



イスラエル ・・・トランプ裁判 ・・・EU、国際秩序 ・・・ウクライナ、プーチン ・・・中国の世界秩序 ・・・米中対立、台湾 ・・・金融抑圧、インフレーション ・・・AI規制、技術革新 ・・・気候変動 ・・・US外交 ・・・日本、安全保障、日銀 ・・・インド ・・・フィンランド、中立 ・・・ジャーナリスト、治安部隊 ・・・イラク ・・・愛する猫の死 ・・・US政治 ・・・北アイルランド ・・・スペイン労働問題、ニート



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 31 Mar 2023

Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But the threat is not only to Israel

Jonathan Freedland

NYT March 31, 2023

The Solution to Israel’s Crisis Might Be in America’s Constitution

By Yuval Levin

FP MARCH 30, 2023

Israel Is Somewhere It’s Never Been Before

By Aaron David Miller, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Daniel C. Kurtzer, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt and Israel.

NYT April 1, 2023

The Fight for Israel’s Democracy Continues

By The Editorial Board

PS Apr 4, 2023

Israel’s Judicial Coup-in-Waiting




The Guardian, Fri 31 Mar 2023

Now we know: in Trump’s fantasy comeback, he’ll be wearing handcuffs

Marina Hyde

The Guardian, Fri 31 Mar 2023

The Guardian view on Trump’s indictment: he’ll fight the law. Who will win?


FT April 1, 2023

Donald Trump: a criminal indictment arrives for the former president

James Politi in Washington

FT March 31, 2023

Law versus man: Trump’s courtroom drama begins

Edward Luce

FT April 1, 2023

The wheels of justice turn for a former US president

PS Mar 31, 2023

Putin and Trump in the Dock?


NYT March 30, 2023

Even Donald Trump Should Be Held Accountable

By The Editorial Board

NYT March 30, 2023

I Worry About a Failed Prosecution of Trump, but I Worry More About No Prosecution

By Nicholas Kristof

NYT March 31, 2023

Trump’s Indictment Is About the Crimes That Helped Elect Him

By Michelle Goldberg

NYT March 31, 2023

The Rule of Law Now Depends on Republicans

By David French

NYT April 1, 2023

Trump’s Prosecution Has Set a Dangerous Precedent

By Ankush Khardori

The Observer, Sun 2 Apr 2023

The Observer view: Donald Trump deserves to face the full force of justice

Observer editorial

FT April 2, 2023

Trump’s diehard supporters see indictment as rallying cry

James Politi in Palm Beach

FT April 2, 2023

Wisconsin’s fish-fryers play down the impact of Trump’s indictment

Patti Waldmeir

The Guardian, Mon 3 Apr 2023

Prosecuting Donald Trump is right. But is it politically wise?

Simon Jenkins

FT April 4, 2023

Donald Trump’s indictment is a reminder of a sorry history

Sarah Churchwell

The Guardian, Tue 4 Apr 2023

The most consequential politics story in the US isn’t the Trump arraignment

Robert Reich

The Guardian, Tue 4 Apr 2023

Every indictment will make Trump stronger – and Republicans wilder

Sidney Blumenthal

FT April 5. 2023

The next steps in the case against Donald Trump after arraignment

Joe Miller in New York

PS Apr 4, 2023

Trump’s Indictment Bodes Well for Democracy


NYT April 4, 2023

New York Already Knows a Lot About Donald Trump

By Mara Gay

The Guardian, Wed 5 Apr 2023

Donald Trump has been charged. The swamp is finally being drained

Moustafa Bayoumi

FT April 5, 2023

The US media are still Trump’s unwitting allies

Edward Luce

FT April 6, 2023

Why moderate Republicans still won’t confront the Trump bandwagon

Gillian Tett

NYT April 5, 2023

What You Need to Know About the Trump Charges

By David French

NYT April 5, 2023

The Trump Indictment Is a Legal Embarrassment

By Jed Handelsman Shugerman

NYT April 5, 2023

You Could Have Walked a Block Away and Had No Clue Trump Just Got Arrested

By Michelle Goldberg

The Guardian, Thu 6 Apr 2023

The big surprise when the Trump circus came back to town? How boring he has become

Emma Brockes



The Guardian, Fri 31 Mar 2023

The war in Ukraine reminds us what the EU is for. But even bigger challenges lie ahead

Timothy Garton Ash

PS Mar 31, 2023

The Great Revision




PS Mar 31, 2023

Wanted: Vladimir Putin


NYT March 31, 2023

Why Do Russians Still Want to Fight?

