug 18, 2023

Sympathy for the Oligarch


FT August 21, 2023

As autocrats deepen international ties, their opponents seek strength in solidarity

Kim Ghattas

The Guardian, Tue 22 Aug 2023

Age apparently gives you wisdom, so why doesn’t Joe Biden know when to quit?

Chris Mullin



PS Aug 18, 2023

The BRICS Come of Age


FP AUGUST 18, 2023

Can Russia and China Breathe New Life Into BRICS?

By Robbie Gramer and Christina Lu

FT August 22, 2023

Resentment makes the world go round

Janan Ganesh

FT August 24, 2023

The Brics don’t stack up as a committee to run the world

Alan Beattie



NYT Aug. 18, 2023

Wonking Out: Jerome Powell, Mind Controller?

By Paul Krugman

FT August 21, 2023

The choices of strategy for Jay Powell

Mohamed El-Erian

FT August 22, 2023

It’s far too early to declare the end of inflation

Chris Giles

FT August 22, 2023

The minimum wage has passed the high inflation test

Sarah O’Connor

NYT Aug. 22, 2023

None Dare Call it Victory

By Paul Krugman

FP AUGUST 23, 2023

Zombie Central Banks Might Eat the Financial Future

By Joseph W. Sullivan, a senior advisor at the Lindsey Group and a former special advisor and staff economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration.

FT August 24, 2023

Women are driving the US labour market

Rana Foroohar



NYT Aug. 17, 2023

Biden and America’s Big Green Push

By Paul Krugman

FT August 21, 2023

Pursuit of a modern-day US steel industry leader will test Biden’s trustbusters

Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

FT August 24, 2023

Principles for good industrial policy

FT August 23, 2023

What the great EU patent fight means for global competition

Brooke Masters



FP AUGUST 18, 2023

China Must Pay a Price for Climate Inaction

By Thom Woodroofe, senior fellow and founding director of the Asia Society’s China Climate Hub.

FP AUGUST 18, 2023

El Niño Is Coming—and It’s Going to Be Bad

By Cullen Hendrix, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

FT August 22, 2023

The Green Climate Fund needs urgent replenishment

Mahmoud Mohieldin

PS Aug 21, 2023

The Key to Greening Heavy Industry


FP AUGUST 21, 2023

Can We Learn from Oppenheimer in Responding to Climate Change?

By Cynthia Scharf, the senior strategy director at the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G).

PS Aug 23, 2023

Advancing Environmental Justice with AI


NYT Aug. 23, 2023

It Is No Longer Possible to Escape What We Have Done to Ourselves

By Serge Schmemann

NYT Aug. 23, 2023

To Fight Climate Change, We Need a Better Carbon Market

By Peter Coy

PS Aug 24, 2023

The Fossil-Fuel Industry’s Obstructionist Climate-Change Tactics




FP AUGUST 18, 2023

Should the West Keep Arming Ukraine or Push for Peace?

By Emma Ashford, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center, and Matthew Kroenig, a columnist at Foreign Policy and vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

FT August 19, 2023

Putin, Pushkin and the decline of the Russian empire

Timothy Garton Ash

FT August 20, 2023

Lessons from the ‘tanker war’ for Ukraine

Sergey Vakulenko

FP AUGUST 21, 2023

Ukraine’s Appeals to Europe Can Alienate Others

By Emily Couch, a British freelance writer on politics and culture in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. , and Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon, a doctoral student in history at the University of Pennsylvania.

FP AUGUST 22, 2023

Russia’s Illegal Bridges Have Ukrainian Crosshairs on Them

By Oz Katerji, a British Lebanese freelance journalist focusing on conflict, human rights, and the Middle East.

FP AUGUST 22, 2023

Next Door to Ukraine, Moscow’s Grip is Tightening

By Jeffrey Mankoff, a distinguished research fellow at the U.S. National Defense University’s Institute for National Strategic Studies.

PS Aug 23, 2023

Putin’s History Lessons




FP AUGUST 19, 2023

Biden Takes Measured Approach on China Investment Controls

By Kevin Klyman, a technology researcher at Harvard’s Belfer Center.

FT August 21, 2023

The à la carte world: our new geopolitical order

Alec Russell in London

FP AUGUST 21, 2023

Almost Nothing Is Worth a War Between the U.S. and China

By Howard W. French, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FP AUGUST 20, 2023

U.S.-China De-Risking Will Inevitably Escalate

By James Crabtree, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the executive director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies-Asia.

FT August 22, 2023

China’s blueprint for an alternative world order

James Kynge in London

PS Aug 22, 2023

The Global Order’s Triple Policy Challenge


PS Aug 23, 2023

Preventing a US-China War


FP AUGUST 23, 2023

What Does ‘De-Risking’ Actually Mean?

By Agathe Demarais, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the global forecasting director at the Economist Intelligence Unit.

FT August 24, 2023

China capitalises on US sanctions in fight to dethrone dollar

Michael Stott and James Kynge in London



FP AUGUST 19, 2023

An Iranian-Led Coup Still Needed America’s Help

By Gregory Brew, a postdoctoral fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University.

