



ポピュリストの挫折の年? ・・・民主主義の混迷 ・・・UKストライキ ・・・UK経済対策 ・・・プーチンの戦争 ・・・ウクライナ再建 ・・・ゼロコロナ政策の転換 ・・・インフレーションと金融政策 ・・・金融市場の混乱 ・・・地政学と環境問題 ・・・ヨーロッパ統合 ・・・民主党の限界 ・・・議事堂襲撃事件の評価 ・・・インドの可能性 ・・・イスラエル政治 ・・・ペルーの政治混乱 ・・・ワールドカップと市民権 ・・・移民・難民 ・・・日本銀行の政策転換 ・・・中国封じ込め ・・・香港、人民元 ・・・2022年回顧 ・・・死者とハイテク ・・・クリスマス



主要な出典 FP: Foreign Policy, FT: Financial Times, The Guardian, NYT: New York Times, PS: Project Syndicate, SPIEGEL International, VOX: VoxEU.orgそして、The Economist (London)




The Guardian, Fri 16 Dec 2022

From Musk to Truss, 2022 was the year reckless populists came crashing down to Earth

Gaby Hinsliff

The Observer, Sun 18 Dec 2022

The Observer view on why Recep Tayyip Erdoğan does not deserve another term in office

Observer editorial

FT December 19, 2022

The year the strongmen stumbled

Gideon Rachman

PS Dec 20, 2022

AMLO’s False Promises


The Guardian, Wed 21 Dec 2022

Rishi Sunak leads the Tories in name alone – it’s fear of Farage that’s driving the agenda

Martin Kettle



FP DECEMBER 18, 2022

The Secret Postmodern Radicalism of Francis Fukuyama

By Blake Smith, a Fulbright Scholar in North Macedonia.

FP DECEMBER 19, 2022

2022: The Year the Good Guys Struck Back

By Michael Hirsh, a columnist for Foreign Policy.

NYT Dec. 20, 2022

A 200-Year-Old Argument on Behalf of the Many Against the Few

By Jamelle Bouie

NYT Dec. 20, 2022

Was the World Collapsing? Or Were You Just Freaking Out?

By Katherine Miller

FT December 22, 2022

Downgrade counter-terrorism efforts at your peril

Raffaello Pantucci

FT December 21, 2022

Other democracies should beware taking pleasure in the UK’s travails

Bronwen Maddox

PS Dec 21, 2022

Latin America’s Democracies Hold Strong


FT December 22, 2022

How professors’ children are shaping the world

Simon Kuper



The Guardian, Fri 16 Dec 2022

These strikes are telling us something: Britain’s era of low wages may be over

Andy Beckett

FT December 16, 2022

An exhausted NHS limps towards its high noon

Camilla Cavendish

FT December 16, 2022

The real reason for the NHS crisis

John Burn-Murdoch

The Guardian, Sun 18 Dec 2022

The strikes are a baleful legacy of a 12-year obsession with tax cuts and a small state

Will Hutton

FT December 20, 2022

Strikes are an inevitability not an aberration

Torsten Bell

FT December 20, 2022

Has the pendulum really swung from capital to labour?

Sarah O’Connor

The Guardian, Thu 22 Dec 2022

Sunak is the ‘too little, too late’ PM. That’s why he’s failing over the NHS and this wave of strikes

Gaby Hinsliff



The Guardian, Sun 18 Dec 2022

After a year when the only certainty was Tory chaos, could 2023 be even worse?

