



気候変動 ・・・インフレーション、不況 ・・・UK政治 ・・・UK経済 ・・・ロシア、食糧危機 ・・・日米関係、日銀、日本経済 ・・・経済学と不確実性 ・・・労働運動、スターバックス ・・・オッペンハイマー、核兵器開発 ・・・ドイツ、EU、中国 ・・・中国経済 ・・・アメリカの経済制裁 ・・・イスラエル ・・・バービー ・・・デジタル通貨、中国資本市場 ・・・ウクライナ ・・・スペイン ・・・中国、台湾、NATO ・・・AI規制 ・・・国際開発銀行 ・・・インド ・・・グローバリゼーション、不平等 ・・・US政治経済 ・・・モンゴル



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 21 Jul 2023

Tories and big business are in the driver’s seat on climate action. Here’s what the left must do

Richard Power Sayeed

FT July 22, 2023

How an era of extreme heat is reshaping economies

Attracta Mooney, Camilla Hodgson and Ian Smith in London and Aime Williams in Washington

FT July 21, 2023

Climate change turns up the heat on supply chains

Emiliya Mychasuk

FT July 26, 2023

Green retrofitting can be cheaper and less disruptive than replacement

Brooke Masters

PS Jul 26, 2023

How to Scrap Fuel Subsidies


PS Jul 27, 2023

A Pragmatic COP?




FT July 21, 2023

UK inflation data could portend a soft landing ahead

DeAnne Julius

NYT July 20, 2023

Beware the New American Triumphalism

By Paul Krugman

NYT July 21, 2023

Wonking Out: Discombobulation, Recombobulation and Disinflation

By Paul Krugman

FT July 23, 2023

An ‘immaculate disinflation’ in the US is not guaranteed

FT July 24, 2023

The Federal Reserve needs to stay put on rates

Sheila Bair

PS Jul 24, 2023

A US Recession Is Still Possible


NYT July 24, 2023

Sorry, but I Still Think a Recession Is Coming

By Peter Coy

PS Jul 25, 2023

Europe’s Monetary Over-Tightening Trap




FT July 22, 2023

The unravelling of Britain’s Conservatives

NYT July 21, 2023

In the U.K., a Disaster No One Wants to Talk About

By Michelle Goldberg

FP JULY 22, 2023

The British Experiment in Self-Government Continues

By Stan Veuger, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

The Guardian, Sun 23 Jul 2023

Labour’s stumble in Uxbridge shows Keir Starmer how to put the party on a firmer footing

Andrew Rawnsley

FT July 23, 2023

The government needs to be far bolder on pension reform

Martin Wolf

FT July 27, 2023

Why it is better to be moderate than centrist

Jemima Kelly



FT July 25, 2023

The UK is paying for a decade-long seriousness deficit

Stephen Bush

FT July 25, 2023

Globalisation is not to blame for Britain’s insecurity problem

Sarah O’Connor

FT July 25, 2023

Why productivity is so weak at UK companies

Andrew Hill



FT July 21, 2023

Trapped or nationalised: walls close in on western businesses in Russia

Anastasia Stognei and Max Seddon in Riga

PS Jul 21, 2023

Governing the Right to Food


FP JULY 21, 2023

You See What You Want to See in Russia

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

FP JULY 21, 2023

Russia Declares War on Wheat, Peas, and Barley

By Christina Lu and Amy Mackinnon

The Guardian, Sun 23 Jul 2023

Putin has become a global bogeyman. Russians must exorcise this ghoul

Simon Tisdall

NYT July 23, 2023

Vladimir Putin Is Still Useful to Xi Jinping. Until He Isn’t.

By Sergey Radchenko

FP JULY 23, 2023

An Epic History of the Soviet Everyday

By Sheila Fitzpatrick, a historian of the Soviet Union and modern Russia.

FP JULY 25, 2023

Putin’s Paranoia Has Turned on Russia’s Far Right

By Kristaps Andrejsons, a journalist in Latvia and the creator of The Eastern Border podcast.



PS Jul 21, 2023

Why Is America Undercutting Japan?


FT July 25, 2023

Bank of Japan must respond to increasingly sticky inflation

Ayako Fujita

PS Jul 25, 2023

How Should Japan Respond to Inflation?


NYT July 25, 2023

What Happened to Japan?

By Paul Krugman



PS Jul 21, 2023

Erdoğan Comes in from the Cold


FP JULY 26, 2023

What Does Turkey Actually Want?

By Steven A. Cook, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.