By Marlene Laruelle and Ivan Grek

FT April 2, 2023

Kosovo’s war crimes trial shows the need for preparation in Ukraine

Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

FT April 3, 2023

The breaking and making of Ukraine

Gideon Rachman

FP APRIL 3, 2023

Will U.S. Support for Ukraine Outlast Biden?

By Robbie Gramer and Christina Lu

The Guardian, Tue 4 Apr 2023

Putin doesn’t want the war to end – he wants to blast us back to the 40s Soviet era

Georgi Gospodinov

FT April 4, 2023

The false choice of confronting Russia or China

Janan Ganesh

FT April 5, 2023

Russia’s cowardly act

PS Apr 4, 2023

Learning to Squeeze Russia’s Energy Revenues


FP APRIL 4, 2023

Get Out of Russia

By Natalia Antonova, a writer, journalist, and online safety expert based in Washington.

FP APRIL 4, 2023

Nuclear Blackmail Is a Sign of Russia’s Declining Power

By Austin Wright, a non-proliferation and strategic trade professional.

PS Apr 5, 2023

How Vladimir Putin Saved NATO


FT April 6, 2023

A post-Putin Russia may look like Serbia after Milošević

Tony Barber



FT March 31, 2023

Dare to fight’: Xi Jinping unveils China’s new world order

Joe Leahy in Beijing, Kathrin Hille in Taipei, Andy Lin in Hong Kong and Michael Pooler in São Paulo

FT April 1, 2023

China truce with tech — for now

Joe Leahy and Ryan McMorrow in Beijing, Thomas Hale in Shanghai and Ed White in Seoul

FT April 3, 2023

How China is winning the race for Africa’s lithium

Harry Dempsey in London and Joseph Cotterill in Uis

FP APRIL 3, 2023

China’s Neighbors Are Eyeing Up Yuan as Banking Worries Spread

By Diana Choyleva, chief economist at Enodo Economics.

PS Apr 4, 2023

An Economic Hail Mary for China


FP APRIL 4, 2023

China’s ‘Peace Plan’ for Ukraine Isn’t About Peace

By Jo Inge Bekkevold, a senior China fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies.

FT April 5, 2023

The Ukraine war will define EU-China relations

PS Apr 5, 2023

Alibaba and the Forced Restructuring


PS Apr 6, 2023

A Reality Check for the Renminbi


FP APRIL 6, 2023

The Real Motivation Behind Iran’s Deal With Saudi Arabia

By Saeid Golkar, a senior fellow at the Tony Blair Institute and an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and Kasra Aarabi, the Iran program lead at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

FP APRIL 6, 2023

Is Anyone in Beijing Listening to Europe?

By ChinaFile Contributors

FP APRIL 6, 2023

Macron’s China Trip Is a Fool’s Errand

By J. Alex Tarquinio, an independent journalist based in New York.



FP MARCH 31, 2023

The U.S. Wants to Make Sure China Can’t Catch Up on Quantum Computing

By Kevin Klyman, a technology researcher at Harvard’s Belfer Center.

FP MARCH 31, 2023

What Taiwan Can Learn from Honduras’s Switch to China

By Leland Lazarus, the associate director of research at Florida International University’s Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy, and Ryan C. Berg, the director of the Americas program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The Guardian, Sun 2 Apr 2023

War in Taiwan will dwarf Ukraine unless the US shows China its teeth

Simon Tisdall

FP MARCH 28, 2023

China Has Been Waging a Decades-Long, All-Out Spy War

By Calder Walton, a historian at the Harvard Kennedy School.