Andrew Rawnsley

PS Dec 21, 2022

Things Can Only Get Better for the UK


FT December 22, 2022

UK business needs to brace itself for much higher taxes

Chris Cook



FT December 16, 2022

How Putin’s technocrats saved the economy to fight a war they opposed

Max Seddon in Moscow and Polina Ivanova in Berlin

The Guardian, Sat 17 Dec 2022

In Ukraine, I saw the greatest threat to the Russian world isn’t the west – it’s Putin

Timothy Garton Ash

FT December 21, 2022

Putin warns war in Ukraine becoming ‘extremely complicated’

Max Seddon in Moscow, Anastasia Stognei in Riga, and Felicia Schwartz in Washington

PS Dec 21, 2022

Russia-Proofing Europe


PS Dec 21, 2022

Why EU Leaders Dread a Ukraine Peace Process


The Guardian, Thu 22 Dec 2022

Sixty years on from the Cuban missile crisis, the US has learned its lessons – but Putin has not

Vladislav Zubok

FT December 22, 2022

Stoltenberg: Putin is getting the opposite of what he wanted — more Nato, not less

Jens Stoltenberg



FT December 16, 2022

Now could be Poland’s moment — but it needs to play by the rules

Sylvie Kauffmann

FP DECEMBER 16, 2022

Whatever Happened to Russia’s Vaunted Cyberoffensive?

By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy, and Rishi Iyengar, a reporter at Foreign Policy.

FT December 18, 2022

Europe’s long-term security will rest on the reconstruction of Ukraine

Megan Greene

VoxEU / 18 Dec 2022

Reconstructing Ukraine: Trade and foreign direct investment

Kenneth Rogoff, Veronika Movchan

FP DECEMBER 19, 2022

Belarus Is Inching Toward Invading Ukraine

By Norma Costello, a freelance journalist from Ireland, and Vera Mironova, a visiting fellow at Harvard University.

FT December 21, 2022

The west’s axis of prudence risks a Kremlin victory by default in Ukraine

Constanze Stelzenmüller

PS Dec 21, 2022

What Happens After the War?


The Guardian, Thu 22 Dec 2022

The Guardian view on Zelenskiy in Washington: a pivotal moment




FT December 17, 2022

Despite abandoning zero-Covid, China’s economic challenges are huge

Eswar Prasad

The Guardian, Wed 21 Dec 2022

China is on the brink of its first major Covid surge. How it copes will affect us all

Devi Sridhar

NYT Dec. 21, 2022

In Shanghai, Wondering What It Was All For

By Eva Rammeloo

FP DECEMBER 22, 2022

How China Botched the End of Zero-COVID

By James Palmer, Michael Rowand, and Tracy Wen Liu



VoxEU / 16 Dec 2022

Industrial land discount in China: A public finance perspective

Fudong Zhang, Anthony Lee Zhang, Scott Nelson, Yang Su, Zhiguo He

PS Dec 22, 2022

A China Optimist’s Lament


FP DECEMBER 22, 2022

What to Expect From China in 2023

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.



FT December 17, 2022

Inflation targeting and the 2 per cent goal

FT December 19, 2022

Central banks should beware mistaking wage rises for an inflation problem

Martin Sandbu

FT December 22, 2022

Who would be a central banker in 2023?

Chris Giles

FP DECEMBER 22, 2022

How Bolivia’s Government Kept Inflation Under Control

By Thomas Graham, a freelance journalist in La Paz, Bolivia.



FT December 17, 2022

The ‘Star Trek’ script for markets in 2023

Philip Coggan

FT December 19, 2022

How poor smart kids could help boost the City

Patrick Jenkins

FT December 19, 2022

The Fed needs to stop raising rates

Bill Gross

PS Dec 19, 2022

Another Annus Horribilis for the Fed


PS Dec 19, 2022

Financial Deglobalization Must Come Next


FT December 20, 2022

What a new normal of higher inflation means for investors

Karen Ward

FT December 21, 2022

How to supervise a crypto exchange

Matthew Elderfield

FT December 22, 2022

The ECB’s three Ts are key to avoiding a new euro crisis

Michala Marcussen

PS Dec 22, 2022

Is a Global Recession Really Around the Corner?




FT December 16, 2022

Bottling the Sun’: is this a new dawn for the fusion industry?

John Thornhill

NYT Dec. 16, 2022

Here Is What Is Really Strangling the Energy Transition

By Justin Gillis and Tyler H. Norris

FT December 18, 2022

If the Marshall Islands can support green shipping, so should everyone

David Kabua

FP DECEMBER 18, 2022

How Greenland’s Mineral Wealth Made It a Geopolitical Battleground

By Regin Winther Poulsen, a multimedia journalist from the Faroe Islands.

