Art Book Project
I' ve taken a class which plans and takes place one project for two years.
I'm on the art book project team. Last year, my team held an event in AEON MALL KYOTO.
The event was named amusement park of art books.
Here is some pictures of it.
Flyer of the event
This is handed out in the AEON MALL KYOTO
and a kindergarten around Doshisha University.

The castle made by project members
These buildings are bookshelves filled with art books.
Merry-go-round made by project members.
Centeral pole with an umbrella is a bookshelf filled with art books
and ponies are stools which you can sit on.

A Ferris wheel made by project members including me.
You pick out book lists from a hole in the wheel.
You can play like the treasure hunt with the lists you get.

The desk shaped like a book.
You can read art books here and reply to the questionnaire "What art books do you like?"

The card a little boy gave me.
He may like Ultraman.