The Guardian, Sun 20 Aug 2023

Joe Biden aims for a Middle East hat-trick. He’s delusional and out of time

Simon Tisdall

FT August 24, 2023

How the west should navigate a fast-changing world

Alec Russell



FT August 20, 2023

Can Germany fix its economy?

Martin Arnold in Frankfurt



FP AUGUST 20, 2023

The Failed Life Project of Timothy Garton Ash

By Blake Smith, a Fulbright scholar in North Macedonia.

PS Aug 21, 2023

Europe’s Fading Democracy




FT August 21, 2023

The best new books on economics

Tej Parikh

FT August 21, 2023

Too much is at stake for UBS to fail in its integration of Credit Suisse

Jonathan Guthrie



FT August 22, 2023

The great opportunity of women’s football



FT August 20, 2023

Democracies will languish without structural economic reforms

Tej Parikh

PS Aug 21, 2023

Imagining a Keynesian Revival




The Guardian, Tue 22 Aug 2023

We need to work out a way forward on rising migration – the alternative is mass drownings

Gaia Vince

VoxEU / 22 Aug 2023

Refugee integration policies can lead to poorer integration outcomes

Jacob Arendt, Christian Dustmann, Hyejin Ku

FP AUGUST 22, 2023

How the Myth of Colorblindness Endangers France’s Future

By Rabah Arezki, a director of research at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School.

NYT Aug. 24, 2023

In a Report From a Distant Border, I Glimpsed Our Brutal Future

By Lydia Polgreen



FT August 22, 2023

The Niger coup’s lessons for the US and France

Sylvie Kauffmann

FP AUGUST 23, 2023

The Somali Underdogs Taking on Terrorists

By Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.



FT August 22, 2023

The west must stop playing the ‘Great Game’ in Afghanistan once and for all

Mark Malloch-Brown



FP AUGUST 21, 2023

India Can’t Cut the Cord From China

By Sushant Singh, a senior fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in India and a lecturer in political science at Yale University.



The Guardian, Wed 23 Aug 2023

The Guardian view on Thaksin’s return to Thailand: dodgy deals can’t replace democracy




FT August 23, 2023

Bridges with everyone’: how Saudi Arabia and UAE are positioning themselves for power

Andrew England in Abu Dhabi



FT August 23, 2023

Election battle offers no easy path to power for Poland’s opposition

Aleks Szczerbiak

PS Aug 24, 2023

The Strongest Army in Europe?




FT August 24, 2023

The clear and present danger of the transactional gift

Gillian Tett



FP AUGUST 23, 2023

Russia’s Murderous Mercenary Prigozhin Is Dead

By Amy Mackinnon and Jack Detsch

The Guardian, Thu 24 Aug 2023

If Putin has eliminated Prigozhin, the result could be more – not less – instability for Russia

Samantha de Bendern

The Guardian, Thu 24 Aug 2023

The Guardian view on Prigozhin’s fate: Putin couldn’t trust him and didn’t need him


FT August 24, 2023

A signal for the whole elite’: the demise of Yevgeny Prigozhin

Max Seddon in Riga and Courtney Weaver in Berlin

FT August 24, 2023

After Prigozhin, Putin reigns supreme

Alexander Gabuev

NYT Aug. 24, 2023

What Prigozhin Did in Putin’s Russia Was the Ultimate Betrayal

By Serge Schmemann

FP AUGUST 24, 2023

A Dead Prigozhin Won’t Stop Tales of a Weak Putin

By Mark Lawrence Schrad, a professor of political science at Villanova University.

FP AUGUST 24, 2023

Wagner’s Brand Was Built on Extreme Violence

By Clara Broekaert, a security researcher focused on disinformation and violent extremism, and Colin P. Clarke, the director of research at The Soufan Group, an intelligence and security consulting firm based in New York City.



FP AUGUST 24, 2023

Bibi Isn’t Serious About Preventing a Regional Nuclear Arms Race

By Azriel Bermant, a senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague.


The Economist August 12th 2023

Costly and dangerous

Saudi and global sports: Kicking up a storm

The Chinese economy: Strait- forward

The next commodity boom: Cash and quarry

East Asian geopolitics: Camp friends

Made in America: Chipping in

Turkey: Slow turn

Global values: Thinking for themselves

Phoney decoupling: Rising tigers, hidden dragon

(コメント) アメリカの中国を意識した新産業政策は、コストがかかって、サプライ・チェーンを分割する効果もない、と記事は批判します。むしろ、トランプとの選挙を意識したこku鵜ない政治対策として効果を期待するのでしょう。




IPEの想像力 8/28/2023

The Economistなどの記事から、トルコ、サウジアラビア、韓国、ウクライナの行動に注目します。







The Economistの特集記事に、Ron Inglehartらの調査結果が紹介されています。人々は、極度の貧困から脱し、豊かになれば、その基本的な価値観が似てくるだろう、という予想が、どうも間違っている、というわけです。価値観を2つの対立軸で、4つに分類しています。1つは、伝統的な価値観(宗教、共同体)と世俗的な価値観(幸福、合理的な思考、科学)の対立です。もう1つは、生存を脅かされる集団的な意識への帰属の強さ(逆に、弱くなれば、(個人の意志表明、個人主義))です。