The Guardian, Mon 19 Dec 2022

The Guardian view on the Cop15 agreement: nations must do more for nature


PS Dec 19, 2022

To Activate Hope, Activate Capital


FT December 20, 2022

The great green office crunch

George Hammond

PS Dec 20, 2022

Can Italy Resist Fossil-Fuel Nostalgia?


PS Dec 20, 2022

Who’s Ready to Fight Plastic Pollution?


PS Dec 20, 2022

Defending the Indigenous Defenders of Biodiversity


FP DECEMBER 20, 2022

Russia’s Arctic Claims Are on Thin Ice

By Cornell Overfield, a research analyst at CNA.



PS Dec 16, 2022

The Price of Europe’s Expansion Fatigue


FP DECEMBER 16, 2022

Tooze on the ‘Dramatic Reconceptualization’ of Europe

By Cameron Abadi, a deputy editor at Foreign Policy.

The Guardian, Sun 18 Dec 2022

Good news for the world’s autocrats – EU sleaze is a huge own goal for democracy

Simon Tisdall

FP DECEMBER 19, 2022

Why Germany Is Struggling to Address the Reichsbürger Threat

By Thomas O. Falk, a U.K.-based independent journalist and political analyst.

FT December 22, 2022

Porsche and the decline of the German stock market

Olaf Storbeck in Frankfurt



PS Dec 16, 2022

The Democrats’ Democratic Dividend


NYT Dec. 19, 2022

The Deadly Lack of Imagination in the Democratic Party

By Thomas Frank

NYT Dec. 21, 2022

What Really Saved the Democrats This Year?

By Thomas B. Edsall



NYT Dec. 17, 2022

The End of the Trump Era Will Be Unsatisfying

By Ross Douthat

NYT Dec. 19, 2022

How Will History Remember Jan. 6?

By Lydia Polgreen

NYT Dec. 19, 2022

The Jan. 6 Committee Just Made History. Here’s What That Means for Prosecutors.

By Norman Eisen, E. Danya Perry and Fred Wertheimer

The Guardian, Tue 20 Dec 2022

The Guardian view on the January 6 committee: Trump’s terrible, no-good year


NYT Dec. 22, 2022

The Last Lesson of the Jan. 6 Committee

By The Editorial Board



PS Dec 16, 2022

India’s Looming Demographic Divide


PS Dec 19, 2022

Can India Fulfill Its Potential?


FT December 20, 2022

India chases dividend from China trade tensions

Chloe Cornish

NYT Dec. 20, 2022

In India, the Case of a Missing American Ambassador

By Meenakshi Ahamed



NYT Dec. 15, 2022

What in the World Is Happening in Israel?

By Thomas L. Friedman

NYT Dec. 17, 2022

The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy

By The Editorial Board

FT December 18, 2022

How will Israel’s most rightwing government yet wield its power?

James Shotter in Lod

FT December 22, 2022

Danger and extremism in Israel’s new government



FP DECEMBER 16, 2022

Castillo’s Ouster Is Not the End of Peru’s Political Crisis

By Simeon Tegel, a British journalist based in Lima, Peru.

FP DECEMBER 20, 2022

Peru’s Failed Presidential Coup Sparks Democratic Crisis

By Nick Aspinwall, a journalist based in New York, and Alicia Chen, a journalist covering migration, social movements and human rights.

FT December 22, 2022

A coup or not? Peru crisis highlights Latin American polarisation

Michael Stott



FP DECEMBER 16, 2022

Team Qatar Wanted Immigrant Players—Not Citizens

By Josef Burton, a former U.S. diplomat who worked in Turkey and India.