FP APRIL 3, 2023

Biden Needs to Broaden Semiconductor Sanctions on China

By Ben Noon, a writer focused on U.S.-China rivalry.

FP APRIL 3, 2023

Shipping Lines Are Getting Worried About Dependence on China

By Elisabeth Braw, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

FP APRIL 3, 2023

Silicon Valley Is Beating Washington to China Decoupling

By Rishi Iyengar

FT April 5. 2023

Waging war on trade will be costly

Martin Wolf

FT April 5, 2023

Tsai Ing-wen’s US trip: the deepening political divide in Taiwan

Kathrin Hille in Belmopan, Belize



FT March 31, 2023

We are living through a trillion-dollar rebalancing

Adam Tooze

FT March 31, 2023

Lex in depth: how safe are America’s regional banks?

Pan Kwan Yuk and Joshua Franklin in New York and Andrew Whiffin in London

PS Mar 31, 2023

Why Inflation Persists


NYT March 31, 2023

The Fed’s War on Inflation Is a Class War

By Bryce Covert

FT April 2, 2023

The UK needs to learn its own lessons from the banking crisis

Martin Wolf

FT April 2, 2023

Four ways to make it easier to wind up failing banks

FT April 3, 2023

Shadow banks could yet cause trouble

Rana Foroohar

FT April 3, 2023

The financial turmoil is not over

Ian Harnett

PS Apr 3, 2023

The Fed’s Credibility Problem


NYT April 3, 2023

Republicans Can’t Agree on a Path Out of Their Own Debt Crisis

By David Firestone

PS Apr 4, 2023

John H. Cochrane

Say More

NYT April 5, 2023

This Bank Proposal Will Damage Our Economy and Make Voters Even More Resentful

By Peter Conti-Brown

FT April 6, 2023

What I learnt from three banking crises

Gillian Tett



FT April 1, 2023

We need a much more sophisticated debate about AI

Jamie Susskind

NYT March 31, 2023

A.I. May Change Everything, but Probably Not Too Quickly

By Paul Krugman



PS Mar 31, 2023

Tax the Rich to Save the Planet


PS Apr 3, 2023

A Silent Revolution in Sovereign Finance


NYT April 3, 2023

Why Dutch Farmers Turned Their Flag Upside Down

By Ben Coates

FP APRIL 5, 2023

Europe’s Energy Crisis That Isn’t

By Adam Tooze, a columnist at Foreign Policy and director of the European Institute at Columbia University.

PS Apr 6, 2023

In Defense of Nature-Based Carbon Markets


PS Apr 6, 2023

Europe Must Tax Brown and Subsidize Green




PS Mar 31, 2023

Is Globalization Over?


FP APRIL 1, 2023

Biden’s State Department Needs a Reset

By Stephen M. Walt, a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

NYT April 2, 2023

The Problem With Everything-Bagel Liberalism

By Ezra Klein

FT April 3, 2023

Why Opec+ is cutting oil output now

David Sheppard in London

FP APRIL 6, 2023

Why Isn’t the U.S. in Libya?

By Frederic Wehrey, a senior fellow in the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

FP APRIL 6, 2023

OPEC+ Cut Shows Saudi Geopolitical Ambitions

By Jason Bordoff, a columnist at Foreign Policy and a dean at the Columbia Climate School, and Karen E. Young, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

FP APRIL 6, 2023

The U.S. Needs an Economic War Council for China

By Edward Fishman, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, and Charles Edel, the Australia chair and a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.



FT April 2, 2023

The disguised blessings of Japan’s demographic decline

Leo Lewis

PS Apr 4, 2023

A New Asian Order Is Emerging


FT April 5, 2023

The dovish case for the BoJ to abolish yield curve control

Robin Harding

FT April 6, 2023

Is this a tipping point for Japan’s start-ups?