PS Jul 21, 2023

What to Do About Radical Uncertainty


PS Jul 21, 2023

A Humbling Economy for Economists


The Guardian, Mon 24 Jul 2023

Our generation was told liberal economics would make us free. Look at us now. We were misled

Nesrine Malik



NYT July 21, 2023

Inside Starbucks’ Dirty War Against Organized Labor

By Megan K. Stack



FP JULY 21, 2023

The Long Shadow of Oppenheimer’s Trinity Test

By Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security reporter at Foreign Policy, and Anusha Rathi

FT July 25, 2023

Oppenheimer’ is a great film about the wrong man

Janan Ganesh



FP JULY 21, 2023

Germany Has a New Consensus on China

By Noah Barkin, a senior advisor at the Rhodium Group and visiting senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

FP JULY 24, 2023

Europeans Can’t Decide How Far to Back Away From Beijing

By Cindy Yu, an assistant editor of The Spectator and presenter of the Chinese Whispers podcast.

FT July 26, 2023

Italy harms itself by blocking changes to crisis-fighting in eurozone

Moritz Kraemer

FT July 27, 2023

Europe should not be too relaxed this summer as big challenges await

Adam Tooze

FT July 27, 2023

Poland can achieve its goals with an open, pro-EU approach

Grzegorz Kołodko

NYT July 27, 2023

What’s Happening in Italy Is Scary, and It’s Spreading

By David Broder



FT July 22, 2023

China cannot allow jobless young to ‘lie flat’

George Magnus

The Guardian, Sun 23 Jul 2023

China’s race for growth is fading. So too is its dream of middle-class security

Rana Mitter

FP JULY 24, 2023

Xi Jinping Is Trying to Adapt to Failure

By Neil Thomas, a Fellow for Chinese Politics at Asia Society Policy Institute's Center for China Analysis.

PS Jul 26, 2023

The Irresistible Rise of the Rest


FT July 28, 2023

Time to retire the ‘emerging markets’ label

FT July 27, 2023

How the Brics nations risk becoming satellites of China

Alan Beattie

FP JULY 27, 2023

China’s Threat to Ban Critical Minerals Exports Is a Bluff

By Agathe Demarais, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the global forecasting director at the Economist Intelligence Unit.



NYT July 22, 2023

The Risks of One of the Most Severe Tools in America’s Foreign Policy Arsenal

By The Editorial Board

FP JULY 24, 2023

America’s Love of Sanctions Will Be Its Downfall

By Christopher Sabatini, the senior research fellow for Latin America at Chatham House.

PS Jul 26, 2023

US-China Decoupling by the Numbers




NYT July 22, 2023

With Israel, It’s Time to Start Discussing the Unmentionable

By Nicholas Kristof

FT July 24, 2023

Israeli democracy is fighting for its life

Yuval Noah

NYT July 23, 2023

Only Biden Can Save Israel Now

By Thomas L. Friedman

FT July 26, 2023

Israeli democracy in peril

NYT July 25, 2023

Israel’s Self-Inflicted Wound

By Bret Stephens

FP JULY 24, 2023

Israel’s Protesters Refuse to Be Donkeys

By Gitit Ginat, a freelance journalist and a former writer for Haaretz.

NYT July 26, 2023

In Israel, the Worst May Be Yet to Come

By Adam Shinar

FP JULY 26, 2023

Why Biden Is in a Bind on Israel

By Aaron David Miller, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

NYT July 27, 2023

Biden Is Weighing a Big Middle East Deal

By Thomas L. Friedman

FP JULY 27, 2023

The Power of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Has Peaked

By David E. Rosenberg, the economics editor and a columnist for the English edition of Haaretz and the author of Israel’s Technology Economy.



FP JULY 22, 2023

Spartans Were Losers

By Bret Devereaux, a historian specializing in the Roman economy and military.

FT July 27, 2023

What makes empires rise and fall?

Linda Colley



FT July 23, 2023

Barbie is a rare winner in the corporate culture wars

Rana Foroohar

FP JULY 25, 2023

Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’ Have More in Common Than You Think

By Jennifer Williams, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy.



FT July 23, 2023

Central banks must not be blind to the threats posed by CBDCs

Eswar Prasad

VoxEU / 24 Jul 2023

Internationalising China’s equity markets: The role of domestic and foreign investors

Juan J. Cortina, Maria Soledad Martínez Pería, Sergio L. Schmukler, Jasmine Xiao

FP JULY 23, 2023

How Dictators Make Money—and Money Makes Dictators

By Carey K. Mott, a researcher at the Yale Program on Financial Stability and a visiting researcher at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.



NYT July 23, 2023

What I Learned in Ukraine

By Bret Stephens

PS Jul 24, 2023

How Russia Could Benefit from Ukraine’s NATO Membership


NYT July 24, 2023

We’ve Been on the Front Lines. We Know What Ukraine Needs.