FT December 17, 2022

Kylian Mbappé, star striker who yearns to leave his mark beyond football

Simon Kuper

NYT Dec. 17, 2022

This Was the Perfect World Cup for Our Strange Era

By David Goldblatt

FT December 21, 2022

Messi and his squad’s victory cannot dispel Argentina’s travails

Lucinda Elliott



FT December 17, 2022

Talking tough won’t stop migrant crossings of the English Channel

Arshad Isakjee

FT December 17, 2022

The God-fearing case for immigration

Janan Ganesh

FP DECEMBER 20, 2022

Bill That Would Provide Lifeline to Afghan Refugees Blocked in Congress

By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.

NYT Dec. 22, 2022

Congress Has Once Again Failed Immigrant Youths

By Greisa Martínez Rosas



FT December 17 2022

Japan Inc’s cash hoarding habit has painted a giant target on its back

Leo Lewis

FT December 21, 2022

Bank of Japan stuns markets with yield control policy change

Kana Inagaki and Leo Lewis in Tokyo

FT December 21, 2022

The yen is the least of corporate Japan’s worries

Leo Lewis



NYT Dec. 17, 2022

Iran Uses Rape to Enforce Women’s Modesty

By Nicholas Kristof



NYT Dec. 18, 2022

The U.S. Needs to Change the Way It Does Business With China

By Robert E. Lighthizer

FP DECEMBER 20, 2022

Europe’s Great Catch-Up on China

By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy, and Rishi Iyengar, a reporter at Foreign Policy.

FT December 21, 2022

The long, long reach of the UK’s national security laws

Helen Thomas

FP DECEMBER 21, 2022

Forced Uyghur Labor Probably Helped Build Your Car

By Cullen Hendrix, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

FT December 23, 2022

America should be wary of singling out TikTok

Gillian Tett

PS Dec 22, 2022

Sleepwalking Into a Global Trade War




FT December 20, 2022

Elon Musk’s excesses are a test for global regulators

Stephen Bush

FT December 22, 2022

Wanted: a CEO for Twitter

FP DECEMBER 21, 2022

The Messenger

By Rishi Iyengar, a reporter at Foreign Policy.

FT December 23, 2022

What Elon Musk could be looking for in a Twitter CEO

Richard Waters



PS Dec 19, 2022

Free Hong Kong's Fiercest Defender


FT December 20, 2022

Hong Kong and mainland China to expand Stock Connect scheme

Cheng Leng in Hong Kong

PS Dec 20, 2022

China's Exchange-Rate Challenge




FP DECEMBER 19, 2022

Taiwanese Flock to Civil Defense Training Ahead of Potential Chinese Invasion

By Margaret Simons, a principal honorary fellow at the Centre for Advancing Journalism at the University of Melbourne.



FT December 21, 2022

Glimmers of light in a terrible year

Martin Wolf

PS Dec 16, 2022

New Year, New Congress, New Economic Risks


NYT Dec. 20, 2022

What 1940 Can Teach Us About 2022

By Bret Stephens

FP DECEMBER 21, 2022

Stephen Walt on How 2022 Changed the World

By Ravi Agrawal, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy.

FT December 22, 2022

Revenge of reality: how technology was discounted in 2022

John Thornhill



FT December 21, 2022

Grief tech’ avatars aim to take the sting out of death

Anjana Ahuja



FT December 21, 2022

Kindling the spirit of generosity

Alison Joyce

FT December 22, 2022

How England and Wales lost their religion

William Wallis in Lewes

NYT Dec. 21, 2022

The Americanization of Religion

By Ross Douthat



FP DECEMBER 21, 2022

Europe Is Learning to Live Without Russian Energy

By Emily Schultheis, a freelance journalist based in Berlin.


The Economist December 3rd 2022

China’s covid failure

Oil prices: Will the cap fit?

America’s Asian allies: When the chips are down

Protests in China: Echoes of the past

Arms control: The conundrum of three-way nuclear deterrence

Ukraine: Crimean War

Charlemagne: United States, Divided Europe

Bagehot: If you don’t like it, there’s the door

Energy sanctions: Crude weapon

Central-bank reserves: Vault face

(コメント) 2022年の終わりに、世界各地のバランスが崩れたかもしれない。



IPEの想像力 12/26/22



