Leo Lewis



FT April 2, 2023

Modi will struggle to cage the Gandhi dynasty

John Reed in New Delhi

FP APRIL 3, 2023

India’s Defense Plans Fall Victim to Putin’s War

By Tom Waldwyn, a research associate for defense procurement at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and Viraj Solanki, a research associate for South and Central Asia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

FP APRIL 4, 2023

Why India Downplays China’s Border Threat

By Happymon Jacob, an associate professor at the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University and the founder of the Council for Strategic and Defense Research in New Delhi.



FP APRIL 2, 2023

Italian Fascists Traded Their Black Shirts for Armani Suits

By Michele Barbero, an Italian journalist based in Paris.



The Guardian, Mon 3 Apr 2023

The Guardian view on Finland’s election: another episode of nordic noir


FP APRIL 4, 2023

Why Neutrality Is Obsolete in the 21st Century

By Franz-Stefan Gady, a senior fellow for cyber power and future conflict at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.



PS Apr 3, 2023

Can Journalists Be Activists?


NYT April 3, 2023

The Rich World Has a Shockingly High Tolerance for Cruelty

By Lydia Polgreen

NYT April 6, 2023

The Arrest of Evan Gershkovich Is Further Evidence of Putin’s Brutality



PS Apr 3, 2023

Nursing the Iraq War Hangover




NYT April 2, 2023

Ending Your Pet’s Life Was the Right Decision. So Why Do You Feel So Guilty?

By Karen Fine



FP APRIL 3, 2023

Why the U.S. Right Doesn’t Like Free Markets Anymore

By Sheri Berman, a professor of political science at Barnard College, Columbia University.

NYT April 5, 2023

Who’s Afraid of Integration? A Lot of People, Actually.

By Thomas B. Edsall

FT April 6, 2023

Joe Biden’s chips choices undermine bipartisan industrial initiatives

Oren Cass

NYT April 6, 2023

It’s Not ‘Deaths of Despair.’ It’s Deaths of Children.

By David Wallace-Wells



FT April 4, 2023

Northern Ireland: the paramilitaries that ‘never go away’

Jude Webber in Belfast

FP APRIL 4, 2023

Why Rishi Sunak’s Northern Ireland Deal Will Fail

By Abi McGowan, a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations.

FT April 6, 2023

Making the Good Friday Agreement last another 25 years



FT April 4, 2023

How Spain has taken on the problem of precarious work

Sarah O’Connor

FT April 5, 2023

The number of non-active young people is a global problem

Phyllis Papadavid

PS Apr 5, 2023

The War for Talent Is Over




VoxEU 4 Apr 2023

Exchange rate volatility and monetary policy

Ethan Ilzetzki, Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff /



The Guardian, Wed 5 Apr 2023

For something so hollow, the royal family is astonishingly expensive

Polly Toynbee



The Guardian, Tue 4 Apr 2023

Nigel Lawson obituary

Julia Langdon



PS Apr 5, 2023

Reversing Latin America’s Democratic Decay


FT April 6, 2023

In power but not in agreement: Latin America’s quarrelling left

Michael Stott



PS Apr 5, 2023

Getting Drug Development Right




FP APRIL 5, 2023

Biden’s New Southern Border Plan Might Just Work

By Edward Alden, a columnist at Foreign Policy, a visiting professor at Western Washington University, and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.



PS Apr 6, 2023

North African Feminism’s Growing Impact



The Economist March 25th 2023

The world according to Xi

Turmoil in the banks: The great balancing act

Europe and America: Play to your strengths

Video games: Storm forming

India and Japan: Under a bodhi tree

Lexington: Getting over Iraq

Regional integration: NAFTA 3.0

Xi in Moscow: Seizing the opportunity

A narrow course: The roar gets nearer

American finance: Don’t unleash the zombies

Industrial policy: The battle for Europe’s soul

(コメント) アメリカの銀行危機。中国とロシアの指導者のトップ会談。グローバリゼーションの楽観論が後退しながら、何に向かって変形していくのか。



IPEの想像力 4/10/2023



















