Alpacas are put to grass for shearing in humid plateau countries in the
Andes mountains, the South America. In the Andes area, alpacas and
people have lived together since the time of the Inca Empire. Today,
alpacas are reared in America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. And
also, since 1999, alpacas have lived in Japan.
Alpacas are coward and shy, while they have a great deal of curiousity.
I think they have two attractive points. The first one is the
misterious figure with soft and voluminous hair. The second one is the
face looking like smiling.
Art Paca
Do you know Art Paca? It is the art on the body of alpacas. There are contests to compete the design of art paca!!!
have to be sheared once a year for their health. Without
shearing, alpacas might not take the heat, because in summer the point
close to their skin is about 45 degree. What is worse, their
lives would be in danger. So to shear alpacas is a necessary event not
only for their thick hair but also their own health.
My episodeWhen I was 15 years old, I saw an alpaca in New Zealand for the first time. 