By Mark Kelly and Tammy Duckworth



The Guardian, Mon 24 Jul 2023

The Guardian view on the Spanish election: a good day when voters said ‘¡No pasarán!’ to the far right


FT July 24, 2023

Spain goes into political limbo

PS Jul 25, 2023

Spain Dodges a Far-Right Bullet


The Guardian, Wed 26 Jul 2023

Sanchez has pulled off a masterstroke in Spain – and shown Europe how to beat back the hard right

Eoghan Gilmartin

FT July 27, 2023

The red-hot issue in the Spanish elections should be climate, not culture wars

Simon Kuper



FT July 24, 2023

How China’s military is slowly squeezing Taiwan

Kathrin Hille in Taipei and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington

FP JULY 24, 2023

NATO Has Its Sights Set on Asia

By Anchal Vohra, a columnist at Foreign Policy.

FP JULY 24, 2023

Sweden Is the Land of Ikea, ABBA—and China Hawks

By Trita Parsi, the executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, and Frida Stranne, a senior lecturer of political science at Halmstad University in Sweden and is an affiliated scholar at Uppsala University.

NYT July 27, 2023

Women in Taiwan Are Tired of Being Nice

By Vickie Wang

FP JULY 27, 2023

Beijing Is Going Places—and Building Naval Bases

By Alexander Wooley and Sheng Zhang



FT July 24, 2023

Antony Blinken & Gina Raimondo: To shape the future of AI, we must act quickly

Antony Blinken and Gina Raimondo

FT July 24, 2023

The rise of AI forces us to reinterpret our human intelligence

Anne-Marie Slaughter

PS Jul 24, 2023

AI’s Pugwash Moment


NYT July 25, 2023

Our Oppenheimer Moment: The Creation of A.I. Weapons

By Alexander C. Karp

PS Jul 26, 2023

AI Changes Everything


FT July 28, 2023

Big Tech races to give generative AI a central place

Richard Waters

NYT July 27, 2023

Lindsey Graham and Elizabeth Warren: When It Comes to Big Tech, Enough Is Enough

By Lindsey Graham and Elizabeth Warren



FT July 24, 2023

Memo to Sadiq Khan: here’s how to redesign Ulez

Tim Leunig



PS Jul 24, 2023

The Multilateral Development Banks the World Needs


PS Jul 25, 2023

Building an Equitable Fiscal Future for Latin America




FT July 26, 2023

Modi’s India is moving in an illiberal direction

Martin Wolf



NYT July 25, 2023

Beto O’Rourke: One Person Can End Cruelty at the Border

By Beto O’Rourke



FP JULY 25, 2023

The Cradle of Civilization Is Drying Up

By Winthrop Rodgers, a journalist and analyst based in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.



FT July 26, 2023

To tackle inequality, start with cities

Ian Goldin



FT July 26, 2023

America’s feel-bad Biden boom

Edward Luce

NYT July 26, 2023

Democrats and Republicans Are Living in Different Worlds

By Thomas B. Edsall

FT July 27, 2023

Why US debt will continue to rise

Michael Pettis

FT July 28, 2023

Fear and loathing in the American high school system

Gillian Tett

PS Jul 27, 2023

America’s Higher-Education Financing Challenge


NYT July 27, 2023

Try Tolerance in a Small Town

By David French



NYT July 26, 2023

North and South Korea Drift Farther Apart Every Day

By Haeryun Kang

FP JULY 27, 2023

A Korean Peace Treaty Would Be an Unforced Blunder

By Young Kim, the representative for California’s 40th Congressional District and chairwoman of the Indo-Pacific Subcommittee of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee.



FT July 27, 2023

Will Mongolia’s crackdown on graft unlock its mineral riches?

Edward White in Khanbogd, Mongolia


The Economist July 15th 2023

Preparing the way

Planning a second Trump term: Chaos meets preparation

Climate change and farming: A growing problem

Economic thinking: Frenemies

Latin America’s next petroleum boom: The new geography of oil

Cape Town v Johannesburg: The tarnished city of gold

“Strategic autonomy”: Protector or problem?

Economic policy: The manufacturing delusion

(コメント) トランプ第2期政権が誕生するときの主要政策を、第1期の敗北を認めなかった人々が継続して努力しています。もし当選すれば、その衝撃は最初の迷走を吹き飛ばすでしょう。



IPEの想像力 7/31/2023






The Economistの記事(Economic policy: The manufacturing delusion)は、「製造業」より、グローバリゼーションや金融市場への積極的な評価から、バイデン政権の姿勢を強く批判します。







